Millán, Fernando, 1944-
Found in 20 Collections and/or Records:
Abreojos. No.1/Apr / Pedro Castrortega, editor ; Millan F., 1993
This periodical consists of consecutive sections of several pages dealing with the contribution of a single artist or poet. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Ein schiff aus Wasser: Spanische Literatur von heute / Boso, Felipe, editor ; Bada, Ricardo, editor ; Castillejo JL ; Pino F ; Millan F ; Boso F ; Aberasturi JC ; Brossa J ; Rato MA., 1981
This is an antholgy of contemporary Spanish concrete and visual poetry translated into the German language. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Encuentro con la Poesia Experimental / Infantes, Victor, editor ; Grupo Texto Poetico ; DelBarco P ; Millan F ; Valles J ; Aguilar A ; Carbonero E ; Peignot J ; Junoy JM ; Aberasturi JC ; Bosso F ; Caceres JA ; Canals X ; Castillejo JL ; Cuende M ; Loriente E ; Gonzalo JM ; Pino F ; Segovia J ; Asins E ; Bouza A ; Campal J ; Fernadez-Palacios J ; Lanza-Escandon LE ; Lucia P ; Grupo Saenes ; Oceja JU., 1981
This book is also designated Coleccion Nueva Escritura, volume 9 & 10. This book concentrates on Spanish poets who composed pattern, shaped, concrete and visual poems. The left sided portion of this book focuses on the historic aspects of pattern poetry illustrated with several examples. The right sided portion deals with examples of contemporary concrete and visual poetry. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Espacio Poetico Experimental / Jose Sarmiento, curator ; Grupo Texto Poetico ; Ferrando B ; Rabascall J ; Millan F ; Calleja JM ; Gomez A ; Boso F ; Rossell B ; Pino F ; Ferrer E ; Sapere H ; Pinya J ; Canyelles J ; Sarmiento J ; Cerda J ; Perez D., 1981
E -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Este protervo zas 2nd edition / Millan, Fernando., 2004
The 1st edition was published in 1969 and is held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Este Protervo Zas / Millan, Fernando ; Huidobro V ; cummings ee ; Gomringer E., 1969
klankteksten ?konkrete poezie visuele teksten Exhibition: text 1. No.108 / Fernando Millan., 1970
This poster was hung in the most important exhibition of concrete poetry in its time. The numbering scheme used to classify the posters is based upon the pages of the exhibition catalogue with the same title. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
La Escritura en Libertad Antologia de Poesia Experimental 2nd Edition / Millan, Fernando ; Garcia-Sanchez, Jesus ; Aberasturi JC ; Accame V ; Amato O ; Arias-Misson A ; Azeredo R ; Belloli C ; Bense M ; Bentivoglio M ; Bergsson G ; Bertini G ; Beuys J ; Blaine J ; Boltanski C ; Bory JF ; Boso F ; Bremer C ; Brossa J ; Cabrera-Infante G ; Caceres JA ; Cage J ; Campal JL ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; Caruso L ; Carrega U ; DellaCasa G ; Castillejo JL ; Celaya G ; Chopin H ; Cirlot JE ; Cirne M ; Claus CF ; Clavin H ; Cobbing B ; Corazon A ; Daligand D ; Damen H ; Deisler G ; Dencker KP ; Dohl R ; Ehrenberg F ; Fahlstrom O ; Ferlinghetti L ; Finch P ; Fernbach-Flarscheim C ; Finlay IH ; Furnival J ; Gappmayr H ; Garcia-Sanchez J ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Garzon-Cespedes F ; Gerz J ; Gibbs M ; Ginsberg A ; Golkowski W ; Gomringer E ; Groh K ; Grunewald JL ; Heidsieck B ; Heissenbuttel H ; Hidalgo J ; Higgins D ; Hodell A ; Houedard DS ; Iglesias del Marquet J ; Indiana R ; Isou I ; Jacoby R ; Jandl E ; Johnson BE ; Joseph R ; Kaprow A ; Kitasono K ; Kolar J ; Kostelanetz R ; Kriwet F ; Kosuth J ; Ladik K ; Lappalainen K ; Lemaitre M ; Lora-Totino A ; McCarthy C ; Marcheschi L ; Marchetti W ; Marcucci L ; Marcus A ; Mayrocker F ; Melo E Castro EM ; Miccini E ; Miles C ; Millan F ; Moineau JC ; Mon F ; Morgan E ; Mustill N ; Nannucci M ; Niccolai G ; Niikuni S ; Novak L ; Oberto A ; Oberto M ; Ori L ; Padin C ; Partum E ; Pazarkaya Y ; Perfetti M ; Phillips MJ ; Pignatari D ; Pignotti L ; Porter B ; Riddell A ; Roche M ; Roussel A ; Ruhm G ; Russo V ; DeSa A ; Sarduy S ; Sarenco ; Schauffelen KB ; Sharkey JJ ; Shohachiro T ; Solt ME ; Spatola A ; Spatola M ; Stembera P ; Todorovic M ; Toshihiko S ; Ullan JM ; Ulrichs T ; Urban J ; Vaccari F ; Valoch J ; Vandrepote P ; Ben ; Verey C ; Vigo EA ; Viladot G ; Vostell W ; DeVree P ; DeVries H ; Williams E ; Zagoricnik F ; Ferro L ; Paz O ; Celaya G., 2005
This is a very extensive anthology of mainly works by concrete poets, some well known, others not. The accompanying images were captured from the book to provide examples from lesser known concrete poets. A photographic reproduction of Mon's [Untitled] decollage is depicted on page 201, held by the Sackner Archive. Purportedly a second edition of this book, it is actually a second printing of the first edition that is held by the Sackner Archive; it differs in the cover design. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
La Escritura en Libertad Antologia de Poesia Experimental / Millan, Fernando ; Garcia-Sanchez, Jesus ; Aberasturi JC ; Accame V ; Amato O ; Arias-Misson A ; Azeredo R ; Belloli C ; Bense M ; Bentivoglio M ; Bergsson G ; Bertini G ; Beuys J ; Blaine J ; Boltanski C ; Bory JF ; Boso F ; Bremer C ; Brossa J ; Cabrera-Infante G ; Caceres JA ; Cage J ; Campal JL ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; Caruso L ; Carrega U ; DellaCasa G ; Castillejo JL ; Celaya G ; Chopin H ; Cirlot JE ; Cirne M ; Claus CF ; Clavin H ; Cobbing B ; Corazon A ; Daligand D ; Damen H ; Deisler G ; Dencker KP ; Dohl R ; Ehrenberg F ; Fahlstrom O ; Ferlinghetti L ; Finch P ; Fernbach-Flarscheim C ; Finlay IH ; Furnival J ; Gappmayr H ; Garcia-Sanchez J ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Garzon-Cespedes F ; Gerz J ; Gibbs M ; Ginsberg A ; Golkowski W ; Gomringer E ; Groh K ; Grunewald JL ; Heidsieck B ; Heissenbuttel H ; Hidalgo J ; Higgins D ; Hodell A ; Houedard DS ; Iglesias del Marquet J ; Indiana R ; Isou I ; Jacoby R ; Jandl E ; Johnson BE ; Joseph R ; Kaprow A ; Kitasono K ; Kolar J ; Kostelanetz R ; Kriwet F ; Kosuth J ; Ladik K ; Lappalainen K ; Lemaitre M ; Lora-Totino A ; McCarthy C ; Marcheschi L ; Marchetti W ; Marcucci L ; Marcus A ; Mayrocker F ; Melo E Castro EM ; Miccini E ; Miles C ; Millan F ; Moineau JC ; Mon F ; Morgan E ; Mustill N ; Nannucci M ; Niccolai G ; Niikuni S ; Novak L ; Oberto A ; Oberto M ; Ori L ; Padin C ; Partum E ; Pazarkaya Y ; Perfetti M ; Phillips MJ ; Pignatari D ; Pignotti L ; Porter B ; Riddell A ; Roche M ; Roussel A ; Ruhm G ; Russo V ; DeSa A ; Sarduy S ; Sarenco ; Schauffelen KB ; Sharkey JJ ; Shohachiro T ; Solt ME ; Spatola A ; Spatola M ; Stembera P ; Todorovic M ; Toshihiko S ; Ullan JM ; Ulrichs T ; Urban J ; Vaccari F ; Valoch J ; Vandrepote P ; Ben ; Verey C ; Vigo EA ; Viladot G ; Vostell W ; DeVree P ; DeVries H ; Williams E ; Zagoricnik F ; Ferro L ; Paz O ; Celaya G., 1975
This is an extensive anthology of mainly works by concrete poets, some well known, others not. The accompanying images were captured from the book to provide examples from lesser known concrete poets. A photographic reproduction of Mon's [Untitled] decollage is depicted on page 201; the original Mon decollage is held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Metaphora. No.1/Win / Felipe Boso, Fernando Millan, editors ; Castillejo JL ; Pignatari D ; Boso F ; delCerro E ; Escribano M ; Barber L ; Codina R ; Palacios F ; Altmann R ; cummings ee ; Derrida J ; Heidsieck B ; Paz O ; Pound E ; Stein C ; Wittgenstein L ; Millan F ; Leiva J ; Berenguer JL., 1981
This issue includes a theoretical essay on writing by Jose Luis Castillejo, a long story as a single sentence by J. Leiva, and experimental music scores by Jose Bernenguer, Maria Escribano, Llorenc Barber, Ramon Codina, Fernando Palacios, and Emilano del Cerro. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Metaphora. No.2 / Felipe Boso, Fernando Millan, editors ; Altmann R ; cummings ee ; Derrida J ; Heidsieck B ; Paz O ; Pound E ; Stein C ; Wittgenstein L ; Millan F ; Leiva J ; Berenguer JL ; Barthes R ; Bense M ; Spatola A ; Morrow C ; Millan F ; Brau JL ; Brossa J ; Ferrando B., 1981
MIL| Ideogramas, emblemas y mitogramas: Antologia Poetica, 2001
Several page of this book reproduce published and unpublished concrete and visual poems. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Mitogramas (1968-1976) / Millan, Fernando., 1978
Mitogramas / Millan, Fernando., 1978
Progresion Negativa/2/1967 / Millan, Fernando., 1969
Prosae / Millan, Fernando., 1980
This is a collection of works using altered grainy photographs of nude women, comic strips, drawings, text, and the concept of "ejercicios para una escritura no pobre," or "exercises for non-poor writing." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.