Vitacchio, Alberto, 1942-
- Existence: 1942
Found in 61 Collections and/or Records:
Busta Sorpresa. No.25/Jan / Carla Bertola, editor ; Boschi A ; Savoi A ; Emmy E ; Strada G ; Lora-Totino A ; Ratti E ; Pennacchi W ; Bandini P ; Reichert B ; Basso U., 2006
Cairns: Di Profilo. No.4 / Alberto Vitacchio., 1992
Editerd by Carla Bertola. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Cairns: Path. No.3 / Alberto Vitacchio., 1992
Edited by Carla Bertola. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
C'est mon dada: edges. No.76/Dec / Alberto Vitacchio., 2012
C'est mon dada: Through. No.48/Oct / Alberto Vitacchio., 2010
Courier: An Anthology of Concrete and Visual Poetry, 1999
e e / Vitacchio, Alberto., 2005
[Fragmented Text and Image] / Vitacchio, Alberto., 2002
[Fragmented Text and Image] / Vitacchio, Alberto., 1998
Id / Vitacchio, Alberto., 2009
Libri da/Autore / Bertola C ; Vitacchio A., 1990
Exhibition curated by Carla Bertola. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Limited Artist Edition: Calendar 2005. No.8 / Anne Nomrowski, Dietmar Vollmer, editors ; Collins P ; Dammann M ; Vollmer D ; Eckart K ; Putz C ; Mulders M ; Herms M ; Bibbe AM ; Gold S ; Nomrowski A ; Hinterecker R ; Collins P ; Lurie G., 2002
A work for each month of the calendar was created by a different artist. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Offerta Speciale: Adesso Pasta!!. No.15/May / Carla Bertola, Alberto Vitacchio, editors ; Binga T ; Deisler G ; Radin B ; Nikonova R ; Bertola C ; Perfetti M ; Andryczuk H ; Gutierrez PJ ; Selby S ; Strada G ; Castellin P., 1995
This a the deluxe edition. The prints and collaged pages are also presented as printed material within the periodical. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Offerta Speciale: Bechamel. No.3/May / Carla Bertola, Alberto Vitacchio, editors ; Burgaud C ; Borghesi G ; Liuzzi O ; Nichol bp ; Villa E ; Minarelli E ; Padin C ; Perfetti M ; Arbizzani L ; Basmajian S ; Raphael D ; Maggi R ; Binga T ; Fontana G., 1989
This is the deluxe edition of the periodical. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Offerta Speciale: Biscotti. No.23/May / Carla Bertola, Alberto Vitacchio, editors ; Segay S ; Manfredi M ; Radin B ; Heidsieck B ; Bennett JM ; spence p ; Kostelanetz R ; Padin C ; Hatherly A ; lefler P ; Keith B ; Cobbing B ; Conti P ; Andolcetti F ; Burgaud C., 1999
This is the deluxe edition. The prints and collaged pages are also presented as printed material within the periodical. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Offerta Speciale: Bonarda!. No.17 / Carla Bertola, Alberto Vitacchio, editors ; lopes d ; Selby S ; deAraujo A ; Garnier P ; spence p ; Bertola C ; Manfredini F ; Melnikov W ; Gutierrez PJ ; Garnier P ; Bulatov D ; Pennacchi W ; Burgaud C ; Nikonova R., 1996
This is the deluxe edition. The prints and collaged pages are also presented as printed material within the periodical. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Offerta Speciale: Breakfast. No.4/Nov / Carla Bertola, Alberto Vitacchio, editors ; Corfou M ; Bertola C ; Burgaud C ; curry jw ; Maggi R ; Manfredini F ; Basmajian S ; Arbizzani L ; Deisler G ; Aguiar F., 1989
This is the deluxe edition of the periodical. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Offerta Speciale: Caffe?. No.24/Nov / Carla Bertola, Alberto Vitacchio, editors ; Lora-Totino A ; Rosso L ; Morandi E ; Burgaud C ; Nikonova R ; Bory JF ; Miccini E ; Bennett JM ; Blaine J ; Beining G ; Biro J ; Bertola C ; Niditch B ; Robinet A ; Bonazzi F ; Vitacchio A ; Fontana G ; Heidsieck B ; Blaine J ; Hubaut J ; Pey S ; Castellin P ; Donguy J ; Hanson S ; Papp T ; Zurbrugg N ; Lebel JJ ; Janicot F., 1999
This is the deluxe edition. The prints and collaged pages are also presented as printed material within the periodical. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Offerta Speciale: Churrasco. No.22/Nov / Carla Bertola, Alberto Vitacchio, editors ; Segay S ; Pignotti L ; Melnikov W ; Miccini E ; Lora-Totino A ; Bulatov D ; Manfredi M ; Higgins D ; Bertola C ; Bory JF ; Borghesi G ; Maggi R ; Selby S ; Radin B ; Strada G ; Keith B ; Biro J ; Vitone R ; Bulatov D ; Manfredini F., 1998
This is the deluxe edition. The prints and collaged pages are also presented as printed material within the periodical. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.