Committee on Human Rights
- Existence: 1886-1976
In January 1963, President Virgil Hancher established the University Committee on Human Rights to implement the newly-adopted University Policy on Human Rights set forth in the Code of Student Life. The policy and committee were established in part as a response to the problem of off-campus housing discrimination against students on account of race. Multi-faceted in its functions, the committee in its first year included six subcommittees: consumer service, employment, education, public affairs, housing, and legal procedures. Members of the full committee during the 1963-1964 academic term included Sara Brogan, Edward Bennett, Michael Carver, Philip Hubbard, Donald Johnson, William Nusser, and chairman Willard Boyd. Throughout its existence, the Committee has formulated or influenced the University's official policies with respect to discrimination and equal opportunity. In 1972, with the establishment of the Office of Affirmative Action, the function of receiving, hearing and resolving complaints of discrimination was gradually transferred from the Committee to the OAA. As a Charter Committee of the University, the Human Rights Committee reports directly to the Office of the President. Its administrative officers during the 2002-2003 academic term consisted of the Director of Student Services, the General Counsel, and the Director of the Office of Affirmative Action.