Bennett, John M., 1942-
- Existence: 1942 October 12
Parallel Names
- Bennet, J.M.
Found in 65 Collections and/or Records:
12 Colorborations / Bennett, John M. ; Ernst, Kathy ; Grumman, Bob ; Helmes, Scott., 2004
Bob Grumman contributed an introductory essay "Instigator Grumman's Introductions." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Lost World, 2010
McMurtagh resides in San Diego, California; presumably this collaboration took place through the mail. Although the pages are photocopied, the composition was made with a combination of ink jet printing and rubberstamping. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Abraxas. No.44-45 / Ingrid Swanberg, Warren Woessner, editors ; Kryss TL ; Swanberg I ; levy da ; Salamon R ; Taylor K ; Horvath A ; Young K ; Wagner Dr ; Woessner W ; Silliman R ; Mallarme S., 2006
This issue prints two unpublished poems by da levy with documentation and a critique by Ingrid Swanberg. TL Kryss drew the cover design and also contributed two poems about da levy. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
American Avant Garde, An: First Wave / John M. Bennett, curator ; Burroughs WS ; Kostelanetz R ; Jackson R ; Gysin B ; Altmann R ; Ginsberg A ; Higgins D ; Nettelbeck FA ; Porter B ; Bockris V ; Chopin H ; Mottram E ; Weissner C ; Pelieu C ; Wilson SC ; Phillips T ; Giorno J ; P-orridge G., 2001
This exhibition was curated by John M. Bennett who organized the event and edited the catalogue. The exhibition featured the work of William S. Burroughs with most of the material lent by Robert Jackson, a Cleveland book collector. The story of the purchase of the Burroughs material by Robert Jackson from Roberto Altmann is told in the catalogue. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
American Avant Garde, An: Second Wave / John M. Bennett, curator ; Leftwich J ; Ford CH ; Isou I ; Burroughs WS ; Chopin H ; MacLow J ; Porter B ; Weiss I ; Higgins D ; Helmes S ; Sackner RK ; Sackner MA ; LaCook L ; MacLeod S ; Martin H ; Cole D ; Rosenberg MR ; Crozier R ; Huttinger P ; Danon B ; Kostelanetz R ; Blaine J ; Hompson DD ; Strangulensis F ; Bulatov D ; And M ; Was E ; Tomoyasu L ; Wood R ; Murphy S ; Ackerman A ; Bertola C ; Clinefelter J ; Altemus R ; Taylor T ; Basinski M ; Vollmann W ; Magazinnik M ; Huth G ; Lipman J ; Perlman J ; Coolidge C ; Waldrop K ; Selby S ; Grumman B ; Ganick P ; Ferri G ; Hill C ; Hartman A ; Byrum J ; Arguelles I ; Nettelbeck FA ; Raphael D ; Heman B ; Perchik S ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Luis CM ; levy da ; Beining G ; Evason G ; Berry J ; Paz O ; Ernst KS., 2002
This catalogue was presented at the conference and exhibition sponsored by OSU Rare Books and Manuscripts Library. The exhibition was curated by John M Bennett who organized the event, edited the catalogue and conducted the presentations. Marvin Sackner was the keynote speaker for the conference and presented a powerpoint talk, "A Survey of the Sackner Archive." Geoffrey D. Smith, Director of Rare Books, wrote an inciteful essay, "Collecting the New." John M. Bennett contributed "The Blank Generation: An American Avant Garde." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Anthologie de la Poesie Visuelle en Amerique du Nord / Suel, Lucien ; Bennett JM ; Berry J ; curry jw ; DiMichele B ; Essary L ; Evason G ; Hill C ; Huth G ; Brannen J ; Kempton K ; Kettner M ; Kettner J ; lore q ; Miskowski M ; Winkler C ; Polkinhorn H ; Mercer T ; Winter-Damon t., 1990
This anthology consists of a selection of visual and concrete poems with emphasis on typewriter poetic images. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Anthology Meaning Meanings, 1989
This booklet was written for a workshop in a grade school class and is a second edition of the book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Artists' Books, Audio, Graphics, Multiples, Publications & Video / Volatile ; Antin E ; Bennett JM ; Higgins D ; Johnson R ; Ono Y ; Osborn K ; Porter B ; Rosenthal R ; Roth D ; Smith EK ; Sprinkle A ; Cage J., 1992
Avant Writing Symposium 2010, The / Bennett JM., 2010
As announced in the program of the event, Marvin Sackner delivered the keynote address at the opening of the symposium that was entitled, "Erotica, Pornography and Obscenity in Contemporary Concrete and Visual Poetry, and, Visual Verbal Imagery." The conference was organized by John M Bennett. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Balam Malab, 2010
This folded broadside was printed by Tyson Sutherland on a Vandercook Universal I letterpress at The Ohio State University Libraries' Book Arts Laboratory in April 2010. Text and design by John M. Bennett. The letterforms are assorted wood types; the paper is Arches Cover. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Beyond the Range of Standard Selected Works, 1994
Also designated two-bitter #56. Comprises an anthology dealing with poetic works written by lefler from 1974-1994. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Bienal Internacional de Poesia Visual y Alternativa en Mexico: 1987-1988, Segunda / Polkinhorn H ; Accame V ; Bory JF ; Garnier P ; Bennett JM ; Higgins D ; Winkler C ; Bogdanovic N ; Hill C ; Murphy P ; Miskowski M ; Ernst K ; Hicks E., 1988
Includes essays by Cesar Espinosa and Emily Hicks, and statements by Vincenzo Accame, Pierre Garnier and Max Bense. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.