Finlay, Ian Hamilton, 1925-2006
- Existence: 1925 October 28 - 2006 March 27
Found in 128 Collections and/or Records:
3 Texts / Finlay, Ian Hamilton ; Raw, Stephan., 1989
The proper title for this work might be "Texts for a Paved Area Adjacent To A Barn" - which is exactly with what this attractively designed booklet is about. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Country Lane with Stiles / Finlay, Ian Hamilton ; Clark, Laurie., 1988
Cover designed by Laurie Clark. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Dryad Discovered / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Jones, Grahame., 1983
The poem is a metaphor for Finlay's dispute with the Strathclyde region tax collectors on a background of camouflage coloring or cloudy dark sky (?). -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Poke in the I: A Collection of Concrete Poems / Janeczko, Paul B., editor ; Raschka, Chris ; Morgan E ; Johnson R ; Hollander J ; Williams E ; Saroyan A ; Solt ME ; Finlay IH ; Dohl R ; Froman R ; Chasin H ; Thibaudeau C ; Graham J., 2001
Janeczko selected the concrete poems in books published by established concrete poets. Chris Raschka illustrated the poems with semirealistic and surrealistic comic-like characters to create picture poems. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Pretty Kettle of Fish / Finlay, Ian Hamilton ; Tammes, Diane., 1974
A Sailor's Calendar / Finlay, Ian Hamilton ; Huntley, Gordon., 1971
A Very Particular Hill / Turnbull, Gael ; Finlay IH., 1963
This is the fourth publication of Finlay's press. Linocuts, consisting of abstract images, scattered throughout the book adjacent to the poems were done by Alexander McNeish. The themes of the poems mainly relate to Turnbull's travels in Canada and America. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Agentzia 2: numero exposition / Gerz, Jochen, editor ; Bory, Jean-Francois, editor ; Harris DW ; Hall OBS ; Finlay IH ; Gerz J ; Furnival J ; Clay M ; Houedard DS ; Garnier P ; Nutbeem A ; Bory JF ; Bremer C ; Arias-Misson A ; Vigo EA ; Mayer HJ ; Niikuni S ; Spatola A ; DellaCasa G ; Blaine J ; Ulrichs T ; Nichol bp ; Carrega U ; Vicinelli P ; Shohachiro T ; Cinicolo-3 D ; Bevan A ; Blaine J., 1970
Note that "Tonto or" No.7 pamphlet that was included in this collection is stored in a portfolio box with other issues of "Tonto or." This collection also includes two Standing Poems by Ian Hamilton Finlay and Opening Numbers 2 & 4 edited by John Furnival. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Aircraft Carrier: Albion / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Oliver, George., 1972
Aircraft Carrier: Eagle / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Oliver, George., 1972
Aircraft Carrier: Karl Doorman [albion background] / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Oliver, George., 1972
This is a photograph taken by George Oliver of an aircraft carrier sculpture fountain in the foreground [entitled Karl Doorman] with the Albion sculpture in the background in Finlay's garden at Stonypath. The number of copies of this photograph are unknown but probably only a handful. Wikipedia: Karel Willem Frederik Marie Doorman (April 23, 1889 "“ February 28, 1942) was a Dutch Rear Admiral who commanded ABDACOM Naval forces, a hastily-organized multinational naval force formed to defend the East Indies against an overwhelming Imperial Japanese attack. Doorman was killed and the main body of ABDACOM Naval forces destroyed during the Battle of the Java Sea. Between 1946 and 2006 the Royal Dutch Navy named three vessels after Karel Doorman, including a former British Colossus class aircraft carrier, the largest ship the Navy ever commissioned. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Aircraft Carrier: Karl Doorman [close-up] / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Oliver, George., 1972
This is a close-up photograph taken by George Oliver of the aircraft carrier sculpture fountain [entitled Karl Doorman]in the background in Finlay's garden at Stonypath. The number of copies of this photograph are unknown but probably only a handful. Wikipedia: Karel Willem Frederik Marie Doorman (April 23, 1889 "“ February 28, 1942) was a Dutch Rear Admiral who commanded ABDACOM Naval forces, a hastily-organized multinational naval force formed to defend the East Indies against an overwhelming Imperial Japanese attack. Doorman was killed and the main body of ABDACOM Naval forces destroyed during the Battle of the Java Sea. Between 1946 and 2006 the Royal Dutch Navy named three vessels after Karel Doorman, including a former British Colossus class aircraft carrier, the largest ship the Navy ever commissioned. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Aircraft Carrier: Karl Doorman / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Oliver, George., 1972
This is a photograph taken by George Oliver of an aircraft carrier sculpture in the backgound [entitled albion] and another of an aircraft carrier sculpture fountain in the foreground [entitled Karl Doorman] in Finlay's garden at Stonypath. The number of copies of this photograph are unknown but probably only a handful. Wikipedia: Karel Willem Frederik Marie Doorman (April 23, 1889 "“ February 28, 1942) was a Dutch Rear Admiral who commanded ABDACOM Naval forces, a hastily-organized multinational naval force formed to defend the East Indies against an overwhelming Imperial Japanese attack. Doorman was killed and the main body of ABDACOM Naval forces destroyed during the Battle of the Java Sea. Between 1946 and 2006 the Royal Dutch Navy named three vessels after Karel Doorman, including a former British Colossus class aircraft carrier, the largest ship the Navy ever commissioned. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Aircraft Carrier: Karl Doorman [people background] / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Oliver, George., 1972
This is a photograph taken by George Oliver of an aircraft carrier sculpture fountain in the foreground [entitled Karl Doorman] with people in the background in Finlay's garden at Stonypath. The number of copies of this photograph are unknown but probably only a handful. Wikipedia: Karel Willem Frederik Marie Doorman (April 23, 1889 "“ February 28, 1942) was a Dutch Rear Admiral who commanded ABDACOM Naval forces, a hastily-organized multinational naval force formed to defend the East Indies against an overwhelming Imperial Japanese attack. Doorman was killed and the main body of ABDACOM Naval forces destroyed during the Battle of the Java Sea. Between 1946 and 2006 the Royal Dutch Navy named three vessels after Karel Doorman, including a former British Colossus class aircraft carrier, the largest ship the Navy ever commissioned. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Airplanes for Torso Aircraft Carrier] / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1973
Drawings are silhouettes of fighter aircraft viewed from above. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Allotments / Finlay, Ian Hamilton ; Gardner, Ian ; Cutts S ; Mills S., 1970
Gardner iIlustrates eight brief poems by Ian Hamilton Finlay (3), Stuart Mills (2), and Simon Cutts (3) with abstract colored designs on facing pages. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Archive for Carrier Strike! & Poem with 3 Stripes / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Heideken, Carl., 1976
According to documents in the Archive of this project, Finlay negotiated with Kenward Elmslie for its publication and it was included in an anthology he edited, ZZZZZZ, 1977. The images consist of toy airplanes on an ironing board to simulated an air craft carrie A toy iron served as an icon for an enemy crusier. The photographs give the viewer an impression that the airplanes are flying but this is an illusion accomplished with the photography by Carl Heideken. The printed pages are tear sheets. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Archive for Panzer Leader: Bronze Tortoise for Battersea / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Grasby, Richard., 1977
Archive for Panzer Leader / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Grasby, Richard., 1976
The drawings were preparatory for a garden sculpture in Stonypath as documented in the photograph. One drawing depicts the Panzer Leader, a turtle with the title inscribed on its shell, head on, and the other, two drawings with top and side projections -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.