Finlay, Ian Hamilton, 1925-2006
- Existence: 1925 October 28 - 2006 March 27
Found in 1987 Collections and/or Records:
Archive for Snap 70 Card Game / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1974
Archive for Snow/Bark and Snow/Bark Bench / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Thomson, George L.; Allan, Maxwell., 1976
Exhibited at Serpentine Gallery, London. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Archive for Snowdrop Booklet / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Clark, Thomas A.., 1974
Archive for So You Want To Be A Panzer Leader / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Clark, Thomas A.; Clark, Laurie., 1974
Archive for Standing Poem 2 (Apple/Heart) First and Second Versions / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1965
The maquettes are for the first and second versions of the poem; the first is smaller and executed in the maquette with red colored collage additions while the second is larger and executed in black colored collaged additions with blue printed type. Both final versions of these cards which retain the color schema of the maquettes are held by the Sackner Archive. One collaged and another printed card of blue and grey hearts is not cited in Finlay bibliographies and apparently was a discarded idea. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Archive for Stonypath Gallery Coloured Windows / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1974
Archive for Stonypath Garden & Gallery Series Cards / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1975
Archive for Strawberry Work / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Harvey, Micheal., 1975
Archive for Student Refectory Installation / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Lyle, Peter., 1972 - 1973
The drawings consist of architectural sketches for a Student Refectory that was unrealized by the Wild Hawthorn Press. One of the Lyle letters also includes an ink sketch for "Sea Stones" also an unrealozed project. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Archive for Stuttgart Max Planck Project / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Costley, Ron., 1972 - 1978
Archive for Sundial Maggie Gibb / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1974
Alistair mentioned in Finlay's letter is a Scottish scnolar engaged in the contruction industry who is Maggie Gibb's husband. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Archive for Sundials and Sermons / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1973
In Sep 1973, Finlay writes to Coburn Britton, editor of Prose Magazine in NYC, with suggestions for submitting a piece involving captioned sundials and an adaptation from 17th century sermons. In Nov 1973, Britton replies that such a work is not suitable for his magazine. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Archive for Tank Card / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; DeMarco, Richard., 1973
Archive for Tanks Print - A Panzer Selection / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1974
Archive for Tea-Bag Mine / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Cherry, Norman., 1973
Finlay proposes a collaboration with a Kelso jewelry maker, Norman Cherry, for a tea-mine. Finlay imagines a small metal object which should resemble a round metal object with protruding horns. this will unscrew into 2 parts so that tea can be put int it. It will then be posible to dangle it at th end of a chain to make tea. He encloses a diagram of a mine frm a naval book on mines to illustrate his point (diagram not in Archive). Since Cherry did not reply, this project was probably unrealized. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Archive for Tea Kettle Drum / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Harding, David., 1975
Archive for Tea Kettle Drum / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Thomson, George L.., 1975
Archive for Terence Mullaly Correspondence / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1977
Terence Mullaby was the art critic for The Daily Telegraph, a newspaper in London. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.