Olbrich, Jürgen O., 1955-
- Existence: 1955 November 25
Parallel Names
- Olbrich, Jurgen, 1955-
Found in 487 Collections and/or Records:
Data File: Pain and Pleasure. No.16 / Richard Meade, editor ; Stake C ; Hill C ; Maggi R ; Groh K ; Olbrich JO ; Creative Thing ; Monro N ; McLean D., 1987
Data / Jurgen O. Olbrich; Richard A. Meade., 1985
The sides of the four small boxes depict head shots of Meade and Olbrich. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Data / Jurgen O. Olbrich; Richard A. Meade., 1985
The sides of the four small boxes depict head shots of Meade and Olbrich. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Denken: Ja ; Zeitschrift for Tiegel & Tumult / Olbrich JO. ; Hainke W ; Stake C ; Jappe G ; Williams E ; Heidsieck B ; Arts A ; Noel A ; Monro N ; Baroni V ; Schnyder A ; Olbrich JO ; Perneczky G ; Luh W., 1990
Der Hybride Garten 1 & 2, 2000
This assembling on the theme of the garden was published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Galerie am Kreuzberg with the same artists who exhibited. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Der Mittwochsclub / Wednesday Club, The ; Olbrich JO ; Richter C ; Roth M ; Voiges B., 2007
The Wednesday Club consists of several artists, four of whom collaborated in producing this book. It has been made with an appropriated old, handwritten accounting ledger. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Dezember 13] / Olbrich, Jurgen O.., 1991
Die gebratene Flunder / Scheerbart, Paul, editor ; Riha K ; Olbrich JO ; Schmidt U ; Wolf R ; Stowitsch A ; Jandl E ; Hainke W ; Harig L ; Weber FJ., 1986
[Die Staatshistorie der Welt] / Olbrich, Jurgen O.., 1991
Dies ware nie gedruckt worden, 1998
The cover of this booklet reproduces a postcard with statements by Jurgen Olbrich and Achim Schnyder. A slip consisting of the colophon has a written designation "flu last 69...3" and is rubberstamped cesar figueiredo. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Direct / Gunther Ruch, curator ; Jurgen O. Olbrich ; Laszlo JN ; Macintosh D ; Olbrich JO ; Ruch G ; Tietz W., 1995
The contents of the box document a performance, exhibition, and workshop held at the gallery which was done by Gunther Ruch and the Nomads. The cover is collaged with an actual rubberstamp. The braille heart-shaped print is unsigned. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Direct / Laszlo JN ; McIntosh DD ; Olbrich JO ; Ruch G ; Tietz W ; Johnson R ; Maggi R., 1995
This exhibition consisted of performances by the Nomads (listed as contributors) and an exhibition of artist stamps. Several of the latter are photographically reproduced in this catalogue. The Sackner Archive also holds the deluxe limited edition (50 copies) of this catalogue. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Disney's Pocahontas] / Klassen, Norbert ; Olbrich, Jurgen O.., 1998
Dokumente/Documenta / Olbrich, Jurgen O.., 1982
[Don't Be a Zombie] / Klassen, Norbert; Olbrich, Jurgen O.., 1999
The cloth patch was taken from a Pink Floyd concert. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Door Nederlandse Ogen - Through Dutch Eyes / Klassen, Norbert; Olbrich, Jurgen O.; Schnyder, Achim., 1993
Door Nederlandse Ogen - Through Dutch Eyes / Klassen, Norbert; Olbrich, Jurgen O.; Schnyder, Achim., 1993
Door Nederlandse Ogen - Through Dutch Eyes / Klassen, Norbert; Olbrich, Jurgen O.; Schnyder, Achim., 1993
The Sackner Archive also holds two signed copies of this colored photograph that depictsthe three artists. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Double Bag / Jurgen O. Olbrich., 2008
Double Bag / Jurgen O. Olbrich., 2008
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Visual art 100
- Found poetry 80
- Correspondence art 77
- Visual poetry 55
- Assembling 53
- Neo-Dada 51
- Xerox art 50
- Visual/verbal 48
- Artist book (limited edition) 43
- Documentation 41
- Artist book 34
- Conceptual art 23
- Critical text 20
- Fragmented text 18
- Performance poetry 18
- Stamp art 16
- Concrete poetry 10
- Text over text 10
- Calligraphic text 9
- Language art 9
- Abstract markings 8
- Aphorism 6
- Conceptual text 6
- Conventional poetry 6
- Fluxus 6
- Letter picture 5
- Political poetry 5
- Cancelled text 4
- Picture poetry 4
- Diagram 3
- Mathematical poetry 3
- Pre-Mallarme work 3
- Artist book (citation) 2
- Book review 2
- Constructivism 2
- Conventional fiction 2
- Exhibition review 2
- Fax art 2
- Optical image 2
- Repetitious text 2
- Shaped poetry 2
- Sound poetry 2
- Worded photograph 2
- Xerox book 2
- Appropriation 1
- Artist book (mass produced) 1
- Artist magazine 1
- Audiovisual text 1
- Calligraphic markings 1
- Children's book 1
- Collaboration 1
- Comic strip art 1
- Constellation 1
- Conventional non-fiction 1
- Experimental typography 1
- Exquisite corpse 1
- Film 1
- Flip pages 1
- Game 1
- Graphic design 1
- Illustrated book 1
- Map 1
- Music score 1
- Musical notation 1
- Negative/positive typography 1
- Political text 1
- Pop art 1
- Typewriter poetry 1
- Video poetry 1 + ∧ less