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Kostelanetz, Richard, 1940-



  • Existence: 1940 May 14



Found in 13 Collections and/or Records:

Dictionary of the Avant Gardes, 1993

Identifier: CC-42712-44731
Scope and Contents This is the first edition of the book. Lost Books synopsis: Who invented the miniskirt? What avant-garde artist made a film of 200 human behinds? Why is a themepark a work of art? Who turned a urinal upside down, mounted it to a board, and submitted it to an art exhibit, signed "R. Mutt"?Our era is one of nearly constant innovation and change. The new is constantly pushing aside the old; and the once unimaginable-even the once ridiculed-is now commonplace. A Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes recognizes that change is a driving force in all the arts. It covers major trends in music, dance, theater, film, visual art, sculpture, and performance art--as well as architecture, science, and culture. Entries are divided between important individuals and trends and movements. Each entry includes a complete bibliography, discography, and videography; works list; and appropriate web links. The book is richly illustrated with original art works and an 8-page color insert. For anyone with an...
Dates: 1993

Dictionary of the Avant Gardes 2nd Edition / Kostelanetz, Richard, editor ; Abish W ; Acconci V ; Acker K ; Adorno T ; Albert-Birot P ; Allen R ; Amirkhanian C ; And M ; Anderson B ; Andre C ; Anderson L ; Antin D ; Antin E ; Apollinaire G ; Arakawa ; Arias-Misson A ; Armstrong SG ; Arp J ; Artaud A ; Ashbery J ; Asher M ; Baader J ; Ball H ; Barron S ; Barth J ; Basinski M ; Beckett S ; Beining G ; Bennett JM ; Bernstein C ; Berry J ; Beuys J ; Biederman C ; Bill M ; bissett b ; Bayard C ; Blake W ; Lewis WP ; Bory JF ; Borges J ; Brannen J ; Brecht G ; Breton A ; Brown B ; Burke K ; Burroughs WS ; Butor M ; Byrum J ; Cage J ; Cantsin M ; Cardew C ; Carroll L ; Castillejo JL ; Celender D ; Cendrars B ; Chicherin A ; Chopin H ; Cobbing B ; deCointet G ; Colombo JR ; Sackner RK ; Sackner MA ; Coolidge C ; Cornell J ; Corrigan D ; Cross D ; Crumb R ; cummings ee ; Cunningham M ; Davis S ; Dencker KP ; Depero F ; Depew W ; Derrida J ; Doria C ; Dubuffet J ; Duchamp M ; Dudek L ; Dufrene F ; Bayard C ; Duguay R ; Eluard P ; Eno B ; Ernst M ; Exter A ; Fahlstrom O ; Federman R ; Feldman M ; Finch P ; Finlay IH ; Finlay K ; Joyce J ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Ford CH ; Four Horsemen ; Frank P ; Fuller B ; Furnival J ; Gaburo K ; Gerz J ; Gilbert & George ; Gillespie AL ; Gins M ; Ginsberg A ; Giorno J ; Golyscheff J ; Gomringer E ; Gorman L ; Grogerova B ; Grumman B ; Gysin B ; Haack H ; Hanson S ; Hausmann R ; Heartfeld J ; Heidsieck B ; Heissenbuttel H ; Helmes S ; Helms H ; Higgins D ; Hill C ; Holzer J ; Houedard DS ; Huelsenbeck R ; Huth G ; Iliazd ; Indiana R ; Janco M ; Jarry A ; Johns J ; Johnson BS ; Johnson BE ; Johnson T ; Kac E ; Kaprow A ; Kasper M ; Kawara O ; Keith B ; Kempton K ; Kern WB ; Kerouac J ; Kharms D ; Khlebnikov V ; Kirby M ; Klein Y ; Klucis G ; Knowles A ; Kolar J ; Komar & Melamid ; Konstriktor B ; Kostelanetz R ; Kosuth J ; Kriwet F ; Kruchenykh A ; Kruger B ; Kuzminsky K ; LaBarbara J ; Laffoley P ; Lax R ; Lear E ; Leftwich J ; Leftwich J ; Leger F ; Lehrer W ; Isou I ; levy da ; LeWitt S ; Lichtenstein R ; Lissitzky E ; Long R ; MacLow J ; MacDiarmid H ; Maciunas G ; Malevich K ; Mallarme S ; Ray M ; Manzoni P ; Marinetti FT ; Martin SP ; Mathews H ; Matta-Clark G ; Mayakovsky V ; Mayer P ; McCaffery S ; McLuhan M ; Merton T ; Michals D ; Michaux H ; Miller H ; Netzkowa E ; Mohr M ; Mon F ; Morgan E ; Morgenstern C ; Myers Gjr ; Nabokov V ; Nagy P ; Nauman B ; Nichol bp ; Niditch B ; Nikonova R ; Segay S ; Ockerse T ; Oldenburg C ; Oliveros P ; Ono Y ; LeLionnais F ; Padin C ; Queneau R ; Paik NJ ; Papp T ; Paolozzi E ; Patchen K ; Perec G ; Rice-Pereira I ; Pessoa F ; Phillips MJ ; Phillips T ; Picabia F ; Picasso P ; Pietri P ; Porter B ; Taylor M ; Pound E ; Pritchard NH-II ; Pynchon T ; Rauschenberg R ; Reinhardt A ; Rexroth K ; Ribemont-Dessaignes G ; Rimbaud A ; Robson E ; Roche J ; Rodchenko A ; Rosenberg J ; Rosenberg MR ; Roth D ; Rothenberg J ; Roussel R ; Ruscha E ; Russolo L ; Ruutsalo E ; Samaras L ; Sanders E ; Saporta M ; Saroyan A ; Satie E ; Schafer RM ; Schauffelen KB ; Schmidt A ; Schneemann C ; Schwitters K ; Serner W ; Seuphor M ; Solt ME ; Sondheim A ; Stein G ; Stetser C ; Stockhausen K ; Strzeminski W ; Tarnman I ; Tati J ; Tatlin V ; Themerson S ; Thomas D ; Thomson V ; Tinguely J ; Tobey M ; Truck F ; Tzara T ; Ulrichs T ; VanDoesburg T ; VanOstaijen P ; Vassilakis N ; Vieira J ; Villa JG ; Warhol A ; Webern A ; Weiss I ; Wickham-Smith S ; Williams J ; Williams E ; Noel A ; Wiloch T ; Wilson R ; Young K ; Young L ; Zelevansky P ; Zukofsky L., 2000

Identifier: CC-35397-37132
Scope and Contents

The Sackner Archive is cited as a reference in the bibliography of concrete poetry on page 132 and visual poetry on page 648. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2000

Foreshortenings and Other Stories / Kostelanetz, Richard., 1978

Identifier: CC-37079-38920
Scope and Contents

This book, that is also designated Tuumba No.14, was printed by Lyn Hejinian. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1978

Foreshortenings And Other Stories / Kostelanetz, Richard., 1978

Identifier: CC-01213-1244
Scope and Contents

This book, that is also designated Tuumba No.14, was printed by Lyn Hejinian. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1978

No.155: Literature / Asphodel Book Shop ; Kostelanetz R ; levy da ; Johnson R ; Sanders E ; Schmidt A., 1993

Identifier: CC-26555-27024
Scope and Contents

Lowell mentions Larry Walrich's (the bookseller) death in this catalogue. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1993

Recyclings: A Literary Autobiography Volume One 1959-67, 1974

Identifier: CC-52022-73124
Scope and Contents

This book is also included in Bagazine No.4 -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1974