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Kostelanetz, Richard, 1940-



  • Existence: 1940 May 14



Found in 7 Collections and/or Records:

Dictionary of the Avant Gardes, 1993

Identifier: CC-42712-44731
Scope and Contents This is the first edition of the book. Lost Books synopsis: Who invented the miniskirt? What avant-garde artist made a film of 200 human behinds? Why is a themepark a work of art? Who turned a urinal upside down, mounted it to a board, and submitted it to an art exhibit, signed "R. Mutt"?Our era is one of nearly constant innovation and change. The new is constantly pushing aside the old; and the once unimaginable-even the once ridiculed-is now commonplace. A Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes recognizes that change is a driving force in all the arts. It covers major trends in music, dance, theater, film, visual art, sculpture, and performance art--as well as architecture, science, and culture. Entries are divided between important individuals and trends and movements. Each entry includes a complete bibliography, discography, and videography; works list; and appropriate web links. The book is richly illustrated with original art works and an 8-page color insert. For anyone with an...
Dates: 1993

Dictionary of the Avant Gardes 2nd Edition / Kostelanetz, Richard, editor ; Abish W ; Acconci V ; Acker K ; Adorno T ; Albert-Birot P ; Allen R ; Amirkhanian C ; And M ; Anderson B ; Andre C ; Anderson L ; Antin D ; Antin E ; Apollinaire G ; Arakawa ; Arias-Misson A ; Armstrong SG ; Arp J ; Artaud A ; Ashbery J ; Asher M ; Baader J ; Ball H ; Barron S ; Barth J ; Basinski M ; Beckett S ; Beining G ; Bennett JM ; Bernstein C ; Berry J ; Beuys J ; Biederman C ; Bill M ; bissett b ; Bayard C ; Blake W ; Lewis WP ; Bory JF ; Borges J ; Brannen J ; Brecht G ; Breton A ; Brown B ; Burke K ; Burroughs WS ; Butor M ; Byrum J ; Cage J ; Cantsin M ; Cardew C ; Carroll L ; Castillejo JL ; Celender D ; Cendrars B ; Chicherin A ; Chopin H ; Cobbing B ; deCointet G ; Colombo JR ; Sackner RK ; Sackner MA ; Coolidge C ; Cornell J ; Corrigan D ; Cross D ; Crumb R ; cummings ee ; Cunningham M ; Davis S ; Dencker KP ; Depero F ; Depew W ; Derrida J ; Doria C ; Dubuffet J ; Duchamp M ; Dudek L ; Dufrene F ; Bayard C ; Duguay R ; Eluard P ; Eno B ; Ernst M ; Exter A ; Fahlstrom O ; Federman R ; Feldman M ; Finch P ; Finlay IH ; Finlay K ; Joyce J ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Ford CH ; Four Horsemen ; Frank P ; Fuller B ; Furnival J ; Gaburo K ; Gerz J ; Gilbert & George ; Gillespie AL ; Gins M ; Ginsberg A ; Giorno J ; Golyscheff J ; Gomringer E ; Gorman L ; Grogerova B ; Grumman B ; Gysin B ; Haack H ; Hanson S ; Hausmann R ; Heartfeld J ; Heidsieck B ; Heissenbuttel H ; Helmes S ; Helms H ; Higgins D ; Hill C ; Holzer J ; Houedard DS ; Huelsenbeck R ; Huth G ; Iliazd ; Indiana R ; Janco M ; Jarry A ; Johns J ; Johnson BS ; Johnson BE ; Johnson T ; Kac E ; Kaprow A ; Kasper M ; Kawara O ; Keith B ; Kempton K ; Kern WB ; Kerouac J ; Kharms D ; Khlebnikov V ; Kirby M ; Klein Y ; Klucis G ; Knowles A ; Kolar J ; Komar & Melamid ; Konstriktor B ; Kostelanetz R ; Kosuth J ; Kriwet F ; Kruchenykh A ; Kruger B ; Kuzminsky K ; LaBarbara J ; Laffoley P ; Lax R ; Lear E ; Leftwich J ; Leftwich J ; Leger F ; Lehrer W ; Isou I ; levy da ; LeWitt S ; Lichtenstein R ; Lissitzky E ; Long R ; MacLow J ; MacDiarmid H ; Maciunas G ; Malevich K ; Mallarme S ; Ray M ; Manzoni P ; Marinetti FT ; Martin SP ; Mathews H ; Matta-Clark G ; Mayakovsky V ; Mayer P ; McCaffery S ; McLuhan M ; Merton T ; Michals D ; Michaux H ; Miller H ; Netzkowa E ; Mohr M ; Mon F ; Morgan E ; Morgenstern C ; Myers Gjr ; Nabokov V ; Nagy P ; Nauman B ; Nichol bp ; Niditch B ; Nikonova R ; Segay S ; Ockerse T ; Oldenburg C ; Oliveros P ; Ono Y ; LeLionnais F ; Padin C ; Queneau R ; Paik NJ ; Papp T ; Paolozzi E ; Patchen K ; Perec G ; Rice-Pereira I ; Pessoa F ; Phillips MJ ; Phillips T ; Picabia F ; Picasso P ; Pietri P ; Porter B ; Taylor M ; Pound E ; Pritchard NH-II ; Pynchon T ; Rauschenberg R ; Reinhardt A ; Rexroth K ; Ribemont-Dessaignes G ; Rimbaud A ; Robson E ; Roche J ; Rodchenko A ; Rosenberg J ; Rosenberg MR ; Roth D ; Rothenberg J ; Roussel R ; Ruscha E ; Russolo L ; Ruutsalo E ; Samaras L ; Sanders E ; Saporta M ; Saroyan A ; Satie E ; Schafer RM ; Schauffelen KB ; Schmidt A ; Schneemann C ; Schwitters K ; Serner W ; Seuphor M ; Solt ME ; Sondheim A ; Stein G ; Stetser C ; Stockhausen K ; Strzeminski W ; Tarnman I ; Tati J ; Tatlin V ; Themerson S ; Thomas D ; Thomson V ; Tinguely J ; Tobey M ; Truck F ; Tzara T ; Ulrichs T ; VanDoesburg T ; VanOstaijen P ; Vassilakis N ; Vieira J ; Villa JG ; Warhol A ; Webern A ; Weiss I ; Wickham-Smith S ; Williams J ; Williams E ; Noel A ; Wiloch T ; Wilson R ; Young K ; Young L ; Zelevansky P ; Zukofsky L., 2000

Identifier: CC-35397-37132
Scope and Contents

The Sackner Archive is cited as a reference in the bibliography of concrete poetry on page 132 and visual poetry on page 648. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2000

Imaged Words and Worded Images / Kostelanetz, Richard, editor ; Beste G ; Bory JF ; Bridgewater P ; Burckhardt K ; Cage J ; Sumsion C ; Chryssa ; Clyne H ; Cobbing B ; Coffin P ; Copley W ; Cunningham M ; Dunn D ; Federman R ; Furnival J ; Hausmann R ; Hollander J ; Houedard DS ; Indiana R ; Jacoby R ; Kaprow A ; Kostelanetz R ; Kriwet F ; Lax R ; Lubalin H ; Morgan E ; Nichol bp ; O'Gallagher L ; Oldenburg C ; Phillips MJ ; Phillips T ; Price J ; Solt ME ; Stern G ; Williams E., 1970

Identifier: CC-37077-38918
Scope and Contents In this book, pages 115, 126, 133, 140, 244, 323, and 334 of Tom Phillips' "A Humument" are reproduced in black and white.In his introduction, Kostelanetz defines the title of his book: A new art necessarily demands a new name, and the art of incorporating word within image has recently inspired a spate of new names "calligrams," "concrete poetry," "ideograms," "pattern poems," "concretism." They all are intended to identify artifacts that are neither word nor image alone but somewhere or something between. Since each of the terms in actual usage defines a particular strain of word-image art, there is a need for a more general yet discriminating term. My choice is "word-imagery," which encompasses the two major genres of the form"ā€¯imaged words and worded images. The distinction depends upon whether word or image is the base. In imaged words, a significant word or phrase is endowed with a visual form, so that language is enhanced through pictorial means. In worded images, in...
Dates: 1970

Language & Structure in North America / Kostelanetz, Richard, curator ; Abish W ; Acconci V ; Aldridge A ; Allen B ; Amirkhanian C ; Anderson B ; Andre C ; Andrews B ; Arias-Misson A ; Ascher S ; Straus DL ; Baldessari J ; Barry R ; Basmajian S ; Birney E ; bissett b ; Brecht G ; Broudy H ; Burke K ; Cage J ; deCointet G ; Colombo JR ; Coolidge C ; Cory JJ ; Denes A ; Depew W ; Diacono M ; Dodge C ; Elder G ; Ernst KS ; Federman R ; Ford CH ; Four Horsemen ; Fox H ; Frank P ; Friedman K ; Garnet E ; Gilbert G ; Giorno J ; Gnazzo A ; Gross R ; Gysin B ; Harvey M ; Heman B ; Herman J ; Higgins D ; Hollander J ; Hompson DD ; Howe N ; Jacoby R ; Johnson R ; Katz S ; Kearns L ; Kern B ; Korn H ; Kostelanetz R ; Krauss R ; Lachance B ; Lax R ; Leon SJ ; UU D ; Lurie T ; Mabie D ; Maciunas G ; MacLennan T ; MacLow J ; McCaffery S ; McCallion B ; McCauley CS ; McClure M ; McCord H ; McLuhan M ; Mekas J ; Metz M ; Miller L ; Morrissey S ; Mustill N ; Olson C ; Patchen K ; Phillips MJ ; Pietri P ; Porter B ; Pritchard NH-II ; Reich S ; Robertson K ; Robson E ; Rothenberg J ; Rosenblatt J ; Ruppersberg A ; rjs ; Schafer RM ; Schwerner A ; Scobie S ; Sharits P ; Shaw K ; Cutler-Shaw J ; Silliman R ; Sky A ; Smithson R ; Snow M ; Solt ME ; Stern G ; Tarnman I ; Thomas D ; Trawick L ; Truck F ; Waldrop K ; Waldrop R ; Watts R ; Weiner L ; Ockerse T ; Niccolai G ; Nichol bp ; Cunningham M ; Perreault J ; Williams E., 1975

Identifier: CC-37069-38910