Accame, Vincenzo, 1932-1999
- Existence: 1932 - 1999
Found in 112 Collections and/or Records:
BDH, 1986
Bienal Internacional de Poesia Visual y Alternativa en Mexico: 1987-1988, Segunda / Polkinhorn H ; Accame V ; Bory JF ; Garnier P ; Bennett JM ; Higgins D ; Winkler C ; Bogdanovic N ; Hill C ; Murphy P ; Miskowski M ; Ernst K ; Hicks E., 1988
Includes essays by Cesar Espinosa and Emily Hicks, and statements by Vincenzo Accame, Pierre Garnier and Max Bense. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Blue & Green Asemic Writing] / Accame, Vincenzo., 1975
Breath, 1991
This drawing was commissioned for "The Beauty In Breathing" exhibition. The poet drew circular shapes with symmetrical and irregular borders encapsulating the words, "breath, breathing, and respiro," as an attempt to portray the physical qualities of a breath as a visual image. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Breve Storia Dell'Avanguardia, 1988
Buchstablich Wortlich Wortlich Buchstablich / Michael Glasmeir, curator ; Accame V ; Blaine J ; Burda V ; DeCampos A ; Carrega U ; Chopin H ; Cobbing B ; Finlay IH ; Furnival J ; Gomringer E ; Houedard DS ; Jandl E ; Kriwet F ; Lemaitre M ; levy da ; Mon F ; Phillips T ; Ulrichs T ; Williams E ; Frisch J ; Apollinaire G ; Mallarme S ; Picasso P ; Carra C ; Hausmann R ; Schwitters K ; Scheerbart P ; Schauffelen KB ; Bremer C ; Burkhardt K ; Clark TA ; Dienst KP ; Finlay IH ; Flanagan B ; Gappmayr H ; Kolar J ; Kosice G ; Lane B ; Novak L ; Reichert J ; al-Udhari A ; DeCampos A ; Cirne M ; Gerz J ; Isou I ; Belloli C ; Mayer HJ ; Mon F ; Roth D ; Ruhm G ; Sa N ; Chopin H ; Heidsieck B ; Gette PA ; Grunewald JL ; DeVree P ; Sonderborg KRH ; Schmidt W ; Accame V ; Bory JF ; Castillejo JL ; Cutts S ; Dohl R ; Ferro L ; Fernbach-Flarscheim C ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Grogerova B ; Harig L ; Hirsal J ; Jandl E ; Kostelanetz R ; Kudielka R ; MacBeth G ; Morgan E ; Mund Hjr ; Nichol bp ; VanOstaijen P ; Pignatari D ; Reed J ; DeSa A ; DeVries H ; Schendel M ; Ponge F ; DeCampos H ; Ulrichs T ; Neusel G ; Bense M ; Magalhaes A ; Oberto A ; Carrega U ; Oberto M ; Sunada C ; Niikuni S ; VanDerLinde F ; Xisto P ; Moineau JC ; Lora-Totino A ; Zwart P ; Balestrini N ; Vigo EA ; Pazos L ; Ginzburg C ; Yoshizawa S ; Spatola A ; Riddell A ; Schuldt ; Zwart P ; Ovcacek E., 1987
This is a major exhibition of concrete and visual poetry organized by Michael Glasmeier. Almost every classification of visual/verbal imagery was represented in this catalogue. This catalogue depicts 71 dom sylvester houedard, eight Ladislav Novak typewriter poems. This catalogue depicts images of works included in several Hansjorg Mayer portfolios of concrete poetry. It also depicts images from runs of periodicals such as Affiche, Futura, POTH, Rot, Revue Ou, Rhinozeros, etc. Most of the works in this exhibition are also held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Calligrammes & compagnie, etcetera / Bory, Jean-Francois, editor ; Maunet-Salliet I ; Abramovic M ; Accame V ; Achleitner F ; Acker K ; Adorno T ; Agullo T ; Albert-Birot A ; Alferi P ; Alocco M ; Altmann R ; Apollinaire G ; Aragon L ; Aragao A ; Arbizzani L ; Arze JA ; Azam E ; Azeredo R ; Balla G ; Balestrini N ; Balpe JP ; Belloli C ; Belsey A ; Beltrametti F ; Bertola C ; Beurard-Valdoye F ; Blackburn G ; Blaine J ; Bobillot JP ; Boisnard P ; Boivert Y ; Bolonha J ; Bonin W ; Boso F ; Bosquet O ; Boumans B ; Bourgoignie P ; Braga E ; Braichet T ; Brau JL ; Bremer C ; Bret C ; Brossa J ; BrustengaExtauri J ; Burgaud C ; Buzzi P ; Cage J ; Calleja JM ; Cangiullo F ; Caraballo J ; Carrega U ; Cassandre AM ; Castellin P ; Celaya G ; Chaton AJ ; Chetcuti J ; Chopin H ; Claire P ; Clavin H ; Cobbing B ; Cortaud P ; cummings ee ; Dali S ; deArimathea J ; deAraujo A ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; DeCozar R ; Deisler G ; deMelo e Castro EM ; Denimal L ; Deshang MA ; DeVree P ; Dohl R ; Dotremont C ; Dreyfus C ; Drozdz S ; Duchamp M ; Dufrene F ; Dugan M ; Duke JH ; Dupuy J ; Dutton P ; Echenique J ; Elliott C ; Eriksson E ; Espitallier JM ; Fahlstrom O ; Faulkner W ; Federman R ; Feijoo S ; Ferdinande D ; Fernbach-Flarscheim C ; Figueres J ; Filliou R ; Finlay IH ; Foix J ; Folguera J ; Fontana G ; Furia M ; Furnival J ; Galetchian VA ; Gappmayr H ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Garzon-Cespedes F ; Gerz J ; Gilbert J ; Giorno J ; Giroux R ; Goeritz M ; Gomringer E ; Gornon A ; Govoni C ; Gregerova B ; Hirsal J ; Guevera E ; Gysin B ; Burroughs WS ; Haddad J ; Hansen A ; Hassomeris G ; Hausmann R ; Havel V ; Heidsieck B ; Hemingway E ; Higgins D ; Hodell A ; Hompson DD ; Houedard DS ; Hubaut J ; Huidobro V ; Ida A ; Iglesias JM ; Isgro E ; Isou I ; Ishii Y ; Jabes E ; Jandl E ; Jancovic T ; Jeutic D ; Jimenez de Aberasturi JC ; Johnson R ; Johnson BE ; Joseph M ; Jouffroy A ; Junoy JM ; Kac E ; Kallsen T ; Karahalios M ; Kassak L ; Kitasono K ; Kazuhiko F ; Knizak M ; Kolar J ; Kostelanetz R ; Kriwet F ; Kyuyo K ; Lapeyrere J ; Lax R ; Leal F ; Lefebure R ; Leibovici F ; Leiris M ; Lemaitre M ; Lichtenauer F ; Lindoso F ; Linschinger J ; Lopez-Nussa L ; Lora-Totino A ; Luca G ; McCarthy C ; MacLow J ; Maestri V ; Mayakovsky V ; Manon C ; Marinetti FT ; Marshall B ; Martel A ; Martel R ; Mattoso G ; Masnata P ; Mendonca-Teles G ; Mata J ; Metail M ; Miccini E ; Michot JH ; Miles C ; Millan F ; Moineau JC ; Mon F ; Montells J ; Young L ; Morgenstern C ; Morpurgo N ; Mukai S ; Neretchnikov V ; Niikuni S ; Noel A ; Novak L ; Oldenbourg S ; VanOstaijen P ; Padin C ; Parant JL ; Pau S ; Paz O ; Pazos L ; Pelieu C ; Pellegrino A ; Pennequin C ; Perfetti M ; Petocz A ; Phillips MJ ; Picabia F ; Pignatari D ; Pignotti L ; Podolski S ; Ponge F ; Popovic Z ; Pound E ; Prochazka J ; Quasha G ; Radovanovic V ; Rajky R ; Ray M ; Reutersward CF ; Ribemont-Dessaignes G ; Rober A ; Roche D ; Roche M ; Rosenbloom S ; Rosuli Z ; Rouff W ; Roussel R ; Ruhm G ; Ryojiro Y ; Salvat-Papasseit J ; Sandri G ; Sarenco ; Saroyan A ; Sauve C ; Scala E ; Schagen J ; Schropfer L ; Schwartz I ; Schwitters K ; Severini G ; Sharkey JJ ; Shikatani G ; Shoji Y ; Sindreu i Pons C ; Sivan J ; Snyers A ; SoloDeSolo V ; Solt ME ; Spatola A ; Stein G ; Stern A ; Stikker U ; Strzeminski W ; Suel L ; Sunada Y ; Takahashi S ; Tamko-Sirato C ; Tarkos C ; Tavares S ; Tiel K ; Tilman P ; Todorovic M ; Toursky A ; Trinkewitz K ; Trocchi A ; Tzara T ; Ullan JM ; Ulrichs T ; Valles J ; Valoch J ; VanDerLinde F ; Ben ; Vega G ; Velter A ; Verdi F ; Vidal M ; Whyte J ; Williams E ; Wolf-Rehfeldt R ; Wolman G ; Xisto P ; Zabala H ; Zagoricnik F., 2009
This book is one of the most extensive collection of word-image material with emphasis on concrete poems ever commercially published. The text is brief, e.g., a preface by Jean-Francois Bory and a postface by Isabelle Maunet-Salliet. Each image is printed one to a page. Although the emphasis is on French poets, there are images from poets all over the world. Significant omissions that are bound to occur in such a large undertaking include among others d.a. levy, Dick Higgins, Dom Silvester Houedard, Steve McCaffery, bill bissett, Edgardo-Antonio Vigo, Leon Ferrari, Mira Schendel, Ana Hatherly, Herman de Vries, Ernesto M. de Melo e Castro, Ben, Herman Damen, Enzo Miglietta, Carlfriedrich Claus, Alan Riddell, and Rachid Koriachi. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Centro Tool: Prove di Scrittua. No.4/Feb / Vincenzo Accame., 1971
This card also served as an exhibition announcement. Stored with Tool Publications. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Collegio Cairoli 14 April 1989 "Ricordando..." / Ugo Carrega, curator ; Accame V ; Carrega U ; D'Ottavi C ; Ferrari V ; Landi L ; Mignani R ; Oberto A ; Oberto M ; DiDonato J ; Kemeny T ; Vitone R ; Vigano P ; Mariani M ; Mussio M ; Patella L., 1989
This collection enclosed in an envelope includes 1) poster entitled TOOL: richerche interlinguistiche [1971], 2) two different posters entitled, Fra Significante e Significato: La Nuova Scrittura [1975], and 3) Artescrittura. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
color divided, 1988
This drawing has small areas of green watercolor enclosed withinn an irregular ink border. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Criptogrammi e Scritture Etrusche / Fedi, Fernanda ; Ferri G ; Isgro E ; Accame V ; Munari B ; Sackner RK ; Sackner MA., 1996
Mention is made that the Sackner Archive holds works by Fedi. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Differenze / Accame, Vincenzo., 1972
[รจ] / [e'], 1979
e, et, etc, / Accame, Vincenzo., 1978
Expo/Internacional de Novisima Poesia/69 / Gerz J ; Accame V ; Bense M ; Vigo EA ; Landi L ; Gomez de Liano I ; Lijn L ; Ulrichs T ; Cobbing B ; Pazos L ; Schauffelin KB ; Mon F ; DeCampos A ; Finlay IH ; Solt ME ; Williams E ; Chopin H ; Furnival J ; Phillips T., 1969
The cover reproduces a cancelled text poem by Man Ray from his Dada period. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
For Ruth and Marvin / Accame, Vincenzo., 1985
Giordano Bruno and the Geometry of Language / Saiber, Arielle ; Accame V ; Adorno T ; Carroll L ; Drucker J ; Higgins D ; Joyce J ; Perec G ; Pignotti L ; Queneau R ; Severini G ; Williams E., 2005
In the introduction, Saiber describes Bruno as a 16th century polymath who was a philosopher, poet, playwright, mnemonist and magus but at his core an architect of ideas. Saiber further adds that "Many among the educated class familiar with esoteric learning, like Bruno, looked to locate and empower themselves through spacial manipulation and symbloic permutation, such as memory theaters. encyclopedias, kabbalah, natural magic, alchemy, and searches for the 'perfect language.' Bruno's writing indeed contains verbal patterns that signal an unusual sensibility to the shape of of space - whether of the heavens, between people, on a page, or of one's mind." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Historie d'A e Altre Storie / Accame, Vincenzo., 1978
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Visual poetry 60
- Concrete poetry 28
- Calligraphic text 26
- Critical text 24
- Reference text 19
- Visual art 10
- Artist book (citation) 9
- Calligraphic markings 4
- Documentation 4
- Micrography 4
- Fluxus 3
- Futurism 3
- Text over text 3
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- Fragmented text 1
- Map 1
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- Pataphysica 1
- Performance poetry 1
- Repetitious text 1
- Russian avant garde 1
- Shaped poetry 1
- Surrealism 1
- Typewriter poetry 1
- Visual/verbal 1 + ∧ less