Andryczuk, Hartmut, 1957-
- Existence: 1957
Found in 37 Collections and/or Records:
2 Zasamana, 2000
The seven folders consist of a drawing by each artist and a sheet of tissue, numbered and rubberstamped with capital letters. Andryczuk's drawings are on the outside of the folded sheet and Scherstjanol's ink drawings are inside with the tissue papers between. The colophon is a collaboration of both artists. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Artists Anonymous: A: The end of A.R. Penck; B: An unknown song of Robert Reichstein , 1998
The first page of the A book depicts 25, nearly identical, stick figures draw in ink in the style of A.R. Penck with collaged, round, red paper stickers for the heads. The heads have facial features drawn in ink. The verso has one red paper stick collaged onto the page. Each subsequent page has one less stick figure and one additional sticker on the verso. The final page of the book has one stick figure and 25 stickers collaged onto the verso. In Book B, red and green, round paper stickers are collaged onto most pages with ink, horizontal lines to emulate music scores. On other pages, surrealistic animal-like shapes, cut from music scores, are collaged onto the pages with music-like scores. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Bigraph / Andryczuk, Hartmut., 1998
The line drawings are placed one to a page. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Boring Adventures:The Gold and Sold Artist Production / Andryczuk, Hartmut ; Krisstoff, Freddy Flores ; Voss J., 1997
The text of this book appears to be done either as automatic writing or as an adaptation of a cut-up from another text in the style of William Burroughs. Typewritten poems in red color and Spanish poems in black letraset form this text. The stiff pages are taken fom line printers that have regular perforations on the edges. The tipped-in drawings in laminated plastic depict surrealistic figures and abstractions are placed on black stock paper; they appear to be cut-up fragments of larger drawings. A laminated drawing by Jan Voss is tipped-in to the final page. The covers are covered front and back with flame-like design papers. The inside front cover end paper is a psychedelic poster from the movie "Moby Dick." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Chanskaja Stavka, 1988
This book is based upon Velimir Khlebnikov's "Chanskaja Stavka," the title for a magic and fictional world. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Charme Der Armut, 1994
The drawings and rubberstampings are done on pages of brown wrapping paper. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Chimaren, 1994
This edition contains original works by international poets-artists. Includes an artist book containing rebuses by Dencker; the galley proof of this book is held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Das globale Kasebuch, 1992
The title relates to several printed (found) pages in the book depicting Mickey Mouse like characters playing in Swiss Cheese. Images drawn by the artist appear on printed maps, index pages, and on black and white paper stock. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Die Walfischlangst und andere Sehtexte / Deisler, Guillermo ; Andryczuk, Hartmut., 1994
Druck & Buch. No.6 / Andryczuk H., 1999
This catalogue documents an exhibition of works from small presses in Germany including Hybriden-Verlag. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Druck & Buch. No.7 / Andryczuk H., 2002
This catalogue documents an exhibition of works from small presses in Germany including Hybriden-Verlag. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Entwerter/Oder Sonderausgabe: Eine Ethnische Sauberung.... No.16 / Hartmut Andryczuk., 1995
Each page was printed from drawings done directly on zinc plates. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
German Language Visual Poets / Andryczuk H ; Block F ; Braumuller H ; Bremer C ; Buchwalder E ; Claus CF ; Deisler G ; Dencker KP ; Dohl R ; Ebel G ; Gappmayr H ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Groh K ; Hell B ; Selbar K ; Kaufmann A ; Leirner B ; Lohr H ; Mau J ; Mon F ; Noel A ; Olbrich JO ; Pfeiffer N ; Riha K ; Ruhm G ; Schauffelen KB ; Schmidt SJ ; Sorgel H ; Trinkewitz K ; Warnke U ; Wezel W ; Williams E ; Zielke O., 1999
There is no English identification nor illustrations in this book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Gold Not Sold - Almanach 1996 / Knistoff, Fredy Flores ; Andryczuk, Hartmut., 1996
Some of the works have been recycled, e.g., a drawing by Knistoff dated 1988 is included in this work which was a collaboration by the two authors. The binding includes two paper handles at its top which gives a shopping bag appearance to it. The paper has the color of a brown printed paper bag. The story begins with a visit to Anna Frank's in Amsterdam: to inspect "the diaries behind the wall" and ends with the perspective of "the diaries before the wall." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Gott Almanach, 1997
The cover is collaged with an artist stamp depicting Princess Di. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
II / Andryczuk, Hartmut ; Konstriktor B ; Garnier P ; Andryczuk H ; Hitler A., 1996
International Artists' Book Exhibition, 2nd / Bleus G ; Aguiar F ; Andryczuk H ; Baroni V ; Berry C ; Beube D ; Blaine J ; Bruscky P ; Diotallevi M ; Deisler G ; Ely T ; Fedi F ; Ferrando B ; Higgins D ; Kiss I ; Lazaron E ; Lohr H ; Savoi A ; Tot E ; Unica T ; Silverberg RA ; Bart H ; Bentivoglio M ; Cepl G ; Colonna G ; Dove T ; Eller E ; Fricker H ; Finlay IH ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Gini G ; Harms A ; Hegedus L ; Hofstra S ; Keppler R ; Ketelhodt IV ; Klivar M ; Lakner L ; Leigh M ; Lenoir P ; Lora-Totino A ; Maggi R ; McCarney S ; Menezes F ; Milliken DP ; Mittendorf H ; Molnar KL ; Morandi E ; Neaderland L ; Padin C ; Perfetti M ; Perneczky G ; Persiani G ; Pittore-Eurifico C ; Preussner D ; Ruch G ; Sandri G ; Warnke U ; Schneider U ; Schraenen G ; Share S ; Shimamoto S ; Smith K ; Stolz U ; Strada G ; Suel L ; Szombathy B ; Tancredi M ; Torelli A ; Waanders H ; Silverberg RA., 1994
The catalogue of the 1st exhibition is also held by the Sackner Archive. The book includes a section devoted solely to Paper and Bookworks of Robin Ami Silverberg. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Kein Armenier in Amiens, 1995
Drawings are mainly calligraphic in content. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Koder, 1994
Kuhle Muhtanten / Zielke, Ottfried ; Andryczuk, Hartmut., 1997
The writings and drawings in this book are a collaborative effort between the two authors. Although the tirage is four copies, each book is unique. The cover design depicts markings from the skin of a cow. A toy cow with propellers on each side is attached to the top of the rear cover by means of bent metal tubing. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.