Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989
- Existence: 1906-04-13 - 1989-12-22
Found in 166 Collections and/or Records:
A Dialectic Of Centuries 2nd Edition / Higgins, Dick ; Acconci V ; Klintberg B ; Arp H ; Ashbery J ; Ay-O ; Ball H ; Barthes R ; Beckett S ; Bense M ; Brecht G ; Bremer C ; Burroughs WS ; Cage J ; Chopin H ; Corner P ; Creeley R ; cummings ee ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; Duchamp M ; Elmslie K ; Ernst M ; Filliou R ; Finlay IH ; Flynt H ; Gaul W ; Gillespie AL ; Glass P ; Gomringer E ; Gysin B ; Hanson A ; Hausmann R ; Heartfeld J ; Heidsieck B ; Herman J ; Herbert G ; Higgins D ; Ionesco E ; Ives N ; Jacob M ; Jarry A ; Johnson R ; Joyce J ; Kaprow A ; Knowles A ; Klein Y ; Kosugi T ; Lamantia P ; Lax R ; levy da ; Lebel JJ ; Lichtenstein R ; LeWitt S ; Lissitzky E ; Maciunas G ; MacLow J ; Mallarme S ; Mayakovsky V ; McLuhan M ; Mayer HJ ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Mon F ; Morgenstern C ; Niikuni S ; Ono Y ; Paik NJ ; Patterson B ; Phillips MJ ; Pignatari D ; Ponge F ; Pound E ; Rauschenberg R ; Reich S ; Rimbaud A ; Roth D ; Rothenberg J ; Ruhm G ; Saroyan A ; Schmit T ; Schwitters K ; Shiomi C ; Smithson R ; Solt ME ; Spoerri D ; Stein G ; Stockhausen K ; Topor R ; Vostell W ; Warhol A ; Watts B ; Williams E ; Noel A ; Williams J ; Wittgenstein L ; Wolff C ; Yeats W ; Young L., 1978
The chapters consist of the following: 1). The post-cognitive era: looking for the sense in it all. 2). Five traditions of art history. 3). Intermedia. 4). Some poetry intermedia. 5). Games of art. 6). Exemplative works of art. 7). Intending. 8). Against movements. 9). Boredom and danger. 9). Structural researches. 10). Seen, heard and understood. 11). Towards an allusive referential. 12). Blank images. 13). Innovation. 14). Inventing our back pages. 15). Styles in cognitivism. 16). A something else manifesto. 17). On doing too much. 18). About Bern Porter and his 'I've left'. 19). Why Gertrude Stein. 20). Getting into Emmett William's poetry. 21). Conceptual forks. 22). A commentary by the poet on 'conceptual forks'. 23). An exemplativist manifesto. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Temple of Texts: Fifty Literary Pillars / William H. Gass, editor ; Sterne L ; Joyce J ; Beckett S ; Mallarme S., 1991
Albert Angelo , 1964
This is Johnson's second novel. It recounts the life of Albert Angelo, a school teacher in several styles of writing and varied page layouts. The novel comprises five chapters, viz., prologue, exposition, development, disintegration, and coda. The prologue is mainly laid out like a drama. The first section of the chapter 2, exposition, is written in first person singular. The second section, that is written in second person singular, also includes some unusual punctuation marks. The third section is written in the third person singular, the fourth in first person plural, the fifth in second person plural, and the sixth in third person plural. Chapter 2, development, is mainly printed in two columns, the left sided tells the main story, the right sided has comments that are printed in Italics. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
ArtistBook International, 2nd / Rik Gadella, curator ; Princenthal N ; Andre C ; Beckett S ; Beuys J ; Boetti A ; Broodthaers M ; Burroughs WS ; Butor M ; Cage J ; Cahun C ; Carroll L ; Deisler G ; Duchamp M ; Gette PA ; Finlay IH ; Hill CC ; Kosuth J ; Kruger B ; Mayakovsky V ; Mallarme S ; Ruscha E ; Schwarz A ; Seager S ; Siegelaub S ; Tarlatt U ; DeVries H ; Weiner L ; Williams E ; Yau J ; Gunther T ; Crandall J ; Rolo J., 1995
Nancy Princenthal contributed an essay, "The Bookmakers' Odds: A Short, Subjective Survey of Recent Publications by Artists." The catalogue includes a sixteen page insert by Lawrence Weiner of conceptual art. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
As the Story Was Told / Beckett, Samuel., 1987
Author, Author! Portraits of Authors from the Collection of George Meredith / Beckett S ; Borges J ; cummings ee ; Moser B ; Ginsberg A ; Joyce J ; Ionesco E ; Miller H ; Stein G., 2005
Biblio. No.8/Aug / Basbanes N ; Beckett S., 1998
Daniel Lindlley writes in his essay, "The Unnamable Samuel Beckett," that Beckett wrote his play "Breath" in 1970 as a contribution to Kenneth Tynan's show "Oh! Calcutta." It consisted of a few lighting effects, cries, and the sound of breathing. The Sackner Archive holds a hand-knit sweater by Astrid Furnival that depicts the full text of this play. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Book As Art II, The / Benes BL ; Cage J ; Johns J ; Beckett S ; Waitzkin S ; Rivers L ; Stuart M ; Wiley WT ; Rauschenberg R ; Dine J., 1977
Features a brief essay on books as works of art by D. Fendrick. "Foirades/Fizzles" by J. Johns and S. Beckett, which is mentioned, is held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Books in Print. No.MMIII / Caine, Michael ; Crevel R ; Tsvielaieva M ; Beckett S ; Pound E ; Khlebnikov V., 2004
Breath and Other Shorts / Beckett, Samuel., 1971
Consists of four plays and a fragment of a prose piece. The play, Breath, was first performed at the Oxford Playhouse in March 1970. The text of this play has been woven onto a sweater by Astrid Furnival, commissioned by the Sackner Archive for "The Beauty In Breathing" exhibition 1992. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Bulletin 23: Literature, Pressbooks and Original Art / Reese, William ; Beckett S ; Crevel R ; Bellmer H ; Ray M ; Ernst M ; Duncan R ; Joyce J ; Gomez-Pena G ; Chagoya E., 2009
Ca Causa, Ca Causa / Crombie, John ; Aragon L ; Baudelaire C ; Beckett S ; Eluard P ; Jarry A ; Prevert J ; Proust M ; Rimbaud A., 1998
This is a non-linear novel made up of phrases quoted from several French authors of the early 20th century. It is printed on Hahnmuhle paper. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Centuries of Books & Manuscripts: An Exhibition on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Hough / Carroll L ; Havel V ; Beckett S ; Johns J., 1992
This catalog was printed at The Stinehour Press in Vermont and was given to the Sackners on the occasion of the Stinehours' visit to the Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Christmas List / Ellis, Peter ; Beckett S ; Borges J ; Bowles P ; Carroll L ; Crumb R ; DeBotton A ; Ferlinghetti L ; Finlay IH ; Ford FM ; Ginsberg A ; Joyce J ; Kerouac J ; Stein G ; Thomas D ; Vonnegut KJr ; Johnson BS., 2002
Comment Dire / Beckett, Samuel., 1998
This book presents a poem by Beckett first published in 1989 as a folded sheet with four pages in a fasimile of his handwriting. The edition size of the 1st edition was 1989 copies and none were offered for sale. This posthumous rendition of the poem is presented in an elegant typographic layout. It is interspersed with ancient illustrations, calligraphic texts, a page of the Passover Haggadah and many reproductions of drawings. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Crossing Borders: The Kaldewey Press, New York / Dubansky, Mindell, editor ; Strauss, Monica J.\edittor ; Kaldewey G ; Ashbery J ; Beckett S ; Burroughs WS ; Celan P ; Cohen EL ; Joyce J ; Mayakovsky V ; Neruda P ; Pasolini P ; Tuttle R ; Willberg H., 1997
Of the books cited in this catalogue, the Sackner Archive holds "Franz Kafka, Der Prozess" with calligraphy by Hans Peter Willberg and "ABC" by Gunnar Kaldewey. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Dada and After: Extremist Modernism and English Literature / Young, Alan ; Ades D ; Albert-Birot P ; Apollinaire G ; Aragon L ; Arp H ; Artaud A ; Ball H ; Bann S ; Beckett S ; Blake W ; Bradbury M ; Breton A ; Burroughs WS ; Buzzi P ; Cahun C ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; Carroll L ; Caws MA ; Char R ; Chopin H ; Desnos R ; VanDoesburg T ; Duchamp M ; Eluard P ; Ernst M ; Finlay IH ; Ford CH ; Ford FM ; Furnival J ; Ginsberg A ; Gomringer E ; Horovitz M ; Houedard DS ; Huelsenbeck R ; Hugnet G ; Janco M ; Jandl E ; Jarry A ; Jones D ; Joyce J ; Lewis WP ; Malevich K ; Mallarme S ; Marinetti FT ; Morgan E ; Morgenstern C ; Nuttall J ; Peret B ; Picabia F ; Picasso P ; Pignatari D ; Pound E ; Queneau R ; Quinn J ; Rimbaud A ; Satie E ; Schwitters K ; Serner W ; Stein G ; Thomas D ; Tzara T ; Valery P ; Wittgenstein L., 1981
Young includes a section on sound and concrete poetry entitled, " Post-Dada, Pop-Poetry, and the Literary Undergound." He highlights works by Henri Chopin, Bob Cobbing, Adrian Henri, Jeff Nuttall, Ian Hamilton Finlay, and Christopher Middleton. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.