Cangiullo, Francesco, 1888-1977
Found in 53 Collections and/or Records:
No.100: Futurismo / Libreria Salimbeni ; Buzzi P ; Cangiullo F ; Conti P ; Corra B ; Depero F ; Fillia ; Folgore L ; Govoni C ; Marinetti FT ; Sanzin B ; Tato ; Soffici A ; Boccioni U., 1991
The illustrations depict covers of Futurist books. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Parole In Liberta Futuriste / Caruso, Luciano, editor ; Marinetti FT ; Cangiullo F ; Buzzi P ; Depero F ; Fillia ; Morpurgo N ; Benedetta ; Masnata P., 1977
This catalogue provided listing of the works in the exhibition and 18 illustrations. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Parole in Liberta Futuriste / Caruso, Luciano, editor ; Marinetti FT ; Cangiullo F ; Carra C ; Jamar-14 ; Fillia ; Depero F ; Benedetta ; Masnata P ; Cervelli F., 1977
Poesia Sonora / D'Ambrosio, Matteo, editor ; Balla G ; Marinetti FT ; Cangiullo F ; Ball H ; Hausmann R ; Schwitters K ; Zdanevich I ; Kruchenykh A ; Isou I ; Lemaitre M ; Curtay JP ; DeVree P ; Jandl E ; Dufrene F ; Chopin H ; Nannucci M ; Lora-Totino A., 1979
Scrittura Visuale e Poesia Sonora Futurista / Luciano Caruso, curator ; Stelio Maria Martini, curator ; Marinetti FT ; Mallarme S ; Cangiullo F ; Soffici A ; Depero F ; Munari B ; d'Albisola T ; Benedetta ; Jamar-14 ; Buzzi P ; Balla G., 1977
This exhibition catalogue dealt with published and unpublished examples of Parole In Liberta. One such poem by Jamar 14 (aka Piero Gigli), "Villa T.B.C.," had the theme of a stay in a Tuberculosis Sanatorium. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Short List: Rarae Aves 5 / Ex Libris ; Depero F ; Breton A ; Cangiullo F ; cummings ee ; Duchamp M ; Apollinaire G., 1983
Tavole Parolibere e Tipografia Futurista / Caruso, Luciano, editor ; Marinetti FT ; Cangiullo F ; Depero F ; d'Albisola T., 1977
This catalogue depicts the following works that are also held by the Sackner Archive:e "Zang Tumb Tumb" by Marinetti, "Caffe Concerto" by Cangiullo, "Numero Unico Futurista Campari" and by Depero and G. Gerbino. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Teatro Della Sorpresa, 1968
The drawing is a Parole in Liberta visual poem of a mountain by Cangiullo. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Tipo Cangiullo / Cangiullo, Francesco., 1986
[Untitled] / Belforte Editore Librario ; Caruso L ; Cangiullo F ; Marinetti FT ; Prampolini E ; Martini SM ; Mennitti-Paraito E ; Villa E ; Lora-Totino A ; Miccini E ; Verdi F ; Sarenco ; Mazza S ; DellaCasa G ; Xerra W ; Carrega U ; Vangelisti P ; Magro F[CR] ; Colonna G ; Lubrano C ; Gut E ; Diacono M ; Wagstaff C ; Blank I ; Pound E., 1998
This catalogue lists the various series comprising "Le Brache di Gutenberg." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Vive Lemaitre! / Cangiullo, Francesco., 1959
Words-In-Freedom: Drawings by the Italian Futurists / Cohen A ; Cangiullo F ; Buzzi P ; Cangiullo P ; Rognoni A ; Marinetti L., 1985
This exhibition was curated by Arthur A. Cohen. Luce Marinetti, daughter of F-T. Marinetti, contributed an essay, "Notes on Free-Word-Composition." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.