Deisler, Guillermo, 1940-1995
Chilean (born), German (based)
Found in 140 Collections and/or Records:
Stamps-Book [History & Memory] / Deisler, Guillermo., 1990
The pages are composed of collages. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Studio Brescia Exhibition Catalog: Poesia Visiva. No.8 / Luciano Ori ; Deisler G., 1973
Studio Inquadrature 33: Poesia Visiva Internazionale. No.13/Mar / Luciano Ori ; Deisler G., 1974
The introductory essay was written by Guillermo Deisler. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Subspace: International Zine Show / Bruscky P ; Banana A ; Deisler G ; Baroni V ; Nikonova R ; Lipman J ; Gaard F ; Polkinhorn H ; And M ; Was E ; Bennett JM ; CrackerJackKid ; Hill C ; Bleus G ; Gagnon JC ; Perkins S ; Blurr B ; Miskowski M ; Afungusboy ; Dunn L ; T., 1992
Exhibition was curated by Stephen Perkins. The catalogue consists of brief comments by the editors and cover reproductions of over 300 zines. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
SVEP / Deisler, Guillermo, editor; Sarieff, Vaselin, editor; Slang, A.; Slang A; Corpa; Braumuller H; Olbrich JO; DeRosa S; Kowalski J; Figueiredo C; Lenoir P; Sarieff V; Maggi R; Crozier R; Fierens L; Baroni V; Chiarlone B; Prautzsch HU; Sachse K; Segay S; Aguiar F; Private World; Barbot G; Deisler G., 1990
The envelope is addressed to Luc Fierens. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Texturen (T x 4) / Deisler, Guillermo., 1994
Joseph Huber is the owner of Edition Karte. The card is a progession in font size of the word "sehen" (see) until the poem reaches the middle where it becomes "lesen" (read) and then progressivley diminishes to smaller font size for "sehen." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Art of the Surreal / Dellafiora, David, editor ; Hislam, Benedict, editor ; Corbett M ; A1 Waste Paper ; Bates K ; Crozier R ; Cyanobacteria ; Deisler G ; Fox M ; Putz C ; Maggi R ; Morandi E ; Strada G ; Gomez A ; Dellafiora D ; Hislam B., 1994
This work documents an exhibition and residency at the Fermoy Gallery that took place from May 2 to July 2, 1994, a catalogue in two parts of an international mail art show entitled "What is Surrealism?" and an Exquisite Corpse book done with students. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Totem. No.6/Oct / P. J. Ribeiro, Fernando Montalvao, editors ; Spada S ; Gomes R ; Samaral ; Ulrichs T ; Bruscky P ; Deisler G ; Ribeiro P ; Cirne M ; Branco A ; Baciu S., 1979
This issue was a supplement to Jornal Cataguases, Oct 1976. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Two Voices, Two Glances / Deisler, Guillermo ; Figueiredo, Cesar., 1993
The presentation of the visual poems reproduced in this book could have been composed by either poet. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Umfeld Konkret / Ronca, Andre, editor ; Ruhm G ; Gomringer E ; Zauner H ; Kowalski J ; Deisler G ; Scherstjanoi V ; Lohr H ; Williams E ; Spoerri D ; Mon F ; Vallias A ; Megert C ; Gappmayr H ; Sayler D ; Lichtenauer F ; Janz A ; Steinbacher C ; Hasenfelder U ; Prautzsch HU ; Ebel G ; Block F ; Schwarz C., 1992
This is an anthology of contemporary concrete poetry mainly from German speaking poets. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Unikatmaschine IV B - Kunstlerpostkarten / Andryczuk, Hartmut, editor ; Rosenthal W ; Garnier P ; Knistoff F ; Fontana G ; Deisler G., 2000
Uni/vers(;) 5 Jahr / Deisler, Guillermo, editor ; Mogens ON ; Marlowe W ; Huckauf P ; Figueiredo C ; j(o(h)n)ston b ; Deisler G ; Perkins S ; Porykis G ; Luigetti S., 1992
UNI/vers(;) (1987-1992) / Deisler, Guillermo, editor ; Tarlatt U ; Campal JL ; Kowalski J ; Baroni V ; Figueiredo C ; Hill C ; Jones H ; Olbrich JO ; Segay S ; Garnier P ; Ruch G ; Groh K ; Sachse K ; Berchenko G ; Diotallevi M ; Deisler G ; Boschi A ; Lenoir P., 1992
Lists the poets and artists who have participated in Deisler's assembling publication, Uni/vers(;) from 1987-1992 and reproduces representative works from the magazine. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Unlesbar & Sprachlos / Deisler, Guillermo ; Schwitters K., 1990
[Untitled] / Andryczuk, Hartmut ; Deisler G ; Huth G ; Byrum J ; Konstriktor B ; Lipman J ; Bennett JM., 1992
[Untitled] / Andryczuk, Hartmut, editor ; Deisler G ; Nikonova R ; Bennett JM ; Olbrich JO ; Konstriktor B ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Zielke O ; Wichering R ; Vasa P ; Segay S ; Scherstjanoi V ; Repeshko A ; Nielsen MO ; Moeller R ; Lipman J ; Flores-Knistoff F ; Kowalski J ; Huth G ; Hill C ; Heyl B ; Gunther T ; Fricker H ; Ebel G ; Cole D ; Crozier R ; Baroni V ; Byrum J., 1993
This catalogue also lists the issues of Teraz Mowie, a periodical held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Untitled] / Deisler, Guillermo., 1989
[Untitled] / Deisler, Guillermo., 1994
[Untitled] / Despalles, F. ; Schwarz R ; deCharmoy C ; Tarlatt U ; Deisler G ; Stein P., 1993
[Untitled] / Doc(k)s ; Blaine J ; Padin C ; Deisler G ; Arias-Misson A ; Bory JF ; DeVree P ; Miccini E ; Sarenco ; Verdi F ; Janicot F ; Garnier P ; Lijn L., 1985
One soft cover book is staple-bound to the folded cover; the other is uncovered and folded. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Visual poetry 35
- Concrete poetry 26
- Correspondence art 24
- Artist book 21
- Artist book (limited edition) 20
- Critical text 15
- Letter picture 12
- Fragmented text 10
- Visual art 10
- Visual/verbal 9
- Assembling 8
- Documentation 7
- Found poetry 7
- Political poetry 6
- Artist book (citation) 4
- Calligraphic markings 4
- Conceptual art 3
- Xerox art 3
- Alphabetical text 2
- Calligraphic text 2
- Conceptual text 2
- Constellation 2
- Conventional fiction 2
- Conventional non-fiction 2
- Conventional poetry 2
- Experimental typography 2
- Neologism 2
- Reference text 2
- Abstract markings 1
- Bibliography 1
- Cartoon 1
- Constructivism 1
- Illustrated book 1
- Illustrated book (citation) 1
- Inism 1
- Logograph 1
- Manifesto 1
- Minimalist poetry 1
- Music 1
- Neo-Dada 1
- Onomatopoeia 1
- Optical image 1
- Performance poetry 1
- Phonetic text 1
- Picture poetry 1
- Political text 1
- Repetitious text 1
- Russian avant garde 1
- Shaped poetry 1
- Signalism 1
- Sound poetry 1
- Surrealism 1
- Typewriter poetry 1
- Typography 1 + ∧ less