Cutts, Simon, 1944-
- Existence: 1944-
Found in 193 Collections and/or Records:
3 butterflies / Cutts, Simon., 1968
4 Years At Coracle Press 1976-1980 / Coracle Press ; Cutts S ; Clark TA ; Duncalf S ; Coleman L ; Gardner I ; Roberts K ; Rogers M ; Skidmore S ; Torok K ; Tyson I ; Williams J ; Winkfield T., 1980
The catalog essay by David Brown, who also edited the catalog, provides a history of the Coracle Press. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
4 Years at Coracle Press 1976-1980 / Coracle Press ; Cutts S ; Roberts K ; Fidler M ; Torok K ; Clark L ; Tyson I ; Coleman L ; Clark T ; Phillips T., 1981
The exhibition was curated by David Brown. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Book of Braids / Cutts, Simon ; Roberts, Kay., 1975
Four strips of printed paper simulating braids are bound into the booklet and allowed to lie loose over the cover. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Childs Backend of the Year / Cutts, Simon., 1966
A Collection of Concrete Poetry / Dawson-Sinclair ; Cobbing B ; Cutts S ; Chopin H ; Furnival J ; Finch P ; Mills S ; Houedard DS ; Finlay IH ; Clavin H ; Dowden G ; Fisher R ; Gomringer E ; Kostelanetz R ; Lax R ; Lloyd A ; Curtay JP ; McCarthy C ; Lucie-Smith E ; McLuhan M ; Nichol bp ; Pacey P ; Nuttall J ; Gullar F ; Porter B ; Sharkey JJ ; Solt ME ; Spatola A ; Verey C ; Wildman E ; Williams E ; Duncalf S ; Fidler M ; Winkfield T ; McCarthy U ; Hollo A ; O'Huigin S ; Ward JP ; Jenkins P ; Torok K ; Gardner I., 1990
This extensive collection of concrete, visual and picture poetry was offered as a collection, not of individual items. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Coracle: Nos.26-30 / Cutts, Simon., 1981
A Doll's Ironing Board / Cutts, Simon., 1978
A Fold of Sewn Cotton / Cutts, Simon., 1982
A History of the Airfields of Lincolnshire / Cutts, Simon., 1990
Each page has the word "poppies" printed in red five times about 10% up from the bottom to symbolize flowers for the dead fliers in the World Wars who used this airfield. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A History of the Airfields of Lincolnshire / Cutts, Simon., 1990
Each page has the word "poppies" printed in red five times about 10% up from the bottom to symbolize flowers for the dead fliers in the World Wars who used this airfield. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Letter Wrack for an Old Pal / Cutts, Simon., 1977
A letter to a woman friend by Kafka is reproduced, 'The whole disaster of my life, is, in a way due to the possibility of writing letters. People almost never cheated me, but letters always did, not the letters I got, but the letters I wrote.' -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A New Kind of Tie: Poems 1965-68 / Cutts, Simon., 1971
A New Seed / Cutts, Simon ; Fulton H ; Kitaj R ; Cutts S ; VanHorn E., 1989
This catalog also is an artist book because of a conceptual text by Cutts which is included. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.