Kolář, Jiří, 1914-2002
Found in 115 Collections and/or Records:
Poesia e Sperimentalismo Negli Anni '60 Vol.II: Iconografia, Documenti e Conclusioni Provvisorie. Bibliografia / Miglietta, Enzo ; Kolar J ; Carroll L ; Carrega U ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Bory JF ; Vaccari F ; Belloli C ; Gomringer E ; DeCampos A ; Vostell W ; Williams E ; Kamimura H ; Cobbing B ; Morgan E ; Bremer C ; DeCampos H ; Finlay IH ; Kriwet F ; MacLow J ; McCarthy C ; Nannucci M ; Niikuni S ; Pazarkaya Y ; DasPino W ; Reutersward CF ; Ruhm G ; Lucie-Smith E ; Spatola A ; Goeritz M ; Burkhardt K ; Dohl R ; Zukofsky L ; Grogerova B ; Roth D ; Nake F ; Artmann HC ; Ekbom T ; Fernbach-Flarscheim C ; Freifeld L ; Grunewald JL ; Havel V ; Saroyan A ; Thomkins A ; Xisto P ; Claire P ; LeSidaner JM ; Joseph R ; DeRook GJ ; Valoch J ; Ockerse T ; Spillemaeckers W ; VanEssche L ; DeVree P ; Frateur L ; Solt ME ; Accame V ; D'Ottavi C ; Landi L ; Diacono M ; Matti L ; Mignani R ; Vitone R ; Alloatti A ; Bentivoglio M ; Ferro L ; Villa E ; Spatola M ; Mussio M ; Visco F ; Vicinelli P ; Sandri G ; Sarenco ; Pedrotti E ; Verdi F ; Miccini E ; LaRocca K ; Bonito-Oliva A ; Arias-Misson A ; Novak L ; Claus CF ; Ferrari V., 1977
This book is his laureate thesis. This second volume consists of a large number of photocopied illustrations to complement Volume I. The first section features international concrete poems, the second section Italian concrete poems, the third section predominantly Italian poesia visiva and the fourth section calligraphic visual poems. Miglietta folows these illustrations with analysid and critical comments on these poems.This thesis concludes with a listing of the birthdates of the poets and a bibliography. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Poesia Experimental / Gomringer E ; Garnier P ; Kolar J ; Isgro E ; Mon F ; Petronio A ; Brossa J ; Fujitomi Y ; Spatola A ; Finlay IH ; Kriwet F ; Claus CF ; DeVree P ; Pino F ; Valie Export ; Andre C ; Azeredo R ; Bauer J ; Belloli C ; Bense M ; Bentivoglio M ; Bertini G ; Betto D ; Blaine J ; Bory JF ; Bremer C ; Bugli E ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; Caruso L ; deCharmoy C ; Chopin H ; Cirlot JE ; Clavin H ; Cobbing B ; Damen H ; Degottex J ; Deisler G ; Delgado FG ; Ferro L ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Garzon-Cespedes ; Gerz J ; Gette PA ; Groh K ; Hatherly A ; Hausmann R ; Herbst W ; Hidalgo J ; Houedard DS ; Janco M ; Klophaus A ; Kolar J ; Kriwet F ; Lepage J ; Lichtenauer F ; Locatelli U ; Malina J ; Marchetti W ; Marcucci L ; Martini S ; Mayer H ; Mayor D ; deMelo e Castro EM ; Miccini E ; Arias-Misson A ; Nannucci M ; Nichol bp ; Niccolai G ; Oberto A ; Oberto M ; Ori L ; Osti M ; Padin C ; Parmiggiani C ; Perfetti M ; Piamontese F ; Piccolo E ; Pignatari D ; Pignotti L ; Pino F ; DePoli F ; Radin B ; Riddell A ; LaRocca K ; Roche M ; DeRook GJ ; Roth D ; Roussel A ; Russo V ; Sanabia J ; Sarenco ; Schmidt SJ ; Sharkey JJ ; Spatola A ; Spatola M ; Spoerri D ; Steen V ; Tapies A ; Targowski H ; Tiel K ; Tiziano F ; Todorovic M ; Lora-Totino A ; Ulrichs T ; Uribe E ; Valoch J ; Verey C ; Vicinelli P ; Vigo EA ; Villa E ; Vostell W ; DeVree P ; DeVries H ; Williams E ; Xisto P ; Zabala F ; Zagoricnik F ; Viladot G., 1973
Ignacio Gomez de Liano contributes an essay "La nueva poesia y los problemas de la Estetica contemporanea." Maria Aurora Marques writes about "Poesia Experimental en Espana" and Maria Lluisa Borras describes "La Poesia Visual en Cataluna." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Post War and Contemporary Art / Sotheby's ; Michaux H ; Steinberg S ; Jorn A ; Acconci V ; Kolar J., 1987
Auction catalogue. Depicts an Untitled drawing by Saul Steinberg (No.128) that was purchased by the Sackers at this auction. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Postcards Editee A L'Occasion De La Fete De La Poesie] / Rabascall, Joan, editor; Klasen P; Kolar J; Metail M; Muntadas A; Rabascall J; Rossell B; Voss J; Willem., 1983
[Postcards] / Kolar, Jiri., 1992
These cards are reproduced color photographs, taken by Michel Nguyen of Galerie Lelong Paris, of Kolar's collages and objects from 1982-1992. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Question de Collage 1979-1989 / Kolar, Jiri., 1989
Roland Garros / Kolar, Jiri., 1986
Rozhover Se Zdi, 1984
This work was exhibited in a "Rope" sow. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Scrivere Altro (reprint) / Gregotti, Carmine Magni; Carrega U; Matti L; Kolar J; Vitone R; Accame V; Landi L; Mignani R; Garnier I; Garnier P; Finlay IH; Ulrichs T; Gappmayr H; Mussio M; Porta A; Cagnone N; Jandl E; Damen H; Oberto M; Blaine J; Vicinelli P; Simonetti GE; Niikuni S., 1970
This essay is about Tool and is stored with the Tool publications. The Sackner Archive holds another copy, an original, that is included in "Agentzia 2." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
sedm kantat / Kolar, Jiri ; Hudecek F., 1945
Includes a reproduction of a figurative drawing by Frantisek Hudecek. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Serielle Formationen / Andre C ; Arman ; Haacke H ; Henderikse J ; Kolar J ; Lenk T ; LeWitt S ; Manzoni P ; Roehr P ; DeVries H ; Schmidt W ; Uecker G ; Warhol A ; Roth D ; Lueg K., 1967
This book includes two offset prints by Peter Roehr and Herman de Vries as well as other multiples by less known artists. The exhibition was organized by Peter Roehr and Paul Maenz. Each copy is unique as each is printed on a different sheet of commercially designed, rubberized plastic. Karl Lueg who contributed to this exhibition later changed his name to Karl Fischer and became an art dealer. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Short List: No.14 (Major Movements: A-L) / Ex Libris ; Andre C ; Bauermeister M ; Duchamp M ; Kolar J ; Balla G ; Carra C ; Cornell J ; Indiana R., 1982
Sur le Theatre de Marionnettes; Homage aux Nus Bleus de Matisse, 1982
Kolar's collage is a unique work. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Artists' Memory, 2000
The End of Words, Selected Works, 1990
The bookbinding was done by Jane Rollo. Each copy is virtually unique since collages were made adhering a limited number of the defective printed pages onto the pagea of the printed book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The End of Words, Selected Works 1947-1970 / Kolar, Jiri., 1990
The Pictured Word / Heusser, Martin, editor ; Cluver, Claus, editor ; Hoek, Leo, editor ; Weingarden, Lauren, editor ; Vos E ; Kac E ; Kolar J ; Vroom I ; Maurus H ; Dohl R ; Bory JF ; Garnier P ; Jandl E ; Finlay IH ; Gomringer E ; Ruhm G ; Xisto P ; Solt ME ; Landi L ; Pignatari D ; Apollinaire G ; Menezes P ; Lijn L ; Gappmayr H ; Porter B ; Carroll L ; Hirsal J ; Williams E ; Sabatier R ; Pinto LA ; Mayer P ; Furnival J ; Sa N ; Azeredo R ; Houedard DS ; DeSa A ; Evans D ; Pannard CF ; Klee P ; Edeline F ; deArimathea J ; Nadar ; Schoell-Glass C., 1998
Cluver contributed an essay, "On Representation in Concrete and Semiotic Poetry." Eric Vos wrote about "Visual Literature and Semiotic Conventions." Eduardo Kac's wrote on "Holopoetry and Hyperpoetry." Charlotte Schoell-Glas contributed "The Medium is the Message: Ian Hamilton Finlay's Garden Little Sparta,"an essay that reviewed the political side of Finlay's work. David Scott described the postage stamps of Donald Evans in "Semiotics and Ideology in Mixed Messages: The Postage Stamp."Cluver focuses on the word, "Ekphrasis" defined by some as "the verbal representation of graphic representation." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Twelve Seasons / Jiri Kolar., 1982
The Twelve Seasons / Jiri Kolar., 1982
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Visual art 32
- Visual poetry 32
- Critical text 20
- Concrete poetry 19
- Artist book (limited edition) 9
- Visual/verbal 8
- Reference text 6
- Artist book (citation) 5
- Calligraphic markings 5
- Conventional non-fiction 5
- Typewriter art 5
- Typewriter poetry 5
- Fragmented text 4
- Surrealism 4
- Artist book 3
- Calligraphic text 3
- Dada 3
- Conceptual art 2
- Constructivism 2
- Conventional poetry 2
- Fluxus 2
- Illustrated book (limited edition) 2
- Shaped poetry 2
- Alphabetical text 1
- Architecture 1
- Biography 1
- Cobra 1
- Documentation 1
- Drama 1
- Experimental typography 1
- Illustrated book (citation) 1
- Illustrated book (mass produced) 1
- Lettrisme 1
- Mathematical poetry 1
- Political poetry 1
- Pre-Mallarme work 1
- Russian avant garde 1
- Semiotic poetry 1
- Text over text 1 + ∧ less