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Gomringer, Eugen, 1925-


Found in 204 Collections and/or Records:

Concrete and Sound Poetry 1950-1970 / Cobbing, Bob; Fahlstrom O; Gomringer E; Nichol bp; Hanson S; Dufrene F; Wolman G; Brau JL; Chopin H; Gysin B; DeVree P; Heidsieck B; Johnson BE., 1970

Identifier: CC-17665-18033
Scope and Contents

Cobbing describes the history of contemporary sound poetry and the techniques utilized by the poets. He concludes "The very diversity of sound poetry is in line with its emphasis on the freedom of the individual and the withering of external authority, on man as a communal and social animal, on communication as a life-giving activity, things which in this bureaucratic and techncratic age we need constantly to remember. This is Cobbing's essay for the ground-breaking exhibition, "klankteksten ? konkrete poezie visuele tesksten - sound texts ? concrete poetry visual texts - akustiche texte ? konkrete poesie visuelle texte." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1970

Concrete Poetry: A World View, 1968

Identifier: CC-53605-200008
Scope and Contents This is the first edition, first printing. In the beginning of this book, traces the poets of concrete poetry country by country as follows: Switzerland, Brazil, Germany, Austria, Iceland, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, japan, France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Mexico, Spain, Scotland, England, Canada, and United States. This is followed by a section dealing with manifestos by Gomringer, the Noigandres Group, Max Bense, Oyvind Fahlstrom, Henri Chopin, Paul De Vree, Jonathan Williams, and Ian Haimilton Finlay. The next section consists of concrete poems from from poets worldwide. Obituary: Mary Ellen Solt, 86; poet, poetry critic, By Mary Rourke, Times Staff Writer, June 29, 2007 Mary Ellen Solt, a poet and poetry critic who often arranged words on the page in a visual graphic, resulting in such works as "Forsythia," a poem that looks like a flowering shrub, has died. She was 86. Solt died June 21 at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Santa Clarita after...
Dates: 1968

Concrete Poetry: A World View / Solt, Mary Ellen, editor ; Gomringer E ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; Pignatari D ; Pinto LA ; Braga E ; Grunewald JL ; Xisto P ; Azeredo R ; Paes JP ; Bremer C ; Bense M ; Mayer HJ ; Mon F ; Kriwet F ; Jandl E ; Ruhm G ; Wiener O ; Gappmayr H ; Roth D ; Novak L ; Kolar J ; Hirsal J ; Grogerova B ; Valoch J ; Havel V ; Barborka Z ; Ovcacek E ; Pazarkaya Y ; Sanmark K ; Steen V ; Fahlstrom O ; Nylen L ; Kitasono K ; Niikuni S ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Heidsieck B ; Bory JF ; LeSidaner JM ; DeVree F ; Vroom I ; VanEssche L ; Belloli C ; Lora-Totino A ; Spatola A ; deMelo e Castro EM ; Tavares S ; Goeritz M ; Campal J ; Millan F ; Gomez de Liano I ; Uribe E ; Ocarte ; Caceres JA ; Diaz deFortuny J ; Molero H ; Garcia-Sanchez J ; Arias-Misson A ; Lopez-Vera F ; Finlay IH ; Morgan E ; Houedard DS ; Greenham P ; Furnival J ; Nichol bp ; cummings ee ; Zukofsky L ; Bogan L ; Creeley R ; Lax R ; Williams E ; Saroyan A ; Williams J ; Solt ME ; Higgins D ; Fernbach-Flarscheim C ; Johnson R., 1968

Identifier: CC-53604-65826
Scope and Contents This is the first edition, first printing. In the beginning of this book, traces the poets of concrete poetry country by country as follows: Switzerland, Brazil, Germany, Austria, Iceland, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, japan, France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Mexico, Spain, Scotland, England, Canada, and United States. This is followed by a section dealing with manifestos by Gomringer, the Noigandres Group, Max Bense, Oyvind Fahlstrom, Henri Chopin, Paul De Vree, Jonathan Williams, and Ian Haimilton Finlay. The next section consists of concrete poems from from poets worldwide. Obituary: Mary Ellen Solt, 86; poet, poetry critic, By Mary Rourke, Times Staff Writer, June 29, 2007 Mary Ellen Solt, a poet and poetry critic who often arranged words on the page in a visual graphic, resulting in such works as "Forsythia," a poem that looks like a flowering shrub, has died. She was 86. Solt died June 21 at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Santa Clarita after...
Dates: 1968

Concrete Poetry: An International Anthology / Bann, Stephen, editor ; Gomringer E ; Ruhm G ; Mayer HJ ; Jandl E ; DeCampos H ; DeCampos A ; Grunewald JL ; Xisto P ; Braga E ; Garnier P ; Finlay IH ; Williams J ; Houedard DS ; Furnival J ; Bann S ; Morgan E ; Williams E ; Lax R., 1967

Identifier: CC-22999-23436
Scope and Contents

Bann discusses the history and development of the concrete poetry movement in this first broadly based collection of concrete poetry published in book form. Sections are devoted to Latin, Germanic and English poets. Particular attention is paid to pioneers such as Gomringer, the Brazilian Noigandres group and British poets Finlay and Morgan. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1967

Concrete Poetry / Bodden, Valerie ; Herbert G ; Apollinaire G ; Gomringer E ; Carroll L ; Ball H ; DeCampos A., 2009

Identifier: CC-50694-71768
Scope and Contents

Page 15 reproduces a colored calligram by Apollinaire that is held by the Sackner Archive in a limited edition of 10 copies. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2009

[Concrete Poetry] / Cobbing, Bob, editor; Cobbing B; Gomringer E; Dohl R; Saroyan A., 1978

Identifier: CC-17696-18065
Scope and Contents

Reproductions of examples of concrete poetry; one copy printed on white and the other on yellow stock. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1978

Concrete Poetry / Linton, Arnold ; Gomringer E ; Kierzkowski R., 1975

Identifier: CC-49004-70042
Scope and Contents Unable to identify this poet in a Google search. Russell Kierzkowski contributes a brief history and definition of concrete poetry as quoted as follows. "Concrete poetry has taken root in the literary soil of the United States. Small presses are attempting to establish and develop this fresh medium. Concrete poetry is a positive response to an earnest demand for adequate methods of communication. For advanced methods of thought, typography and design are the essential tools of this international.rnovement that is exercising the many dimensions of poetry which have long been suppressed by the antiquated hierarchy of literature. Arnold Linton is a local artist concerned with this emerging art. A free-lance graphic designer and typographer, he utilizes his press - the hermit press by participating in the movement to validate concrete poetry as an artform. The hermit press is one of the many small presses making an important contribution in addition to the work in concrete poetry the...
Dates: 1975

Concrete Sound Poetry 1950-1970 / Cobbing, Bob; Fahlstrom O; Gomringer E; Nichol bp; Hanson S; Dufrene F; Wolman G; Brau JL; Chopin H; Gysin B; DeVree P; Heidsieck B; Johnson BE., 1970

Identifier: CC-17666-18034
Scope and Contents

Cobbing describes the history of contemporary sound poetry and the techniques utilized by the poets. He concludes "The very diversity of sound poetry is in line with its emphasis on the freedom of the individual and the withering of external authority, on man as a communal and social animal, on communication as a life-giving activity, things which in this bureaucratic and techncratic age we need constantly to remember." This is Cobbing's manuscript essay for the ground-breaking exhibition, "klankteksten ? konkrete poezie visuele tesksten - sound texts ? concrete poetry visual texts - akustiche texte ? konkrete poesie visuelle texte." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1970

Das Chinesische Schriftzeichen / Fenollosa, Ernest ; Gomringer E., 1972

Identifier: CC-11224-11439
Scope and Contents

Deals with the Chinese ideograms of Ezra Pound. From a series on art edited by Eugen Gomringer. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1972

Das Stundenbuch; The Book of Hours; Le Livre D'Heures; El Libro De Las Horas; Timbok, 1980

Identifier: CC-36329-38119
Scope and Contents

This book was first published in German in 1965. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1980

Denkenstoss. No.7 / Gomringer E., 1962

Identifier: CC-15149-15470
Scope and Contents

This student magazine contains a constellation by Eugen Gomringer. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1962

Deutschunterricht, Der. No.1 / Gomringer E., 1970

Identifier: CC-15224-15545
Scope and Contents

This issue contains essays that analyze different poetic genres. Lothar Bornscheuer contributes an essay on Eugen Gomringer's Konstellationen. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1970

Dez Poemas Concretos / Spanudis, Theon ; Gomringer E., 1964

Identifier: CC-55985-65895
Scope and Contents The Sackners purchased this book from Eugen Gomringer who intended to publish it in German in his Konkrete Poesie series but it was never published because of lack of funds. Antonio Miranda internet: Psychoanalyst, poet, art critic and collector, Theon Spanudis was born in Izmir, Turkey, Asia Minor, May 30, 1915, the son of Greek parents. His father was George Spanoudis pediatrician and mother Clio Boulgaris Spanoudis, very cultured and lover of the arts. In 1922 a fire occurred at Smyrna where his parents lost everything they owned. Expelled by the Turks, were living in Athens. He grew up in Athens where he attended primary and secondary, already showing interest in literary activities. By imposing father left for Vienna in 1933 to study medicine, doctoral student in 1940. He specialized in psychoanalysis. He visited São Paulo in 1950 at the invitation of the Brazilian Psychoanalytic Society, where he taught until 1957. He attended workshops of painters, being the first in the...
Dates: 1964

Die Konstellationen Les Constellations The Constellations Las Constelaciones, 1964

Identifier: CC-10589-10795
Scope and Contents

The number of copies of this edition is unknown but is probably 500. This book includes bothe the German and Spsnish versions of Gomringer's seminal poem "silence." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1964

die wiener gruppe: a moment of modernity 1954-1960, 1997

Identifier: CC-35009-36730
Scope and Contents

This is a definitive catalogue of the wiener gruppe. A section toward the end of the book depicts artworks by the group to subsequent artworks done by the international art community suggesting their widespread influence. The original typings of two Achleitner's poetry suites are held by the Sackner Archive (one of o i studie typings depicted in this record).. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1997

Additional filters:

Concrete poetry 127
Critical text 50
Constellation 30
Typewriter poetry 22
Documentation 17