Gomringer, Eugen, 1925-
Found in 204 Collections and/or Records:
Concrete and Sound Poetry 1950-1970 / Cobbing, Bob; Fahlstrom O; Gomringer E; Nichol bp; Hanson S; Dufrene F; Wolman G; Brau JL; Chopin H; Gysin B; DeVree P; Heidsieck B; Johnson BE., 1970
Cobbing describes the history of contemporary sound poetry and the techniques utilized by the poets. He concludes "The very diversity of sound poetry is in line with its emphasis on the freedom of the individual and the withering of external authority, on man as a communal and social animal, on communication as a life-giving activity, things which in this bureaucratic and techncratic age we need constantly to remember. This is Cobbing's essay for the ground-breaking exhibition, "klankteksten ? konkrete poezie visuele tesksten - sound texts ? concrete poetry visual texts - akustiche texte ? konkrete poesie visuelle texte." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Concrete Poems] / Cobbing, Bob, editor; Houedard DS; Cobbing B; Gomringer E; Saroyan A; Nichol bp; Dohl R; Goeritz M., 1968
Concrete Poetry: A World View, 1968
Concrete Poetry: A World View / Solt, Mary Ellen, editor ; Gomringer E ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; Pignatari D ; Pinto LA ; Braga E ; Grunewald JL ; Xisto P ; Azeredo R ; Paes JP ; Bremer C ; Bense M ; Mayer HJ ; Mon F ; Kriwet F ; Jandl E ; Ruhm G ; Wiener O ; Gappmayr H ; Roth D ; Novak L ; Kolar J ; Hirsal J ; Grogerova B ; Valoch J ; Havel V ; Barborka Z ; Ovcacek E ; Pazarkaya Y ; Sanmark K ; Steen V ; Fahlstrom O ; Nylen L ; Kitasono K ; Niikuni S ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Heidsieck B ; Bory JF ; LeSidaner JM ; DeVree F ; Vroom I ; VanEssche L ; Belloli C ; Lora-Totino A ; Spatola A ; deMelo e Castro EM ; Tavares S ; Goeritz M ; Campal J ; Millan F ; Gomez de Liano I ; Uribe E ; Ocarte ; Caceres JA ; Diaz deFortuny J ; Molero H ; Garcia-Sanchez J ; Arias-Misson A ; Lopez-Vera F ; Finlay IH ; Morgan E ; Houedard DS ; Greenham P ; Furnival J ; Nichol bp ; cummings ee ; Zukofsky L ; Bogan L ; Creeley R ; Lax R ; Williams E ; Saroyan A ; Williams J ; Solt ME ; Higgins D ; Fernbach-Flarscheim C ; Johnson R., 1968
Concrete Poetry: An International Anthology / Bann, Stephen, editor ; Gomringer E ; Ruhm G ; Mayer HJ ; Jandl E ; DeCampos H ; DeCampos A ; Grunewald JL ; Xisto P ; Braga E ; Garnier P ; Finlay IH ; Williams J ; Houedard DS ; Furnival J ; Bann S ; Morgan E ; Williams E ; Lax R., 1967
Bann discusses the history and development of the concrete poetry movement in this first broadly based collection of concrete poetry published in book form. Sections are devoted to Latin, Germanic and English poets. Particular attention is paid to pioneers such as Gomringer, the Brazilian Noigandres group and British poets Finlay and Morgan. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Concrete Poetry / Bodden, Valerie ; Herbert G ; Apollinaire G ; Gomringer E ; Carroll L ; Ball H ; DeCampos A., 2009
Page 15 reproduces a colored calligram by Apollinaire that is held by the Sackner Archive in a limited edition of 10 copies. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Concrete Poetry] / Cobbing, Bob, editor; Cobbing B; Gomringer E; Dohl R; Saroyan A., 1978
Reproductions of examples of concrete poetry; one copy printed on white and the other on yellow stock. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Concrete Poetry: It's Art. No, It's Literature. No, It's Confusing / Wisenberg, Sandi; Kriwet F; Peeters J; Mallarme S; Gomringer E; Phillips T; Jacoby R; Mathews R; Mon F; Bremer C; Solt ME; DeCampos A; Williams E; VanDerMarck J., 1983
Concrete Poetry / Linton, Arnold ; Gomringer E ; Kierzkowski R., 1975
Concrete Sound Poetry 1950-1970 / Cobbing, Bob; Fahlstrom O; Gomringer E; Nichol bp; Hanson S; Dufrene F; Wolman G; Brau JL; Chopin H; Gysin B; DeVree P; Heidsieck B; Johnson BE., 1970
Cobbing describes the history of contemporary sound poetry and the techniques utilized by the poets. He concludes "The very diversity of sound poetry is in line with its emphasis on the freedom of the individual and the withering of external authority, on man as a communal and social animal, on communication as a life-giving activity, things which in this bureaucratic and techncratic age we need constantly to remember." This is Cobbing's manuscript essay for the ground-breaking exhibition, "klankteksten ? konkrete poezie visuele tesksten - sound texts ? concrete poetry visual texts - akustiche texte ? konkrete poesie visuelle texte." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Correspondence between De Campos & Gomringer regarding publications in Spirale 8 and Konkrete Poesie / De Campos, Haroldo; Gomringer, Eugen., 1961
Das Chinesische Schriftzeichen / Fenollosa, Ernest ; Gomringer E., 1972
Deals with the Chinese ideograms of Ezra Pound. From a series on art edited by Eugen Gomringer. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Das Kleine Gelbe Quadrat & Quadrat Aller Lander, 1992
Das Stundenbuch; The Book of Hours; Le Livre D'Heures; El Libro De Las Horas; Timbok, 1980
This book was first published in German in 1965. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Denkenstoss. No.7 / Gomringer E., 1962
This student magazine contains a constellation by Eugen Gomringer. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Der einfache weg ist einfach der weg / Kunster - Teller Nr. 3 / Eugen Gomringer., 1975
Deutschunterricht, Der. No.1 / Gomringer E., 1970
This issue contains essays that analyze different poetic genres. Lothar Bornscheuer contributes an essay on Eugen Gomringer's Konstellationen. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Dez Poemas Concretos / Spanudis, Theon ; Gomringer E., 1964
Die Konstellationen Les Constellations The Constellations Las Constelaciones, 1964
The number of copies of this edition is unknown but is probably 500. This book includes bothe the German and Spsnish versions of Gomringer's seminal poem "silence." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
die wiener gruppe: a moment of modernity 1954-1960, 1997
This is a definitive catalogue of the wiener gruppe. A section toward the end of the book depicts artworks by the group to subsequent artworks done by the international art community suggesting their widespread influence. The original typings of two Achleitner's poetry suites are held by the Sackner Archive (one of o i studie typings depicted in this record).. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Concrete poetry 127
- Critical text 50
- Constellation 30
- Typewriter poetry 22
- Documentation 17
- Visual art 15
- Visual poetry 15
- Conventional poetry 14
- Reference text 11
- Conventional non-fiction 9
- Sound poetry 6
- Fluxus 5
- Repetitious text 5
- Artist book 4
- Biography 4
- Conceptual art 3
- Illustrated book 3
- Performance poetry 3
- Picture poetry 3
- Shaped poetry 3
- Artist book (citation) 2
- Book review 2
- Calligraphic markings 2
- Calligraphic text 2
- Constructivism 2
- Conventional fiction 2
- Found poetry 2
- Futurism 2
- Lettrisme 2
- Manifesto 2
- Permutation 2
- Pre-Mallarme work 2
- Text over text 2
- Typography 2
- Abstract markings 1
- Acrostic 1
- Artist book (limited edition) 1
- Cancelled text 1
- Children's book 1
- Chronology 1
- Dada 1
- Definitions 1
- Digital poetry 1
- Holography 1
- Ideogram 1
- Inism 1
- Interior decoration 1
- Labyrinth 1
- Letter picture 1
- Mathematical poetry 1
- Music 1
- Neo-concrete poetry 1
- Outsider art 1
- Surrealism 1
- Typewriter art 1
- Visual/verbal 1
- Vorticism 1 + ∧ less