Lowell, Jim, 1932-2004
Biographical / Historical
b. 1932, d. 2004. Owner of the Asphodel Bookshop in Cleveland, Ohio.
Found in 11 Collections and/or Records:
[Announcement The Marrahwannah Quarterly Vol.2 #4 / letter to [Jean-Francois Bory] editor Approches] / levy, d.a.; Lowell J., 1966
[Indictment of Jim Lowell and d.a.levy] / levy, d.a.; Lowell J; levy da; Heilbrun S; Sigmund RJ., 1967
Relates story of the arrest of d.a.levy, Jim Lowell and Robert Sigmund. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Letter to Will Inman] / Lowell, Jim., 1965
Apologizes to Inman for not sending a larger contribution. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
No.216: Literature / Asphodel Book Shop ; Lowell J ; levy da ; rjs ; Cook G ; Taylor K ; Kryss TL ; Blazek D ; Bukowski C ; Corita M ; Creeley R ; Griffiths B ; Snyder G ; Sukenick R., 2003
The catalogue listed several paintings on paper by levy but before the Sackners could purchase them, they had been sold. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Notes from Cleveland: Selected Correspondence Jim Lowell to Kent Taylor [1970-2003] / Lowell, Jim ; Kryss TL ; Taylor K ; levy da ; Sackner MA ; Golden M., 2005
Lowell mentions Marvin Sackner in a letter to Taylor on February 14, 1999. In a letter dated June 28, 1999, he expresses disgust at Mike Golden's biography of d.a. levy because of statements of rumors that he treated as facts. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Notes to Cleveland: Correspondence from Jim Lowell to Tom Kryss [1979 - 2003] / Lowell, Jim., 2004
[police brutality in Cleveland] / Anonymous: about d.a. levy; rjs; Lowell J; levy da; Ginsberg A; Fugs; Heilbrun S., 1967
Sleeping Nude on Top of the Sheets: Selected Correspondence to Tom Kryss / Kent Taylor [1968-1998] / Lowell, Jim ; Kryss TL ; Taylor K ; levy da ; rjs., 2005
The cover collage is by R. Werner. The book reproduces letters from Lowell, a reproduction of a painting by d.a. levy and a reproduction of a visual poem collage by rjs. Selected content of the letters are annotated at the end of this book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Winter the General Starks was stuck / Olson, Charles; Kryss TL; Lowell J., 2008
This is a reprint of Olson's poem first published by James Lowell in Asphodel cataogue #13, 1966. The cover print of a flower was done by Tom Kryss. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.