Showing Records: 381 - 400 of 1506
As archaic as the Inquisition (Also titled) Putting this man on the rack to get a strike settlement ought to be as far out of date as the tortures of the Middle Ages
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_220318-C.jpg
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock
As archaic as the Inquisition (Also titled) Putting this man on the rack to get a strike settlement ought to be as far out of date as the tortures of the Middle Ages, 1922 March 18
As far as China is concerned they can all stay out
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_211120
As Germany once said to Austria
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Identifier: MsC0170_181210-I
As hard to get rid of as the dandelions
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Identifier: MsC0170_220523
As inevitable as time
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Identifier: MsC0170_430110
As inflation creeps up on us
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Identifier: MsC0170_461222-I
As it was in the beginning -- is now and ever shall be, world without end, amen
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Identifier: MsC0170_190115-I
As Italy goes, so goes the world--- maybe.
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Identifier: MsC0170_480418
As ithers see us
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Identifier: MsC0170_140624-I
As many lives as a cat
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Identifier: MsC0170_270110
As the commencement speaker would say: On the threshold
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Identifier: MsC0170_270606
As the farmer sees it. (Optional): Can't carry much of a load that way
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Identifier: MsC0170_260514
As to increasing the immigration limit. (Subtitles): We'd like to see just as many enjoy the picnic as possible, but---; it is just as well to load the boat with some regard to the number of life preservers and lifeboats we carry.
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_230419
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock
As to increasing the immigration limit. (Subtitles): We'd like to see just as many enjoy the picnic as possible, but---; it is just as well to load the boat with some regard to the number of life preservers and lifeboats we carry., 1923 April 09
As to mobilization day
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Identifier: MsC0170_240803-I
As we do unto others
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Identifier: MsC0170_190608-I
As we understand it only policemen ever get rough in strike ethics
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Identifier: MsC0170_390809
As we understand it the field for insurance has only been scratched
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Identifier: MsC0170_201020-I
As we understand it this isn't exactly what the hostess planned the party for
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Identifier: MsC0170_230116
As ye sow, so shall ye reap evidently was not meant to apply to the family garden patch
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Identifier: MsC0170_090618-I
Ask the man who has tried it
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Identifier: MsC0170_190124-I