Showing Records: 161 - 180 of 1660
Among the arriving refugees
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_400603
Amsbury, Clifton
Digital Work
Identifier: MsC1071_00002
An army in which every man, woman, and child in America ought to be enlisted
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_171218
An awful big contract!
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_281110
An Ode to Paper in the Digital Age
Digital Work
Identifier: MsC0937_00009
Ancient mythology isn't the only period that can boast of a hydra headed monster that grows two new heads whenever one is cut off (Collier's title) Mythology doesn't have a monopoly on the hydra-headed monster that grows two new heads whenever one is cut
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_250228-I
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock
Ancient mythology isn't the only period that can boast of a hydra headed monster that grows two new heads whenever one is cut off (Collier's title) Mythology doesn't have a monopoly on the hydra-headed monster that grows two new heads whenever one is cut, 1925 February 28
Ancient Troy made the mistake of thinking there was nothing in it once too
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_261028-I
And a cactus the only tree visible on the landscape
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_311221
And a hardboiled one at that
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_270417
And after he's been told repeatedly not to go outside the yard too [also titled] And he was told repeatedly to stay in the yard
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_160118-I
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Jay N. "Ding" Darling Papers
Original cartoon drawings, primarily on 22x28 inch card stock
And after he's been told repeatedly not to go outside the yard too [also titled] And he was told repeatedly to stay in the yard, 1916 January 18
And all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_190526-I
And all the time his bait is getting lower
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_180422-I
And all winter we've been waiting so eagerly for spring
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_470610-I
And always we come right back to it. P.S. Special rates if we would all decide to go at once
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_210107a
And are we glad to see the repair man come along!
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_320101
And beating him over the head won't put any more in his pockets
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_210906
And Congress was distinctly told to tie it in the woodshed
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_170315
And don't ever try it again
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_450815
And don't forget any of your things
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_150101-I
And don't let me have to speak to you again
Digital Image
Identifier: MsC0170_290811-I