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Scope and Contents
From a statement by Linda Kay: [This collection is comprised of] publications related to the National Association of Fan Clubs, its history and miscellaneous fan club materials collected by the Association, plus news articles about fan clubs and other fan club related publications, such as those of FANOATA, the International Fan Club Organization. These materials were collected roughly over a period of twelve years, from 1990-2002, with some older materials related to NAFC and its history. The National Association of Fan Clubs was originally founded in the 1970s by Blanche Trinajstick (known as Trina) and was taken over by Linda Kay in 1993. The purpose of NAFC was to provide a kind of clearinghouse and network for fan clubs to share informatoin and ideas. We also directed fans to fan clubs, fielded questions from the media about fan clubs and mediated disputes between both fans and fan clubs and fan clubs with other fan clubs. We publisihed an annual directory of international fan clubs and also a guide to starting a fan club. Our quarterly newsletter, The Fan Club Monitor, covered everything in the world of fan clubs. Correspondence witih fan club presidents is included.
- Creation: 1990-2002
- From the Collection: Kay, Linda (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
This collection is stored at an off-site location, please allow two-three business days for retrieval.
From the Collection: 14.50 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the University of Iowa Special Collections Repository
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)