American Cookery Manuscripts 75 [Collection of handwritten recipes], 1600-1963 1700-1900
- Creation: 1600-1963 1700-1900
From the Collection: 10.50 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
Materials Specific Details
The recipes include: Force Meat balls, Apple Jelly, To preserve Pine apples, Ginger Bread, Naples Biscuit, Tea Biscuit, Plum Cake, Dough Nuts, Queen Cake, Cocoa Nut Cake, Bath Cake, Sponge Cake, Pound Cake, Soft waffles, Honey Cake, Loaf Cake, Milk Ginger Bread, Composition Cake, Almond Cake, Wafers, Ginger Cake, Olea books, Calves Feet Jelly, To preserve Orange Peal, Patterson Pudding, Raspberry Jam, To Stew Fish, Shrewsbury Cake, Soft Pearlash Cake, Tea cup Cake, Apple Pudding, Lemon or Orange Pudding, Cocoa Nut Pudding, Potatoe Pudding, Lady's Cake, Puff Paste, Ginger Beer, Yeast, make up cake, Pickle for Beef, Cup Cake, Ginger Cake, Plum Cake, Muffins, Loaf Cake, Jumbles, Puffers, Sponge Cake, Bath Cakes, Wonders, Election Cake, Ginger Cakes, Rusk, Potatoe Pudding, Ground Rice Pudding, Plum Cake, Whip Syllibub, Ginger Cake, Malborough Pudding, Ginger Sweetmeats, Cup cake, New Year Cakes, Custard Pudding, Biscuit Pudding, Apple Pudding, Quince Pudding, Blamonge, Large Boiled Flour Pudding, Rice fritters, Jumbles. There is a note to "Purchase Dr. Kitcheners Cooks Oracle published in N York best Information for Preserving Pickle ...." More recipes include: Soft Ginger Cakes, Cup Cakes, Tea Cake, Mackerel Pudding, pickling Tomatoes, Soft Ginger Cake, Wheat Muffins, Flannel Cake, Cabbage Pickle, potatoe, New York Cup Cake, Crullers, New Years Cake, Pine-Apple Tart, Peach tart, Almond Custard, Loaf Cake, Butter Biscuit, Rice Cakes for breakfast, cocoa nut pudding, Preserving Peaches, Tomato Catsup, Rusk, Composition Cake, Jumbles, Snow Cream Mrs. De Witt, Woodstock Jumbles, Waffers, Lemon Pudding, Tomato Catsup (1869), [lemon cake], Crullers, Crullers without Butter, Harvard Cake, Soft Waffles, Raspbury Jam, Lemon Jelly, Queen Cake, Pear-lust Cake, Macaroons, Plum Cake, Victoria Cake, Crollers, Oleo cooks, Safron Waffles, Crolers, Soft Jumbles, Faney cake, Soft Jumbles, Doughnuts, Nut cake, Queen Cake, New Years Cake, Tomato Preserves, Sausages, Mrs. Leslie's Recipe for Preserving Citron Melons, Charlotte de Russe, Ginger bun, Plum Cake, Frosting for Cake, Potato pan Cakes, Baked Indian pudding, Soft Waffles, rusk, Hand buiskit, Currant Wine, To cure beef, Puffort, Nut Cake, Clay Cake, Chocolate filling for Cake, To cure Hams, Eve's Pudding, Victoria Cake, Almond Jumbles, Wheat Flour Pudding, Cottage Pudding, Soft Jumbles, Maccaroons, Dough Nuts, Mountain Cake, Loaf Cake, Popovers, Almond Jumbles, Sugar Cake, Rusk, Peach Pickles, Puffort, Pickled Plums, Orange or Apple snow balls, Omlet, Honey Cake, Coffee Cake, Crackers, Floating Island, Mock apple Pie, Strawberry Cake, Cup Cake, Soda Cake, Queen's Cake, Pound Cake, Loaf Cake, Lemon Pudding, Flumery or Charlotte Russe, Almond Cake, Floating Island, Ice Currents, Orange Cream, Batter Fruit Pudding, Thick light Gingerbread, Good little Cakes, Lemon Pie, Sponge Cake, Cocoa Nut Puddings, Wigs, Cocoa Nut Cake, Cocoa Nut Drops
Physical Description
In the back of this New England cookbook are references to the Springfield, Massachusetts Republican newspaper. Springfield is 5 miles north of the Connecticut state line and 80 miles SSW of Boston. This port of entry was first settled in 1636 by Puritans, and incorporated as a town in 1641, and as a city in 1852. It was also an underground railroad stop. "Springfield, Mass: 1825" is written opposite the first recipe. The oldest recipes are dated 1870.
"Mrs Mary Grier Evans 1825" was written in ink and most likely was the first and original owner of a book that passed through several hands. There are 130 pages of which 120 are written. . Note: William Kitchiner's The Cook's Oracle was first published in London in 1817, first American edition 1822. The owner of this little manuscript Mrs. Mary Evans made a note for herself in 1830 to purchase the book. A recipe from Mrs. Leslie appears in the rear of the book, she published books from 1837-1881. There is a recipe for Tomato and Watermelon Pickle laid in.
(4 x 6 in.; 10 x 15 cm.)
Repository Details
Part of the University of Iowa Special Collections Repository
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)