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Recipe Book, 1600-1963 1700-1900

 Item — Volume: EN 47


  • Creation: 1600-1963 1700-1900


From the Collection: 10.50 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


Materials Specific Details

Letters with recipes which are laid in are addressed to Miss Collins, so presumably this cookery manuscripts belonged to her. Some of the recipes are in French. Unique recipes include "Metheglin" and "Drogehda Usquebaugh" (the first a spiced honey wine, the second a spiced brandy, even though usquebaugh means whiskey in Irish). Starting from the back are household and medicinal recipes, including "Sweet Pot" (pot pourri), "To Cure Fits," and "Paste for the Teeth."

Physical Description

Approximately 70 pages, small quarto, mostly in the same hand.

Spine coming apart.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Iowa Special Collections Repository

Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)