Brinton Entertaining Company Papers
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Scope and Contents
The Brinton Entertaining Company Papers contains films, slides, projectors, papers, and other documents from the life and career of William Franklin Brinton of Washington, IA. Brinton was an itinerant showman, travelling from Texas to Minnesota to project slides, film, and stage other entertainments during the years 1895-1909. He was also the manager of the Graham Opera House in Washington, which is still an active movie theater today and was recently declared the longest continually operating cinema in the world. Brinton was an eccentric and energetic individual, and the collection not only preserves some of the earliest commercially available film, it also contains material related to Brinton’s experimental interests, such as his passion for designing flying machines long before human flight became a reality.
The Brinton Papers are broken down into three series, with further breakdowns into sub-series. The collection is described at various levels based on research and instructional value, with some files being itemized or indexed while others are more generally described.
Brinton's publications and miscellanious materials are included in the 19TH & 20TH CENTURY EPHEMERA & PUBLICATIONS series.
The BRINTON ENTERTAINING & THE GRAHAM OPERA HOUSE series includes all materials identified as having come from or been involved with the Graham Opera House and/or Brinton's cinematic/entertainment work. This series is broken down into 6 sub-series. The Films sub-series includes 7 silent films on reels, while the Film catalogs sub-series contains print catalogues relating to a number of silent films. The Hardware and anaglog media sub-series contains a number of artifacts, including wax cylinders, glass plates, and film projectors. The programs, posters, and clippings sub-series including promotional materials relating to the Graham Opera House's performances, but also includes some materials from other entertainment companies. The Talent sub-series mainly consists of photographs of actors/entertainers, with some paystubs. The Operations sub-series includes finances, schedules, contracts and agreements, correspondnece, supplies, and a number of tickets.
The BRINTON FAMILY series is broken into 7 sub-series. The first is the Betty Osincup Addendum. Betty Osincup and her husband owned a drug store in Washington, Iowa, where he was required to deliver items to Indiana Brinton in her home. He would have to call her first, as she was a nudist and would put on an apron to answer the door. After Ina's death, an auction was held in 1955, and Mrs. Osincup bought the items included in this addendum. She gave them to the University of Iowa in 2017. The Indiana "Ina" Brinton sub-series contains correspondence, catalogues, and personal affects from Brinton's wife, "Ina." Of note is her work in researching and purchasing, with the financial assistance of her husband, much of the land the Brinton's came to own. The William Frank Brinton sub-series contains correspondence, financials, personal affects (including Brinton's shirt), and his inventions/patients. The General Brinton Family sub-series contains correspondence with extended family and with W.F. Brinton's parents. It also includes some geanlogical materials and the wanted poster for his father, Jonathan, who 'dissapeared' during a trip to Jerusalem, Palestine. Smaller sub-series include Land purchase research, Photographs, Trips to Palestine (olive wood and other souvenires), and Miscellaneous (friends of the family, general connections to the Brintons).
- Creation: 1820 - 1978
- Brinton, William Franklin (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open for research.
Conditions Governing Use
Copyright status for collection materials may be unknown. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.) beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owner. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility and potential liability based on copyright infringement for any use rests exclusively and solely with the user. Users must properly acknowledge University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections & Archives as the source of the material. For further information, visit
Biographical / Historical
William Frank Brinton was the manager at the Graham Opera House in Washington, Iowa; a public speaker; an inventor and overall Renaissance man. He built his house in Washington to be heated with solar heat, and he invented and built airships, for which he built a landing strip on the roof of his house. Whether he actually flew the airships that high much less landed any on his rooftop landing area, is questionable. On September 20, 1893 he rented the fairgrounds in Washington and advertised that his air ship would go up. He also arranged other entertainment, such as horse races, foot races, and bicycle races and fancy bicycle riding. The generator to inflate the balloon which he needed to get his airship off the ground did not arrive in time and Brinton's stop gap measures did not work, and his airship did not fly that day. He came under intense criticism for this because he had charged $.10 and $.15 admission. The crowd reached 8000. He countered that the other entertainment was worth the money, and that those who said that man could never fly should be content, but people had come to see Brinton fly.
The enraged portion of the crowd apparently destroyed the balloon and Brinton and his wife had to stay in a local hotel because their friends were afraid they might have come to harm if they went to their home. Brinton tried to compensate by giving free entertainment in the opera house, but the opera house owner would not rent him the space for fear that the crowd might become unruly. Brinton made over $1600 that day.
He acted as projectionist in an early movie house, and presented travelogues over his many journeys, particularly his trips to Palestine. He built an outdoor theatre, which he called The Airdome, but it was short-lived. He also offered fake air ship rides in a tent and at the Opera House. In the tent the air ships were fastened to the central tent pole; in the opera house they were attached to the scenery loft.
He came by his quaintness naturally. His father Jonathan owned a farm in Washington County but didn't like paying taxes. This apparently prompted him to move to Palestine, leaving his wife and family in Iowa. He bought land to build a hotel, but couldn't secure a title from the sellers. He apparently divided his time between Palestine and London, and there are several letters from him in the collection instructing Frank to sell the farm and send the money to him in London. He eventually stopped writing and was never heard from again. Though Frank went to Palestine to look for him he was never found.
Both father and son were inventors, and there is a letter in the collection asking the family to make arrangements for allowing a company to use one of Jonathan's inventions. Frank also applied for several patents and carried on a large correspondence with patent lawyers. He frustrated his lawyers by constantly changing the specifications for his inventions after the patent had been applied for.
He apparently suffered from a hernia and went to the Mayo Clinic, perhaps for treatment of the hernia.
He married Indiana Putman, who was right at home in this odd family as her later behavior demonstrated. She was much younger than Frank and was still very young when Frank died at the age of 61 in 1919. His will left the estate to her, with the proviso that she never remarry. She was a health food aficionado and a nudist. There are several books in the collection having to do with exercises for beauty. One apparently learned to call before visiting her, because she had no qualms about answering the door in the nude.
She was a savvy money manager, though, and invested in land in Iowa, Kansas, and Texas; and maybe in South Dakota and Florida. She and Frank had no children, so her estate was divided among several charities when she died in 1955.
50 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
Materials from the Brinton Entertaining Company, the Brinton Family, and the Saving Brinton project. Includes films, projectors, glass slides, 78 rpm records, wax cylinders, memorabilia from travels, patent applications with drawings, plans for flying machines, posters, tickets.
Custodial History
The collection was preserved for many years by Michael Zahs, subject of the documentary film Saving Brinton. The collection began deposit to the University of Iowa Libraries beginning in 2014.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
On deposit by Michael Zahs, 2014.
Genre / Form
- Title
- Brinton Entertaining Company Papers
- Author
- Carmela Furio
- Date
- 2024 October
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the University of Iowa Special Collections Repository
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)