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M. Horvat Science Fiction Fanzines Collection

Identifier: MsC0791

  • Staff Only
  • No requestable containers

Scope and Contents

This collection contains many thousands of individual fanzines and pieces of fanzines, amassed by Horvat over the decades. The fanzines in the collection deal mostly with science fiction and related subjects, although there are zines on other genre topics, such as mysteries. The collection chronicles the evolution, growth and development of science fiction fandom from its early organization in the 1920s through the various iterations of fandom that occurred over the subsequent decades. Together the materials in the Horvat collection document the history of SF fandom over the course of its first century of life.

In physical terms, the number of individual items represented here is on the order of 15,000-20000 pieces.

Information is generally entered: Title (Place of Publication) editor(s). Issue number (date of publication).

ALS = autograph letter signed; TLS = typed letter signed.

Bibliographies, lists, booksellers catalogs, and similar materials have been separated and are listed in Series IV, Fanzine Bibliography.


  • Creation: 1925-2002


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright restrictions may apply; please consult Special Collections staff for further information.

Biographical / Historical

Martin M. (Mike) Horvat is a printer, collector and science fiction fan from Stayton, Oregon. For many years, his collecting focused on general circulation science fiction magazines and fanzines. Horvat founded the American Private Press Association and, during the 1980s, was an editor of South of the Moon, a catalog of publications of amateur press associations.


100.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials



A large collection, stretching across most of the 20th century, of science fiction fanzines.

Method of Acquisition

The Horvat collection was purchased by the University of Iowa Libraries from Martin Mike Horvat in December 2004.

Related Materials

HERELD, S. The S. Hereld Collection of Blake's 7 Fanzines and Fan Fiction, 1979-2001. 5.2 ft. A collection of fan publications, including examples of fan fiction, by various authors relating to the British sciencefiction television series Blake's 7. Also included are some publications for several other genre shows. MsC0877.

HILL, SUSAN. The Susan Hill Fanzine Collection, 1986-2009. 4.0 ft. Science fiction fan and fanzine collector. Collection of fanzines - mostly works of fan fiction, with particular emphasis on multimedia anthologies and on the British science fiction TV show Blake's 7. MsC0401.

HOOVER, DEBBIE. Debbie Hoover Fanzine Collection. 42.8 ft. Oregon-based fan and collector of fanzines. Collection of fanzines - mostly fan fiction -, mainly from Star Trek but also for other SF and genre media properties. MsC0430.

HORVAT, M. The M. Horvat Collection of Genre Apazines, 1943, 1945, 1958-2002. A collection of science fiction, fantasy, mystery and other genre "apazines" (informal publications similar to newsletters or fanzines, and published by fan groups called Amateur Press Associations, or "apas"). MsC0825.

HORVAT, M. The M. Horvat National Fantasy Fan Federation Collection, 1942-2008. 1.5 ft. Collection of materials from the National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F), a major and venerable SF fannish organization. Materials include administrative documents, publications, and records from N3F subsidiary bodies. MsC0886.

HORVAT, M. The M. Horvat Collection of Science Fiction Convention Materials, 1943-2000. Materials produced for or relating to numerous science fiction conventions, including progress reports, advertisements, newsletters, and assorted ephemera. MsC0884.

HOTALING-LYONS, CELESTE. The Celeste Hotaling-Lyons Fanzine Collection, 1976-2005. Fan writer and editor. A collection of science fiction fanzines, primarily consisting of pieces of fan fiction, and a few related items, including some science fiction convention materials. MsC0400.

KNAPP, BRIAN. The Brian Knapp FanzineCollection, 1972-2003. 1 ft. Collection of fanzines and science fiction convention materials from Connecticut-based fan Knapp, mostly dealing with Star Trek but including other media properties as well. MsC0294.

ORGANIZATION FOR TRANSFORMATIVE WORKS. Organization for Transformative Works Fanzine and Fan Fiction Collection, 1979-2007. 4.4 ft. Collection of science fiction and other genre fanzines, pieces of fan fiction, and related fannish artifacts donated by various fans through the cooperation of the Organization for Transformative Works, established to preserve the history of fanworks and fan culture. MsC0320.

WATHNE, MARIELLEN (MING). Mariellen (Ming) Wathne Fanzine Archives Collection, 1966-2005. 93.6 ft. Large assemblage of fanzines and works of fan fiction relating to multiple media fandoms, including Star Trek, Star Wars, and other movies and television shows. MsC0313.

Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the University of Iowa Special Collections Repository

Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)