Box 1
Contains 139 Results:
The Peter Paul Book Company, Buffalo, New York - list of new and forthcoming books with short biographies of living writers (with portraits), 1895
Item — Box: 1
Identifier: Item 12
Peter Pauper Press, New Rochelle, New York - prospectus of new publications
Item — Box: 1
Identifier: Item 13
Pynson Printers, Inc., New York - list of Pynson Printers' imprints, 1931
Item — Box: 1
Identifier: Item 14
Charles Scribner's Sons, New York - catalog of Holiday Books, 1895
Item — Box: 1
Identifier: Item 15
B.F. Stevens Agency, London, England - booklet listing English, French and German magazines available with subscription rates, 1880
Item — Box: 1
Identifier: Item 16
Guy Stonestreet, New York - pamplet catalog of books offered for sale, 1930
Item — Box: 1
Identifier: Item 17
Tondeur & Sauberlich, Leipzig, Germany - catalog of second-hand books for sale, 1930
Item — Box: 1
Identifier: Item 18
Benn Brothers Limited, London, England -- prospectus for "The Players Shakespeare" with letter to John Springer from sales manager enclosed, 1923
Item — Box: 1
Other: 1923
The Burrows Brothers Company, Cleveland, Ohio -- prospectus for Fringilla by Richard Doddridge Blackmore, illustrations by Will H. Bradley, 1895
Item — Box: 1
Other: 1895
Clarke Conwell (The Elston Press), New York -- prospectus for edition of Richard de Bury's Philobiblon, 1901
Item — Box: 1
Other: 1901
Dauber & Pine Bookshops, Inc., New York -- ad for forthcoming publications.of Wm Edwin Rudge publishing house, circa 1926
Item — Box: 1
Other: circa 1926
The Davenant Bookshop, Oxford, England -- ad prospectus for "The Shakespeare Head Spenser" to be published for Shakespeare Head Press by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1930
Item — Box: 1
Other: 1930
Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York -- booklet of specimen pages from The Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary. 16 pages.., undated
Item — Box: 1
Other: undated
The Grabhorn Press, San Francisco, California -- ad folder for small book by Theodore L. DeVinne on Christopher Plantin, undated
Item — Box: 1
Other: undated
Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York -- sheet advertising Mark Twain's Joan of Arc, undated
Item — Box: 1
Other: undated
Elisha K. Kane, Kane, Pennsylvania -- brochure advertising The Book of Good Love by Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita, circa 1930
Item — Box: 1
Other: circa 1930
Limited Editions Club, Inc., New York -- ad booklet soliciting members and listing first 12 books offered by club, undated
Item — Box: 1
Other: undated
The Macmillan Company, New York -- prospectus for Walter Pater's Marius the Epicurean, undated
Item — Box: 1
Other: undated
Macmillan & Co., Cambridge, England -- 2 brochures for reprints of first books printed at Cambridge with specimen enclosed, undated
Item — Box: 1
Other: undated
Maggs Brothers, London, England -- ad folder with order form for Stanley Morison's German Incunabula in the British Museum, 1928
Item — Box: 1
Other: 1928