Box 1
Contains 110 Results:
Elizabeth Blagg to Wolden, May 7, 1930
Concerning item 2
Elizabeth Blagg to Wolden, August 11, 1930
Note and attached species list [perhaps annotated by Wolden]
Edwin B. Bartram to Wolden, October 16, 1930
Moss Identifications
George N. Jones to Wolden, November 23, 1930
Concerning plant specimens
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, 17, 1930
Concerning plant specimens December
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, December 22, 1930
Concerning specimens
R.I. Cratty to Wolden, July 5, 1931
Concerning vascular plants
R.I. Cratty to Wolden, July 21, 1931
Concerning vascular plants
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, September 9, 1931
Conard letting Wolden know that (Wolden) is to be named as joint author of the forthcoming paper on the mosses of the Okoboji region
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, October 13, 1931
More remarks Concerning the paper mentioned in item 12
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, October 16, 1931
Concerning specimens
R.S. WIlliams to Wolden, November 14, 1931
Concerning mosses
F.L.R. Roberts to Wolden, December 8, 1931
Concerning birds
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, December 24, 1931
Concerning mosses
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, January 10, 1932
Reference to mistakes made by other experts in identification of Wolden's specimens
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, February 15, 1932
Concerning specimens and the Okoboji mosses paper
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, February 20, 1932
Concerning specimens and manuscript of paper
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, February 20, 1932
Concerning specimens
Henry S. Conard to Wolden, March 1, 1932
Moss and lichen problems