Box 4
Contains 9 Results:
Verse Notebook Eighteen
John Gawsworth / Verse / RAF.Series / 1406-1597", [1941], paginated 6-229, other pages used before and after, quarto. War Poems. "After Duty" and "Verses to Valerie" ("Valerian Verses"). It includes instructions in the event of his death - to be sent to agent who was to pursue publication of selection; photographs of women or woman ("Carissima Valeria")
Verse Notebook Twenty, 1934-1942
Verses /1598-1700 / [11 October 1941-28 March 1942]/ (with odds and ends of a later date)", paginated 1-168, quarto. It includes the series of poems entitled "After Duty" and "Miscellaneous Doggerel 1934-1942".
Commonplace Volumes Number One
Personal Notebook / Extracts-Notes-Verses-Etc/ Compiled by John Gawsworth / (September 1941-March 1942)", paginated 1-252 with additional pages used before and after, quarto. Enclosures. Includes "Contents Page", "The Muses of J.G." (list of dedicatees etc) and a list of RAF Poets with examples and "Dates of Poems of J.G." 1932-1941 ("Poems", "New Poems", "The Mind of Man", "Marlow Hall", "After Duty"), "Bibliography of the Poems of John Gawsworth"
Commonplace Volumes Number Two
Personal Notebook / Extracts-Notes-Verses-Etc,/ Compiled by John Gawsworth / (April 1942- )", disbound, paginated 141-232, most unused, with newspaper clippings.
Stay Notes in Italy, 1943-1944
Mainly Concerning the writers / Benedetto Croce / Umberto Fraccacreta/ Romualdo Pantine / Giuseppe Ungaretti / Sibilla Alesamo", quarto, paper wraps, missing back, approximately 50 pages used but includes added material. It includes a few photographs of the Invasion of Italy; newspaper clippings, ephemera, notes on Italian writers, lists of works and writers, especially Italian poets, several pages of "Journal concerning Umberto Fraccareta", a booklist, enclosures.
[Literature of North Africa] John Gawsworth of The Royal Society of Literature North African Literature - Notes (Miscellaneous), 1943-1944
Notebook, octavo, paginated to176, mainly in French. An attempt at a comprehensive survey of literature in North Africa, past and contemporary. He starts with what appears to be a reading list, then there are discussions of authors and literature. Pages 153-176 contain a substantial list of writers with a little detail (such as whether dead, address, sometimes a work or other detail), a less organised list appears pages.122-129. Page 101 "Pellegrin's Census 1920". Other lists appear before, mixed with information and discussion of writers and books. For example pages 42-43 contain information about Arthur Pellegrin, including works, with lengthy quotation on potential unity of Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria.
[Egypt] Verse Book Twenty Five, 1944
John Gawsworth // Verses in Egypt / 26 August -23 November / 1944 / With a Supplement / of Six Verses frm / Italy", approximately 115 pages, 12mo, poems numbered I-LXIV with (additional?) "Farewell to Georgius" and "Supplement:Last Selected Verses from Italy".
John Gawsworth// Stray Notes / in / Egypt, 1944
Mainly concerning the Writers / Assene Yergath / Jean Moscatelli / Alimed Rassim / Raoul Parme / Ivo Barbitch / Tewfik El Hakim". Signed photo of Yergath. Enclosed a list of "Overseas / Articles, Poems / & Interviews [by] John Gawsworth", Prose and Verse (periodical publications). Enclosed: Newspaper clippings, drafts of letters, poems by Louis Fleri written out and commented on by Gawsworth.
Mediterranea Libra, 1942-1945
Letterbook, approximately 120 pages used, quarto, poems dated 1942-1945, some ticked (published?)