Box 2
Contains 91 Results:
"Habeas Corpus Reform in Capital Cases." Statements before the House of Representatives by Judge Lay, May 24, 1990
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 3
"States' Rights: The Emergence of a New Judicial Perspective" South Dakota Law Review, Winter, 1977
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 5
"Alternatives to the Local Jail." Printed in Informant, March, 1977
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 6
"A Judicial Mandate.", Handbook for Judges published by American Judicature Society, page 201, 1975
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 8
"The Trial on Appeal." Speech delivered at International Society of Barristers, International Society of Barristers Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 2, p.195, April, 1978
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 9
"The Law and Its Credibility Gap.", Trial Magazine, August-September, page 37, 1969
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 11
"Beyond Prisons." Law Day Speech to Linn County Bar Association, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1975
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 12
"Religion and the Law." Layman's Message, First Methodist Church of Omaha, January , 1970
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 14
"Discovery Practice in Wisconsin.", Wisconsin Law Review, p. 428, May, 1954
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 19
Section 1983 In the Supreme Court and Eighth Circuit
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 22
"Supreme Court Seminar." Written by Syllabus Magazine and sent to Mrs. Sandy Boyd
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 23
Dedication to Michael Pieplow in South Dakota Law Review
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 24
"A Trial Lawyer Speaks to the Investigator." The Practical Lawyer, Vol. 2, No. 1, January, 1956
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 25
"The Preparation and Trial of a Personal Injury Case." Outline only
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 26
"The Appellate Court Looks at the Administrative Judge"
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 27
"Federal District Court Review in Social Security Cases"
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 28
Opening Remarks 8th Circuit Judges Conference, 1989
Item — Box: 2
Identifier: Item 30