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Box 47


Contains 79 Results:

Tinio, Rolando. To Violetta Valery, 1957. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Tutuola, Amos. The Palm Wine Drinkard, 1983. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Tzu-hao, Ch'ing. The Broken Statue, undated. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Uchino, Takako. To Mabo, undated. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Ugresic, Dubravka. A Pose for Prose, 1978. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Unger, Leonard. Forgetful, undated. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Wang, Anyi. Life in a Small Courtyard, 1982. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Wang-Rok, Chang. Look at the Willow Tree, undated. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Walter, Robert. The Bus Ride, undated. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Powell, Cash. Memory, 1955. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Qing, Ai. On Poetry, undated. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Qian, Xiao. Revelations in Iowa, undated. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Rege, Purushottama. Savitri, 1962. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Robbins, Michael. Short story, 1960. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Robinson, Clay. Prose, 1959. , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated

Roth, Philip. When She was Good, 1966. (2 folders) , undated

 Item — Box: 47
Dates: Other: Majority of material found in undated