Box 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Contains 107 Results:
1.44.6 MA-TO'-KO-KI'-PA. Afraid of the Bear. (Profile.) CUT HEAD. (285) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.45.1 MA-TO'-KO-KI'-PA. Afraid of the Bear. (Front.) CUT HEAD (284) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.45.2 MA-TO'-PO'-ZHE. Bear's Nose. (Front.) CUT HEAD. (286) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.45.3 MA-TO'-PO'-ZHE. Bear's Nose. (Profile.) CUT HEAD. (287) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.45.4 CHAN-TE'-HA. Skin of the Heart. (Front.) CUT HEAD. (288) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.45.5 CHAN-TE'-HA. Skin of the Heart. (Profile.) CUT HEAD. (289) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.45.6 PI'-PI-SHA. Red Lodge. (Front.) CUT HEAD> (290), undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.46.1 PI'-PI-SHA. Red Lodge. (Profile.) CUT HEAD. (291), undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.46.2 WI-CHA-WANMBLE'. Man who packs the Eagle. (Front.) CUT HEAD. (292) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.46.3 WI-CHA-WANMBLE'. Man who packs the Eagle. (Profile.) CUT HEAD. (293) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.46.4 SQUAW OF THE MAN WHO PACKS THE EAGLE. (Front.) CUT HEAD. (294) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.46.5 SQUAW OF THE MAN WHO PACKS THE EAGLE. (Profile.) CUT HEAD. (295), undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.46.6 SHA-KPE. Six. MDEWAKANTON. (200), undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.47.1 MA-HPI'-YA-LU'-TA. Red Cloud. (Front.) OGALALLA. (296) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.47.2 MA-HPI'-YA-LU'-TA. Red Cloud. (Profile.) OGALALLA (297) (See text) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.47.3 RED CLOUD AND MR. BLACKMORE. OGALALLA. (298) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.47.4 SKUN'-KA-LU'-TA. Red Dog. (Front.) OGALALLA. (299) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.47.5 SKUN'-KA-LU'-TA. Red Dog. (Profile.) OGALALLA. (300) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.47.6 SHUN-TO'-KE-CHA-ISH-NA-NA. Lone Wolf. (Front.) OGALALLA. (301) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated
1.48.1 SHUN-TO'-KE-CHA-ISH-NA-NA. Lone Wolf. (Profile.) OGALALLA. (302) , undated
Item — Box: 3 [Vol 1 Page 41 - 60]
Other: Majority of material found in undated