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Scope and Contents
The Dorothy Ashby Pownall papers date from 1918 to 1974 and measure 2.5 linear inches. The papers are divided into seven series: Biographical information, Correspondence, Lists of published articles, poems and speeches, "Woman of the year" speech, Newspaper clippings, Scrapbook, and Photograph.
Biographical information (1939-1974 and undated)consists of clippings from various newspapers. Pownall's "Woman of the year" speech (April 27, 1966) provides a sketch of her career and offers insight into the experience of being a woman in the largely male field of journalism.
The Correspondence (1919-1970 and undated)reflects some of Pownall's literary contacts. Most of the letters are from editors notifying Pownall that her work had been accepted for publication. Included are letters to and from Mr. and Mrs. James Bennet, Earl A. Blackman, Y.L. Bowers, Eugenia Whitmore Brown, James F. Conover, George A. Cornis, Gardner Cowles, Charles Dillingham, Mrs. Howard Dresser, B.F. Elbert, Opley Gallup, E. A. Gilmore, Beatrice B. Gould, Hazel Gropney, W. Earl Hall, W. C. Jarnagin, Florence King Harding, Mrs. John Mason-Brown, Edith Wasson McElroy, Patricia Meredith, Mrs. Earl (Dorothy) Miller, Marjorie Moon, William H. Morgan, Frank Luther Mott, Edward H. Plummer, Jake Reizenstein, Wilbur Schramm, Ellery Sedgwick, Keith Spalding, Mrs. James Alfred Van Allen, Emma Watkins, Morgan Wallace, Denison R. Waterman, Mrs. Francis Whitley, Lafe Jr. Young, and Sue Lind. Also included are two letters written to"Mary Manners" at the Cedar Rapids Gazette.
The Lists of published articles, poems and speeches are representative of some of the awards Pownall received during her career asa writer, as well as a partial list of published articles and poems.
Newspaper clippings (1922-1969 and undated) containarticles that Pownall wrote during the course of her career for various newspapers. In addition, a program forthe University Club's 1917-1967 Golden Anniversary May Breakfast, written by Pownall; an issue of Palimpsest from 1966 which is dedicated to "a girl reporter at Camp Dodge", and two original typed poems are included.
Scrapbook (1918-1922, 1935) makes up the bulk ofthe collection and contains early newspaper articles by Pownall, mostly written while she was employed by the Des Moines Capital. Many of the articles focus on Camp Dodge. Because Pownall wasoften assigned feature stories on women's topics, the scrapbook includes clippings on women's organizations and on Iowa women with unusual occupations.
The Photograph is of Pownall, dating from 1961.
- Creation: 1918-1974
- From the Collection: Pownall, Dorothy Ashby, 1895-1979 (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
The papers are open for research.
From the Collection: 2.50 linear inches
From the Collection: Photographs in Box 1. boxes
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository
100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)