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Scope and Contents
The Iowa Nurses Association records date from 1904 to 1989 and measure 83 linear feet. The records cover internal administration of the association, business of various INA committees, the continuing education offerings of the association, INA conventions, association correspondence, the organization and administration of districts and sections of the INA, employment conditions of nurses, material from the Iowa League for Nursing, other Iowa organizations with which INA worked closely, membership records, perquisites, and recruiting, publications of the organization, and photographs. The records are arranged in the following series: Administrative Records, American Nurses Association, Committees, Continuing Education, Conventions, Districts, Economic Security, The Iowa League for Nursing, Iowa Organizations, Membership, Publications, Sections, The Student Nurses Association, Photographs, Artifacts, and Audio Tapes.
The Administrative Records series (1904-1989) contains material relevant to the internal functioning of the association such as financial records, board of directors meetings, historical information, and correspondence as well as position statements on various issues of interest to nurses.
The American Nurses Association series (1928-1989) contains material sent from or to the national association. Much of this material involves rules, regulations, and guidelines for operation of a state affiliate. There is also material from ANA conventions which were attended by Iowa nurses. The ANA has operated a very active research and statistics unit since the 1950s and generated many reports. This series contains a number of statistical surveys of Iowa nurses compiled by the ANA from the late 1950s to the early 1970s and including such information as salaries, type of position held, and educational background of Iowa nurses.
The Committees series (1933-1989) contains the records, primarily minutes and correspondence, of the By Laws, Education, Ethics, Finance, Legislation, Membership, Public Relations, Resolutions, and other committees.
The Continuing Education series (1955-1989) contains material from conferences, institutes, lectures, and workshops conducted by the Iowa Nurses Association or involving the participation of INA members. The series also contains records from the continuing education review panel and grant application materials.
The Conventions series (1904-1989) contains materials from the annual INA conventions since 1905. These include planning, fiscal records, programs, speeches, awards presented to the INA and its members, photographs, advertising, exhibitors, and minutes of the proceedings. Some years have very extensive records while others are very spare.
The Districts series (1920-1984) contains the records of the INA District organizations, which conducted administrative and continuing education functions.
The Economic Security series (1946-1989) was the first name given to the committee of the Iowa Nurses Association which oversaw efforts to improve working conditions, pay, and benefits for nurses. The group was later called Professional Security and Economic and General Welfare. The series contains such records as meeting minutes, contract negotiation notes, collective bargaining agreements, organization efforts and strikes at various Iowa institutions, and notes on grievance hearings.
The Iowa League for Nursing series (1913-1980) contains the records of the League and some of its predecessor organizations. The Iowa League for Nursing was founded in 1952, incorporating several organizations interested in the training and continuing professional education of nurses and other health care professionals. The major predecessor of the ILN was the Iowa League for Nursing Education (ILNE), and this series contains many records from that organization. Later, the ILN was called the Iowa Citizens League for Nursing.
The Iowa Organizations series (1926-1989) contains material from a variety of groups, primarily interested in health care, in which INA members were either participants or to whom the INA provided continuing advisory services. The majority of this material is meeting minutes and correspondence.
The Membership series (1904-1988) includes membership lists, dues records, promotional material, reports of activities, records of elections, applications dating to 1904, and material from the employment registry and placement services dating from the late 1920s through the 1970s.
The Publications series (1917-1985) contains material relating to the production of the INA Bulletin and newsletters, including research and background material for articles, advertising records, correspondence, and editorial memoranda. The INA produced a booklet in 1932, Historical Outline of the Iowa State Association of Registered Nurses and Related Organizations, and a copy is here.
The Sections series (1940-1984) contains the records of the various sections into which the INA was divided. Each section represented a different aspect of professional nursing practice such as Office Nurses, Operating Room Nurses, and Administration. The sections met together to discuss problems and practices unique to their type of nursing activity and to help establish guidelines and standards for their practice. The series contains records such as meeting minutes, newsletters, workshop materials, membership lists, meeting guidelines, and bylaws.
The Student Nurses Association series (1949-1984) represents the activities of a separate organization under the INA composed of students who, upon graduation, became regular members. The series contains newsletters, financial records, membership information, correspondence, and meeting minutes of the group.
The Photographs series (1918-1987) contains many snapshots and posed portraits. Subjects of the photographs include group portraits taken at conventions, awards ceremonies, the INA office staff, INA officers, workshop sessions, guest speakers at meetings, and committee members at work. In the 1960s, the INA displayed photographs of United States Armed Forces Nurses from 1918-1967, not necessarily from Iowa; these photographs are also included in the series.
The Artifacts series (1981-1988) contains tee-shirts from the 1980s, one from the Student Nurses Association, one commemorating Nurses Week 1981, and several from different years' fun runs called the "Stetholope" held during Nurses Week.
The Audio Tapes series (1974-1987) consists of cassette tapes made primarily during the 1980s recording convention proceedings, speeches, committee conference calls, and at least one grievance hearing.
- Creation: 1904-1989
- From the Collection: Iowa Nurses' Association (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
The records are open for research.
The collection is stored at an off-site location. Please allow two to three business days for retrieval.
From the Collection: 83.00 Linear Feet
From the Collection: 43 audiocassettes [AC14-54, AC66, AC192] Cassettes
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository
100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)