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Identifier: 10

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Campfire Girls records (1950-1967) contain the program bulletin sent from the regional Heart of Hawkeye Council to the local leaders to guide activities that would be both educational and entertaining for the girls.

The Daughters of Mokanna records (1936-1950) contain a scrapbook of meeting minutes for the Iowa Club, Lazor Caldron number 45, Council Bluffs, Iowa, and a certificate of delegate's credential to the Supreme Session, Daughters of Mokanna.

The Des Moines Garden Club records (1960-1978) contain annual programs of club activities.

The Des Moines Women's Club records (1930-1980) contain annual announcements and programs of yearly activities and the personal club scrapbook of Susan Eddy.

The Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa records (1968) contain a program from the Creston Federated Garden Club.

The Iowa Broadcasters Association records (1995) contain a state directory.

The Iowa Jaycee Ette records (1968) contain the journal of the state board meeting.

The Junior League of Des Moines records (1971-1975) contain the club monthly newsletter, Call Board.

The Junior League of Waterloo-Cedar Falls records (1975-1976) contain the club monthly newsletter, League Log.

The Order of Pythian Sisters records (1923-1951) contain annual reports,convention programs,newspaper clippings,correspondence, and information on the Iowa Pythian Sisters home. The Philanthropic Educational Organization records (1949-1980) contain state convention programs, local chapter programs, and directories (1960, 1979) for Des Moines and West Des Moines chapter members.

Rebekah Lodge records (1916-1949) contain pamphlets and a ceremony and instruction booklet.

The Wakonda Ladies' Golf records (1967) contain an events calendar for the listed year.

The Women's Auxiliary to the American Academy of Neurology records (1971) contain a membership directory for the listed date.

The Women's Auxilliary to the Iowa Medical Society records (1961-1973) contain yearbooks for the listed dates.

The Women's Auxilliary to the Polk County Medical Society records (1961-1972) contain yearbooks for the listed dates.

The Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) records (1896-1958) include temperance speeches that give insight into attitudes about alcohol consumption at the end of the nineteenth century.

The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society records (1880-1933) include booklets on the Fiftieth Annual Report of the Des Moines Branch (1933), the First Decade of the Western Branch (Minneapolis, 1880), Hand bills (1919, 1925), and Missionaries of the Des Moines Branch booklet (1914). The Woman's Relief Corps records (1888-1957) are arranged under two headings Iowa department and National. Of interest is the history of Jenny I. Berry (Box 1, Woman's Relief Corps, National, History, 1944-1951 and undated). Berry's life provides information on national women's organizations and her role in the WRC and other groups. The correspondence of Marie L. Basham, a past national president, shows the inner workings of the corps and the political posturing done by various state corps to get their own candidate elected to national office.

The Helen Grundman papers (1928-1932) consist of two 4-H scrapbooks.

The Des Moines Ladies Band records (1923-1948) consist of a scrapbook documenting the career of the Des Moines Ladies Band, which performed from 1923 to 1928. About two-thirds of the scrapbook includes newspaper clippings, programs, correspondence, photographs, and other materials about the band and its members. The rest of the scrapbook includes articles on various topics.

The Iowa Legislature records (1981-1988) contain three cookbooks created and compiled by the Iowa House of Representatives Secretaries.


  • Creation: 1880-1995


Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 3.75 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository

100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)