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Identifier: 5

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Beverly George Everett papers date from 1856 to 2001 and measure 12 linear feet, with the bulk of the materials dating from 1941-2000. The original accession was made in 1994, with a subsequent accession in 2001. These papers give insight into Iowa farm life and various organizations dealing with farmers. They also show the workings of many local and national women's organizations, particularly the AAUW.


The papers are arranged in six series: Personal, Newspaper clippings and journal articles, Organizations, Speeches, Photographs, and audiovisual.

The Personal series (1941-1994) contains correspondence and background information about Everett and her family. The correspondence includes letters written from Everett to her parents while she was a student at Iowa State. The more recent correspondence is mainly letters to and from friends and her children. The family history audiocassette is a recording of Everett where she recollects about her parents and the generations before them. Included here is information about her involvement in 4-H and the Rural Music History Celebration. The Iowa State College sub-series includes three scrapbooks that contain various photographs of Everett and her friends.

The Newspaper clippings and journal articles series (1960-1991 and undated) consists of articles written by Everett for farm and women's journals and for local newspapers.

The Organizations series (1953-1994 and undated) gives various information on the organizations where Everett volunteered. This includes minutes, notes on meetings, and conventions and conference material. Most of the series is about the AAUW. Several audiocassettes of conferences and workshops can also be found here. Of special interest is the history of the United Methodist Church Commission on the Status and Role of Women written by Everett. There are also two scrapbooks that contain newspaper clippings of Everett's work in the Farm Bureau and 4-H during the 1950s and 1960s.

The Speeches series (1960-1993 and undated) consists of drafts of speeches given by Everett to a wide variety of groups and organizations. Also included are newspaper clippings and journal articles about the events and the programs from the events themselves. There are audiocassettes of several of the speeches.

The Photographs series (1935-1986 and undated) contains photographs of family and friends. Photographs of the Rural Music History Celebration and the National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year are also included.


The papers are arranged in three series: Personal, Organizations, and Speeches.

The Personal series contains journals, newsclippings, family history and correspondence. Among the correspondence are Round Robin letters between fourteen couples who all graduated from Iowa State College around the time of Beverly Everett and her husband. All were active in the YMCA and YWCA. Their letters circulated amongst each other date from 1955 to 2001.

The Organizations series consists of various materials concerning organizations that Everett belonged to, including correspondence, minutes, convention materials, and publications. Most material concerns the AAUW, the IFUW, and the United Nations. Of particular interest is a journal of travel notes that Everett kept during a trip to Graz, Austria for IFUW's 26 th Triennial Conference in 1998.

The Speeches series consists of drafts of speeches given by Everett to various groups and organizations, as well as programs from various events where she spoke.


  • Creation: 1856-2001


Conditions Governing Access

The papers are open for research.


From the Collection: 12.00 Linear Feet

From the Collection: 67 audiocassettes [AC125-AC191], 1 videocassette [V52], Photographs  in boxes 20, 23, and 30 boxes

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository

100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)