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Identifier: 3

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Margaret Thomsen Raymond papers date from 1916 to 1981 and measure 2.25 linear feet. The papers are arranged in four series: Biographical information, Prose, Verse, and Other writing. The papers demonstrate the intensive work an author goes through during the creative process; Raymond often made extensive revisions of her work, as many as four to five versions of one poem, for example. There are no manuscripts of or materials relating to her published novels but there is an abundance of her early poetry, many short stories, and the magnum opus of her later years, "Indoor Games for Indoor Children." Also included is poetry by her husband.

The Biographical information series (1957-1958 and undated) contains newspaper clippings about Raymond while she lived in Burlington as well as unlabelled photographs of her throughout her life.

The Prose series (1933-1976 and undated) includes drafts of a variety of books Raymond developed. Included with a final version of "Indoor Games for Indoor Children" is correspondence from many publishers and a complete draft with sketches and examples of activities. The novel, "Mmelanie Ffey", includes a complete version, four other versions of chapter one, and a detailed review by Fenton Johnson. "Pink-frosted Angel" includes different versions and sections of the books, many with handwritten corrections. The folder containing two books for Michael Reese Hospital also includes correspondence and financial agreements. In general the other writings consist of various drafts and notes.

Other highlights from the prose series include Raymond's column with Edward Steiner titled, "The Gifts They Brought," including the published columns and some drafts; two published versions of her story about African-Americans, "Three Kings' Night"; multiple versions of the play, "Zoo-ology"; and "Pinocchio", a play by her sons.

The Verse series (1916-1975 and undated) includes many poems written by Raymond in the 1920s and 1930s, later revisions, poetry written throughout her career and some verse she wrote for songs composed by Marion Morrey. Additionally there is the poetry composed by Raymond's husband which she edited for publication after his death; her correspondence with publishers; and his "Sonnets to Margaret."

The Other writing series (1922-1981 and undated) includes course materials from a creative writing course she taught in Burlington in 1958; correspondence from publishers and a commentary on her poetry by her husband; her notes from an Elderhostel program at The University of Iowa in 1981; and notes and notebooks of various writings.

Copies of Raymond's published books, Aprilly Weather, A Bend in the Road, and Skylark, are shelved in the printed works collection.

A copy of William Stephens' book of poetry, Standard Forgings, is shelved in the main library.


  • Creation: 1916-1981


Conditions Governing Access

The papers are open for research.


From the Collection: 2.25 Linear Feet

From the Collection: Photographs in Box 1. boxes

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository

100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)