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Identifier: 6

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Archie L. Greene papers date from 1963 to 1998 and measure 5 linear inches. The papers are divided into seven series: Family, Personal, Education, Publicity, Writing, Photographs, and Audiovisual. The Family series includes photocopied pages from two books, Blooming: A Small Town Girlhood (BallantineBooks, 1981) by Susan Allen Toth and Ames: The Early Years in Word and Picture (Farwell T. Brown and Heuss Printing, 1993) by Farwell T. Brown. Both contain information about Greene's family and its history in Ames. This series also includes biographical information about Greene's mother, Archie Lou Shipp Greene, and grandmother, Nellie Elmira Martin Shipp. A laminated newspaper clipping about ArchieLou Shipp Greene is shelved in the map case, drawer 2.

The Personal series consists mainly of correspondence. It also contains handwritten music and a book cover on which Greene's father copied a favorite poem. A letter from Greene's high school choir director, Virginia Cross, can be found in this series in the "Correspondence, 1970-1982" folder.

The Education series consists of memorabilia from Greene's educational career, including diplomas, grade reports, Greene's master's thesis title page,and materials from a Central Renaissance Conference she participated in at Indiana State University.

The Publicity series consists of promotional materials for the University of Iowa and the Iowa City Hospice Road Race, which feature Greene, and newspaper clippings about Greene. Two of the newspaper clippings are oversizedand are shelved in the map case, drawer 2.

The Writings series is divided into three subseries. The first, Speeches, contains text from Greene's acceptance speeches for awards she has received. The second subseries, Poetry, includes Greene's 1981 poem "To a Father," which was published in Iowa Woman magazine (Vol. 2, No. 4, July/August 1981). The third subseries, Correspondence, includes a 1970 letter and poetry reprints from Jack McManis, a Penn Stateteacher and friend of Greene's; and a 1991 note and poem reprint from poet Gwendolyn Brooks.

The Photographs series contains snapshots of Greene's friends and relatives, University of Iowa publicity photos of Greene, and photos of the Penn State campus.

Finally, the Audiovisual series includes an audio recording of the Ames High School choirs in which Greene sang, as well as a video of a Margaret Clover appearance on "One of a Kind."


  • Creation: 1963-1998


Conditions Governing Access

The papers are open for research.


From the Collection: 5.00 linear inches

From the Collection: 1 Cassettes (1 audiocassette [AC 413])

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository

100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)