Lieutenant Governor
No requestable containers
Scope and Contents
The Jo Ann Zimmerman papers date from 1958 to 1995 and measure 9 linear feet, with additional artifacts, audiocassettes and videocassettes. The papers are arranged in eight series: Biographical, Education, Nursing Career, Political Career, Political Campaigns, Post-Political Career, Photographs, and Artifacts.
The papers consist of personal and professional records from Zimmerman's nursing career, campaign and career memorabilia and brochures, as well as numerous speeches and several articles by Zimmerman. There are also newspaper clippings and correspondence from supporters and other political figures, such as former U.S. President William J. Clinton, Richard Gephardt, Thomas Harkin, and Minnette Doderer, and resource files on the issues Zimmerman supported: environmental concerns, the farm crisis, healthcare, hunger and prison issues, patient's, worker's and women's rights.
The Biographical information series (1979-1991 and undated) consists of appointment books dating from 1979 to 1990, awards, curriculum vitae, early job and scholarship applications, and the transcript of an oral history interview with Zimmerman conducted by Suzanne Schenken. The interview is indexed; it focuses on Zimmerman's legislative career, but gives some attention to her nursing career as well.
The Education series (1958-1975) consists of Zimmerman's GRE scores, copies of her college transcripts, and school research papers.
The Nursing Career series (1970-1982) includes records of her work at Broadlawns and the Iowa Health Systems agency, including records of the Health Systems Agency's attempt to prevent her run for elected office. There are also research papers finished at Iowa Lutheran and records of her trip to Rome to visit nursing facilities in 1971.
The Political Career series (1983-1990) spans her service to the Iowa Democratic Party, tenure in the Iowa House of Representatives, service as Lieutenant Governor of Iowa, and three years on the Waukee School Board. The papers consist of correspondence with supporters and with other legislators and then-Governor of Iowa, Terry Branstad, as well as newspaper clippings, files on legislation supported or opposed by Zimmerman, committees on which she served, audits, speeches, trips overseas and conferences.
The Political Campaigns series (1982-1990) includes the ERA campaign of 1992, the Campaign for Governor in 1990, the campaign for Lieutenant Governor in 1986, and the campaign for the Iowa State Legislature starting in 1982. The files include strategic plans, lists of donors and volunteers, and financial and itinerary records for the campaigns as well as records of contact with the public, correspondence, newspaper clippings, publicity efforts and memorabilia. The records of the campaign for governor include county-by-county files that contain such information as itineraries, supporters, and local issues.
The Post-Political Career series (1991-1995) highlights a few of Zimmerman's activities since leaving office: there are files on AFSCME, the Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Service, the Nurse's Advisory Committee with Tom Harkin, and the Roundtable for Women Legislators, as well as resource files indicating a continued concern for human rights, health issues, education and politics.
The Photographs series (approx. 1985-1990) chronicles Zimmerman's political career. Specific photographic clusters include the 1987 gubernatorial inauguration, campaign trail, 1986 truck trek and various fundraisers.
The Artifacts series comprises name tags, nameplates, a Rolodex, and pins from Zimmerman's political career and buttons, t-shirts, and promotional pens from her political campaigns.
- Creation: 1958-1995
- From the Collection: Zimmerman, Jo Ann (1936-2019) (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
The papers are open for research.
From the Collection: 9.00 Linear Feet
From the Collection: 7 audiocassettes [AC870-875, 884], 6 videocassettes [V265-V270], 1 CD [d0216], Artifacts in boxes 24-27, Photographs in Box 23. boxes
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository
100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)