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Scope and Contents
The Jennifer Riggs Cosson papers date from the 1890s to 1943 and measure 13 linear inches. The papers are arranged in six series: Biographical, Correspondence, Essays Reviews, Simpson College and Speeches.
The Biographical series (1902-1943) consists of Bible verses Cosson collected, newspaper clippings, poems, invitations, writings, programs for women's clubs, World War I activities and the travel log Cosson kept when traveling to Europe with her family in 1914. The biographical series also contains the condolence cards and letters the Cosson family received after Jennifer Cosson's unexpected death in 1943. The condolence letters are testimonies to the character and influence of Cosson on her friends and acquaintances.
The Correspondence series primarily consists of the courtship letters (July 1904-December 1904) exchanged between Jennifer Riggs, living in Indianola at the time, and George Cosson, living in Audubon, before their wedding in December 1904. There is also some general correspondence pertaining to Jennifer Riggs Cosson's association with the Des Moines' Parks Board.
The Essays series (undated) contains essays Jennifer Cosson wrote throughout her adult life on a variety of topics, such as women's rights, philosophy, and religion.
The Reviews series (undated) consists of magazine and book reviews by Jennifer Cosson. The reviews cover books and magazine articles written mostly by women, and cover such topics as sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy, and comparisons between women of different eras.
The Simpson College series (1894-1902 and undated) contains poems, essays, book reviews and speeches Jennifer Riggs wrote while attending Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa. Many of the essays deal with political themes and women's issues.
The Speeches series (1916, 1937, 1939 and undated) contains speeches Cosson wrote or presented at various events. The majority of the speeches are political and humorous in nature.
- Creation: 1890-1943
- From the Collection: Cosson, Jennifer Riggs, -1943 (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
The papers are open for research.
From the Collection: 13.00 linear inches
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository
100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)