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Scope and Contents
The records of the Emma Goldman Clinic for Women date from 1971 to 2013 and measure 24 linear feet. The records are arranged into the following series: Administration; EGC projects; Anti-abortion movement; Pro-choice movement; Publications, EGC; Publications, non-EGC; Newspaper clippings; Photographs; Scrapbook; Artifacts; and Audiovisual.
The Administration series (1973-2004) is the largest series of the collection. It includes information on the day-to-day operation of the clinic as a feminist health collective and as a business. Material on the clinic's ongoing relationship with the Iowa Women's Archives (IWA) as a repository is included. These records also include committee minutes, advertising brochures and posters, and clinic correspondence with other organizations and women's groups across the U.S. who sought advice about starting their own feminist health centers. The Quad Cities location subseries contains documents about a proposed expansion of EGC into the region in the mid-1990s and includes fundraising records, letters of opposition and support from Quad Cities residents, and newspaper clippings. Materials that pertain to Iowa's parental notification law and a lawsuit filed by EGC against Operation Rescue complete this series.
The EGC projects series (1972-20013) includes information about major projects sponsored by EGC, notably the cervical cap project and the safer sex kit project. It also contains information about fundraisers and community events sponsored by the EGC, including annual Choice Dinners and the 1992 Emma Goldman Papers exhibit in Iowa City, as well as workshops and conferences that EGC participated in, including the United Nations' Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing, China in 1995. The services and information subseries is comprised of scholarly articles, brochures, and newsletters that relate to a variety of medical and health issues.
The Anti-abortion movement series (1978-2006) contains books, pamphlets, a videocassette tape, and newsletters from local and national anti-abortion organizations and activists. It also includes materials about abortion providers, such as Robert Kretzschmar, who were targeted by anti-abortion activists. Kretzschmar served as EGC's Medical Director 1985-2011 and faced harassment at home and work. This series contains materials about an effort to boycott businesses that worked with the EGC in the early 1990s. Records include information about the types of tactics anti-abortion activists employed in Iowa City and throughout the United States. Some of the correspondence, photographs, and brochures contain graphic images or threatening language. Newspaper clippings feature local and national anti-abortion efforts.
The Pro-choice movement series (1977-1998) is comprised of correspondence, memoranda, newsletters and other literature related to feminist health centers across the United States, as well as local and national pro-choice organizations. Newspaper clippings represent pro-choice activities both locally and nationally. This series includes information about the types of tactics pro-choice activists used to protect clinic buildings, staff, and patients from harassment, bombings, and assassinations.
The Publications, EGC series (1978-2008) contains newsletters, pamphlets, and medical booklets published by the EGC. The largest newsletter in the series is Emma's Journal, which includes articles about topics ranging from clinic security to health issues to community events; most of the articles are written by clinic staff. This series also includes student essays that reflect on the history and philosophy of the EGC.
The Publications, non-EGC series (1971-1998) includes academic journals and articles, organizational newsletters, and books and zines that were not published by the EGC, but include information related to health care or feminist activism. This series contains indices of a variety of articles on topics such as feminism, medicine, and politics. An original copy of Our Bodies, Our Selves, published by the Boston Women's Health Collective completes the series.
The Newspaper clippings series (1973-2006) contains newspaper articles from local, state, and national newspapers. Most of the articles were pertain to the Emma Goldman Clinic, local and national anti-abortion activism, and responses to the vandalism of clinics and violence against clinic personnel. The majority of articles are from Iowa newspapers.
The Photographs series (1970s-2000) includes an assortment of photographs, including interior and exterior shots of EGC buildings, annual Choice Dinners, anti-abortion pickets, and still shots of clinic staff and volunteers. Many of the photographs are labeled according to event. Approximately one-third of the photographs are not labeled.
The Scrapbook (1973-1986) consists primarily of newspaper clippings. It also includes flyers and correspondence. Many of the newspaper clippings pertain to the opening of the Emma Goldman Clinic in 1973.
The Artifacts series includes several EGC and pro-choice t-shirts, bumper stickers, birth control devices, and educational materials about safer sex practices.
The Audiovisual series contains eight audiocasettes, two VHS tapes, and 1 CD. Among the items included here are public radio interviews about EGC and some of its events, such as the 1992 Emma Goldman Papers exhibit. There is an audiocasette created by C. Kelly Lohr, a feminist artist who created an exhibit, "Woman!," in Iowa City in the 1990s. This series also includes an EGC video productio, "Stand Up for Choice."
- Creation: 1971-2013
- From the Collection: Emma Goldman Clinic (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
The minutes of and other records of the Emma Goldman Clinic board, central committee, and clinic committees (Boxes 1-30) are restricted. They are open only to researchers who sign a non-disclosure agreement stating that they will not divulge names or other personally-identifiable information encountered in these files.
Confidential information in the administrative files has been redacted, and redacted copies are available to researchers. Originals of the redacted items are closed for 75 years from the date of creation.
From the Collection: 24.00 Linear Feet
From the Collection: Photographs in boxes 36, 49-50, 58-60; 5 audiocassettes [AC1308-AC1312; and AC1885-1890]; 1 CD [d0052]; 4 videocassettes [V385, V171, V986, V987] boxes
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository
100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)