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Scope and Contents
The Dorothy Misbach papers date from 1890 to 1999 and measure 3.3 linear feet. The papers are arranged in twelve series: Biographical information, Medical, Family history, Educational, Professional, Charitable activities, Travels, Publications, Perkins School for the Blind, Correspondence, Financial, and Artifacts.
The Biographical Information series (1910-1999) consists of papers, newspaper clippings and photographs that extend from Dorothy Misbach's... birth to death with her baby book, obituary and funeral arrangements, her living will and estate planning. Misbach's stay in the assisted living program at Dominican Oaks completes this series.
The Medical series (1962-1998) is comprised of Misbach's insurance records regarding treatment for a brain tumor and glaucoma. Included are vaccination certificates and assessments through the Geriatrics Assessment Clinic.
An extensive Misbach genealogy is documented in the Family History series (1890-1997). Included are a diary by Grandmother Emelia Wiese Misbach and recollections of family reunions and anniversaries. Extensive Misbach and Wiese family histories are documented in published books and manuscripts. Photographs include portraits dating from an 1890 family portrait, cabinet and candid photographs and a collection of yearly school portraits through 1997. Audiovsiual recordings that contain conversations of the seven Misbach siblings sharing childhood memories complete the series.
The Educational series (1922-1979) consists of educational certificates, diplomas, transcripts and correspondence with institutions.
Misbach's extensive work as a teacher for children who were partially seeing and blind is recorded in the Professional series (1934-1996). The papers consist of a resume and job description, professional correspondence and work evaluations.
A collection of articles and books dealing with children who are seeing impaired make up the Publications series (1953-1970).
The Perkins School for the Blind series (1938-1970) consists of papers and photographs of the institution. The photographs depict students in the classroom and at play, as well as staff members and the school grounds.
The Charitable Activities series (1988-1998) sheds light on Misbach's charitable giving. The papers are comprised of pamphlets, correspondence with organizations, and deposited checks. Misbach sponsored Dunhill Latoy, a Philippino boy, through the Pearl S. Buck Foundation. Letters written by Dunhill to his sponsor add a personal touch to the progress reports written by caseworkers.
Misbach's extensive travels through Europe and the United States are documented in the Travels series (1955-1987). The series consists of travel logs, itineraries and photographs with notes written on the back of most images.
The Correspondence series (1911-1999) is comprised of letters and cards exchanged between Misbach and her family and friends. Included are letters detailing reunions and travel experiences, in depth year end summaries, and birth, wedding, and death announcements.
The Financial series (1942-1996) consists of income tax returns between 1987 and 1996, life insurance, social security and retirement records.
The Artifacts series contains three Braille instruments.
- Creation: 1890-1999
- From the Collection: Christen, Inez, 1906-1999 (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
The papers are open for research.
From the Collection: 3.30 Linear Feet
From the Collection: 2 CDs [d0031]; Photographs throughout the collection. boxes
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository
100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)