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Friendly Circle Club (Washington, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0533

  • Staff Only
  • No requestable containers

Scope and Contents

The Friendly Circle Club ( Washington, Iowa) records date from 1934 to 2011 and measure 12.25 linear inches. The records, which consist of anniversary luncheon materials, correspondence, financial records, minutes ledgers, and scrapbooks, are arranged alphabetically.

The anniversary luncheon materials include planning materials, programs, guest books, RSVPs and letters of regret. Photographs from the anniversary luncheons are in the anniversary scrapbooks in Box 3. The cover of 60th anniversary guestbook is hand-embroidered.

Correspondence includes letters from charities to which the Friendly Circle Club contributed, including the Iowa City Veterans Administration Hospital, the Center for Disabilities and Development (formerly the University Hospital School for Severely Handicapped Children), and the YWCA-Rotary Christmas Party. The club also provided financial assistance to send an overweight teenage girl to the Department of Social Service's Maxi-Mini Camp and sent a care package to soldiers serving in Vietnam.

The financial records contain the original coin purse used for collecting dues. The minutes are all handwritten, except for the years 1968 to 1971. A number of the yearbooks are missing. The bound scrapbooks contain mostly unidentified photographs.


  • Creation: 1934-2011


Conditions Governing Access

The records are open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright held by the donor has been transferred to the University of Iowa.

However, copyright status for some collection materials may be unknown. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.) beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owner. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility and potential liability based on copyright infringement for any use rests exclusively and solely with the user. Users must properly acknowledge the Iowa Women’s Archives, The University of Iowa Libraries, as the source of the material. For further information, visit

Biographical / Historical

The Friendly Circle Club ( Washington, Iowa) was founded in 1927 by Winifred Schiebel and Roxy Longer as a social club for women in their community. Originally named the Harmony Community Club after the old Harmony School nearby, the club changed its name briefly to XV Club in 1936 before settling on the name Friendly Circle Club later that year. Records were not kept until 1934. While essentially a social club, the group has made small contributions to numerous charities and community groups such as the local library, Camp Fire Girls, and the annual YWCA-Rotary Christmas Party. The club has hosted several anniversary luncheons which celebrate the group's history; former members are invited to attend. The group has also hosted farewell parties for members who move out of the area. At one time the club had as many as seventeen members, but as of 1997, its membership was about ten women.


12.25 linear inches

Photographs in Boxes 2 and 3. boxes

Language of Materials



A Washington, Iowa women's social club which was founded in 1934.

Method of Acquisition

The records (donor no. 935) were donated by Joyce Nebel in 2004 and 2011.

Elizabeth Engel, 2006; Jillian Phillips, 2014.
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note

Repository Details

Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository

100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)