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Second Wave Feminism Periodicals

Identifier: IWA0907

  • Staff Only
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Scope and Contents

This collection of periodicals was originally part of the Sojourner Truth Library, a library of books, newsletters, and other printed resources acquired by subscription, purchase, or donation by the Women's Resource and Action Center on The University of Iowa campus. While the majority are newsletters published by feminist groups in the 1970s and 1980s, some were official publications of agencies concerned with social welfare and other issues. The publications are primarily but not exclusively from the Midwest.

This guide includes references to feminist periodicals that are in other collections in the Iowa Women's Archives, primarily the Jo Rabenold papers, the Iowa City Women's Press records, and the Women's Resource and Action Center records.


  • Creation: 1950-2000

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright held by the donor has been retained by the donor.

However, copyright status for some collection materials may be unknown. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.) beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owner. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility and potential liability based on copyright infringement for any use rests exclusively and solely with the user. Users must properly acknowledge the Iowa Women’s Archives, The University of Iowa Libraries, as the source of the material. For further information, visit


12.50 Linear Feet

Language of Materials



Feminist periodicals originally housed in the Sojourner Truth Library at the Women's Resource and Action Center, Iowa City.

Method of Acquisition

The periodicals were donated by the Women's Resource and Action Center (donor number 222) in 2003.

Related Materials

Women's Resource and Action Center records

Jo Rabenold papers; Iowa City Women's Press Records.

Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note

Repository Details

Part of the Iowa Women's Archives Repository

100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City IA 52242 IaU
319-335-5900 (Fax)