Scribentische Alphabete, 2001
No requestable containers
Scope and Contents
The hard cover book includes 15 hieroglyphic drawings uilizing Scherstjanoi's own alphabet that is explained in the book. The poem-drawings are sound poems. Each card depicts a single "letter" of the alphabet. The calligraphy resembles that of Albrecht Genin and Werner Hartmann. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
- Creation: 2001
- Scherstjanoi, Valeri (Person)
0 See container summary (1 hard cover book + 2 pages (inkjet printed) + 2 pages (inkjet printed, ink, handwriting) + 15 pages (ink, handwriting + box (cardboard, paper covered) + box contents (33 cards, ink, handwriting) + compact disc in clamshell box (cloth covered, cardboard) + case (plastic)) ; 4 x 4.1 cm (card) + 29.8 x 21.3 x .7 cm (book) + 38.5 x 22.7 x 3.5 cm (box)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Physical Location
alphabetical shelves
Custodial History
The Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, gift of Ruth and Marvin A. Sackner and the Sackner Family Partnership.
Published: Berlin, Germany : Hybriden Verlag. Signed by: Valeri Scherstjanoi (c.- colophon); Valeri Scherstjanoi (l.l.- verso each page). Nationality of creator: Russian. General: About 5 total copies. About 2 number copy. General: Added by: RED; updated by: MARVIN.
Genre / Form
Repository Details
Part of the The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry Repository
125 W. Washington St.
Main Library
Iowa City Iowa 52242 United States