Box 145
Contains 9 Results:
[Photo of Duane Michals in front of Bridget Riley art], undated
The Red Coat, 1990
Les Mots Parlent, 1974
La Maronne/Ronde Brève, 1996
The poem object consist of two silkscreened prints depicting experimental music scores wrapped several times around a stiff printed card. The folders insert within a bent open plexiglas frame; the abstract plaster sculpture is sited on the forward bend of the plexiglas frame. The plastic circular poem object with white painted handwriting is mounted on an opened folder on the back of the book object. The sound poem was recorded on the tape casette by Serge Pey. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Roller-Poem, 1977
Rotation MM1, 1966
Mary Martin (1907-1969) was one of the most distinguished and influential of a small group of English constructive artists of the 1950s and '60s. Her geometric paintings, sculptures, reliefs and drawings explore colour, line and form as basic formal elements. This multiple was purchased from her husband, Kenneth Martin. According to Stephen Bury in Artist's Multiples 2001, this was an unlimited edition. However, it is doubtful that more than 100 to 200 copies were actually made. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Extinct, 1997
Rifas indicates on the verso of the label, "This is an offshoot of a 1990's environmental piece called 'Fragile, Damaged, Extinct.' The word 'extinct,' in declining size letters, is etched into one of the open scissor blades. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.