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Box And-Andre


Contains 84 Results:

Card to Ruth & Marvin Sackner (30 Aug.82), 1982

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59002-10002194
Scope and Contents

Carl Andre writes to Ruth and Marvin Sackner, "Ana Mendieta & I wish to thank you very much for the wonderful evening you shared with us in Miami. Your collection & archive are truly of the aesthtic & historic first rank. It is so rare to find such depth in an American collection." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1982

Card to Ruth & Marvin Sackner, 1982

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59003-10002195
Scope and Contents

Carl Andre writes to Ruth and Marvin Sackner, "Thank you for forwarding the bibliography of your monumental collection. It was such a great pleasure to meet you & to see the great works & publications which you have gathered together. Thank you also for helping to make Ana's & my stay in Miami so delightful & rewarding." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1982

A True Interaction, 2005

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-43728-45818
Scope and Contents

This essay traces the history of concrete and visual poetry through time and geography, including poesia visiva, fluxus, lettrisme, futurism, pattern poetry, constructivism and vorticism. It was written as an introduction to an exhibition catalogue of the four artists/poets. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2005

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (28APR.88), 1988

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-58992-10002182
Scope and Contents

Andre states that Fisccherzunft (Rheinhotel Fischerzunft, Schaffhausen, Switzerland is "a dream of comfort & cuisine. If coin is thrown into the shine there, you can see it fall all the way to the bottom." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1988

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (9DEC.88), 1988

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59055-10002198
Scope and Contents

Andre writes that he hopes to "have a chance to thaw out in Florida this winter. How wonderful it would be to pay you a visit & inspect your recent acquisitions." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1988

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (24 DEC.88), 1988

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59056-10002199
Scope and Contents

Andre writes "May you & Ruth & all your family enjoy a healthy, happy, & prosperous New Year! PAXETLVX" With respect to Marvin's suggestion about inscribing language on his flat plate sculptures, he wrote the following after the poet "lao Tzu." "The way is for ever nameless. Thiough the uncarved block is small no one in the world dare claim its allegence....only when it is cut are there names. As soon as there are namesine ought to know it is time to stop." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1988

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (31 MAY.92), 1992

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59057-10002200
Scope and Contents

Andre explains the text of his Poem on the recto and writes that "Poetry may be said to be breath made visible." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1992

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (8 JUN.92), 1992

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59059-10002202
Scope and Contents

Andre writes his message on the verso of an announcement card for the panel on which the Sackners participated at the Getty Center "Reading & the Arts of the Book." Other panelists were John Hollander, Simon Cutts and Marth Wilson. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1992

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (10 JUL.93), 1993

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59060-10002203
Scope and Contents

Andre reports to the Sackners that an exhibition of all of his remaining poetry, about 800 pages, will open in Paula Cooper's gallery on September10,1993. He writes, "I would consider it a great honor if it would be possible for you to visit the show before the opening date. There simply are no people in North America whose opinion I would value so highly." There is an ornimental ink line drawing om the address portion of the card -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1993

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (26 Aug.93), 1993

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59062-10002204
Scope and Contents

Andre sends the annoucement card for his exhibition "Words" at Paula Cooper's Gallery on September 10, 1993 and invites the Sackners to the opening and dinner with his "great pleasure." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1993

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (4 SEPT.93), 1993

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59063-10002206
Scope and Contents

Andre writes about his exhibition at Paula Cooper's Gallery that since" you have Seven Books this show will not be entirely novel to you. But it is the assembly of a vision." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1993

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (21 SEPT.93), 1993

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59064-10002207
Scope and Contents

Andre has typed seven lines of periods in an off center strip. This card is missing from Andre box-AK. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1993

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (23 OCT.93), 1993

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59066-10002208
Scope and Contents

Andre writes about his exhibition at Paula Cooper's Gallery that he is "very happy that the show will travel to Europe. My audience is so much larger & more responsive there. You must feel about as lonely in America as I do." He also discusses his recent surgery and dreaws of stone crab claws. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1993

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (10 MAR.97) / Exhibition Announcement - Stommeln Synagogue, 1997

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59068-10002209
Scope and Contents

In this note, Andre sends an introduction for L. Brandon Krall to visit the archive and thanks them for another tour of their collection.` -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1997

Card to Ruth & Marvin [Sackner] (30 NOV.88), 1988

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-59069-10002210
Scope and Contents

Andre writes that Yves Gevaert & I were fantasizing about you in Brussels. You would purchase my 1960 book 'Passport' from the Addison Gallery, Andover & he would produce a deluxe, facsimile edition. Fantasies are fun whether they happen of not." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1988

Sase, 1990

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-34604-36303
Scope and Contents

Subtitled "A Mail Installation." Also listed as Samsara Congeries Book 8. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1990

[Xerox Poems], 1982

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-26046-26508
Scope and Contents

The original typing reproduced on page 21 is held by the Sackner Archive. These poems were not photocopied by Carl Andre. With letter from Jonas Mekas. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1982

violini , 1998

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-36065-37840
Scope and Contents

The images deal with violins. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1998

Words, 1993

 Item — Box: And-Andre
Identifier: CC-26613-27083
Scope and Contents

This exhibition was a retrospective of Andre's typewriter poetry. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1993