Artist book (limited edition)
Found in 1478 Collections and/or Records:
Le Controleur / Prevert, Jacques., 1996
The poem is printed on French railway tickets. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Le Dernier Livre De Schmoll , 1977
Le Dernier Voyage De Brandan / White, Kenneth ; Righi, Francois., 1988
The calligraphy and drawings were done by Francois Righi. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Le Maire de Paris / Borghesi, Graziella., 1983
Le Manifeste de l'Acide Brut / Mutel, Didier., 2006
Le Moyen d'Obtenir une Ame d'Oiseau / Righi, Francois ; Pico Della Mirandola, Giovanni., 1995
This book, based upon a fragment of text by Zorastre, has an experimental typographic layout with several interspersed typographic ornaments. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Le Neon de la Vie / Lauttre., 1966
Le Photo - Zoo - Aire / Canal, Francoise; Letaillieur F., 1989
The photocollages consist of intricately folded or crumpled printed or photograph paper collaged onto color photographs. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Lease / Gilbert, Gerry., 1971
Unusual format: 3 parts, bound like the letter "W", so that parts one and three open side-by-side, and part two opens on the reverse side, between one and two. Orange cover, each part printed on different coloured paper. Although the book appears to be signed on cover and the card, the handwriting is identical suggesting that the signatures are photoreproduced. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Leboa Trouve Love / Nadau, Jean-Pierre., 2007
Legacy / Stetser, Carol., 2002
The card is a personal note to Pat Collins. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Legacy / Stetser, Carol., 2002
Les Chimeres / Nerval, Gerard ; Adam, Henri-Georges., 1971
Gerald de Nerval was one of the most important French writers in the 19th century both in prose and poetry. This work is a sonnet cycle with a combination of spell, quest and dream. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Les Chimeres / Nerval, Gerard ; Adam, Henri-Georges., 1971
Gerald de Nerval was one of the most important French writers in the 19th century both in prose and poetry. This work is a sonnet cycle with a combination of spell, quest and dream. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Les Instants Mal Gardes, 1983
Les Sens Interdits / Dupont, Albert., 1980
Les Voyelles de Rimbaud / Bory, Jean-Francois; Laszlo, Jean-Noel; Rimbaud A., 2003
Les Yeux CIII CXXV, 1976
Lesbians Are Not Women / Osowski, FnL., 2002
less No.12 / Tullett, Barrie ; Glass P., 2012
This is No.12 in the series 'less - a minimal journal' edited by Julia Johnstone. The images on facing pages consist of squares formed with forward slashes tilted at different angles. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.