Concrete poetry
Found in 6461 Collections and/or Records:
1-9 Poem / Edmonds, Tom., 1967
The original work was a glass and steel construction measuring 18" x 18" x 18". -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
1 bild - 1001 worte / Ulrichs, Timm., 1961
The layout of this poem has the appearance of a film strip. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
1: Kunstlerbucher, Schriften von Kunstlern / Bisson-Millet, Paule-Leon ; Higgins D ; Roth D ; MacLow J ; Mayer HJ ; Bory JF ; Gomringer E ; Williams E ; Ulrichs T ; Nannucci M ; Gette PA ; Chopin H ; Finlay IH., 1992
1 / Radin, Betty., 1985
1 to 9; texts words buildings & colours, 1985
1st Exercise on Guillaume Apollinaire, Le Mel-Amie , 1968
2 + 6 = / Parrot, Horace ; Crozier, Robin ; Claire, Paula., 1987
Also designated ICPA 13. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
2 B U N I / Connors, Mary Jeanne., 1990
#2 Capital Letters / Carothers, Martha., 1992
This is a reproduction from the original edition of eight copies produced as a selling tool; a copy of the original edition is held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
2 Constellations for a Column / Finlay, Ian Hamilton ; Clark TA., 1994
This is a proposal for a Shopping Centre, The Gyle - Edinburgh. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
2 de Oro: Poesia Visual Experimental. No.1/Nov / Hilda Paz, Juan C. Romero, editors ; Mallarme S ; Schwitters K ; Tzara T ; Lissitzky E ; Vigo EA ; Deisler G ; Padin C ; Paz H ; Omar A ; Figueiredo C ; Zambon L ; Galdamez J ; Morandi E ; Romero JC ; Monteiro de Almeida S ; Tellechea N ; Micharvegas M ; Ferrari L., 1997
This issue was published to commemerate the 100th anniversary of Mallarme's "Un Coup de Des." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
2 ou + corpos non mesmo espaco / Antunes, Arnaldo ; DeCampos H., 1997
The compact disc consists of sound poetry. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
2 Poems 1967-1993 (Oval) / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1994
2 slides of A / lopes, damian., 1993
2 stills from BETWEEN / curry, jw; Smith, Steven., 1983
According to curry's catalogue of Gesture Press, this was published December 15, 1983. The back cover of this piece cites @1984 as publication date. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
2 You Cool Hot Mama / Bigus, Richard., 1974
The poem contains the lines, "... 2 you reward me $omewhere in my rapport with Hot Warm Breath from your soft round lips 2 polish my dull brass suspenders." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
2nd Exercise on Guillaume Apollinaire, Le Mel-Amie, 1968
3 Constructions / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1995
Finlay uses different typefaces for the same sentence, e.g., one piece of driftwood patched on another, to connote different elements in the three constructions. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[3-Dimensionmal Letter Poem] / Edmonds, Tom., 1968
This work is a photograph of an untitled poem box by Edmonds. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
3 Keramikere / Andersen, Hans Munck ; Peterson, Gerd Hiort ; Kristiansen, Bo., 1989
The Sackner Archive holds a ceramic piece by Kristiansen. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.