Concrete poetry
Found in 6506 Collections and/or Records:
Zievgma (English = not able to translate) / Bifgioukov, Seifgei., 1994
This is an anthology of mostly undated Russian concretel poetry with numerous examples. The ink, handwritten additions are corrections to the poems and text. The author's name is probably misspelled in English from the Russian. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zigarren / Heimbach, Paul ; Schwitters K., 1992
This work is a concrete poetic adoptation of Kurt Schwitters' Dada poem, Zigazrren. The box was appropriated from "Biddies," a brand of Dutch cigarettes. The work is inscribed to Constantine Post, the dealer from whom the Sackners purchased this piece. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
zimprovisaties, 1968
This edition of early works by Paul De Vree features concrete poetry mainly achieved by typewriting. The piece dedicated to Paul-Armand Gette of an anti-vietnam war poemis constructed as analogous ro a Gette sculprure built with lettered woodblocks. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zivilisation... / Deisler, Guillermo., 1993
Zodiacpoems / Bielski, Alison ; Barnfield P ; Barnfield G., 1973
Each poem, that describes a sign of the Zodiac, is accompanied by an ideogram drawn by the Barnfields. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zona Infestata 2 / Claire, Paula., 1977
Zona Infestata 3 / Claire, Paula., 1977
Zona Infestata / Claire, Paula., 1977
Zona. No.1 / Massimo Guernieri, editor ; Nannucci M ; Chiari G ; LaRocca K ; Moretti A ; Centi L ; Bartolini L ; Viola B., 1976
The loose sheet provides the names of contemporaneous small press periodicals, addresses, and names of contributors. This issue is numbered n00400/1. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zone: AAAA / Powell, David., 1991
Zone: aT / Powell, David., 1991
Zone: Cgg2gW / Powell, David., 1991
Zoom Dentro la Scrittura (Inside Writing) / Diotallevi, Marcello., 1991
The pages build progressively from a micrographic letter "z" to a text of words bounded by the letter "z" to further expansion of the letter "z" in the word "muozsaw" to a solid black color filling the last page. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zoom Poems: Adventures among the Hyperchips / Helmes, Scott., 1992
Zum Lesen sind Verietzungen unumgagnglich / Hoffmann, Suitbert ; Elsas, Wolfgang., 1998
This copy is cut on the foredge of the cover. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zum Lesen sind Verietzungen unumgagnglich / Hoffmann, Suitbert ; Elsas, Wolfgang., 1998
This issue is uncut on the foredge of the book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zum Quadrat / Riha, Karl, editor ; Pastior O ; Jandl E ; Heintz P ; Riha K ; Kerker U ; Hees D., 1990
Each contributor was given one or more pages for a poem or image related to Malevich's "Homage to the Square." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zum Quadrat / Riha, Karl, editor ; Pastior O ; Jandl E ; Heintz P ; Riha K ; Kerker U ; Hees D ; Malevich K., 1990
Each contributor was given one or more pages for a poem or image related to Malevich's "Homage to the Square." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zur Sache der Konkreten, 2000
This book is a selection of critical essays about art and poetry written between 1958 and 2000. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Zurich-Amsterdam-Paris-London-New York-Rom-Hamburg / Hirsal, Josef; Grogerova, Bohumila., 1961
This poem is based upon a railway trip with spacing between lines suggesting distances. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.