Concrete poetry
Found in 6461 Collections and/or Records:
Types of Shape: New, Expanded Edition / Hollander, John., 1991
This is the second edition of a book first published in 1969, a copy also held by the Sackner Archive. It contains 10 new poems as well as additional notes by the poet. The basis for writing each typewriter poem is concisely described by Hollander on the page facing the poem pages. A single shaped poem, including among others a light bulb, a star of David, an arrow, a musical note, and a swan with its shadow, is laid out on a page. One copy is a second printing, the other a third printing. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Types Who Make / Houedard, Dom Sylvester., 1967
Typescapes , 1967
Aylward & bp Nichol co-edited Ganglia Press publications. The poems in this book are printed one to a page with a thin vertical structure of typings forming abstract images on the right side and a caption consisting of a phrase in the left lower corner. This is the author's first book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Typewitten Concrete Poems] / Nikonova, Rea., 1988 - 1997
[Typewriter Drawings] / Tobias, Gert; Tobias, Uwe., 2010
Several of these typings emulate with less success the calligraphic-like typings of Dom Silvester Houedard. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Typewriter. No.3 / Robert Caldwell, Ruby Montelone, editors ; DiPalma R ; Hawks A ; Sobin AG ; Adler J ; Quibel L ; Camnitzer L ; Oshel D ; Paul H., 1973
Includes a five page section by Luis Camnitzer entitled "Image - English Dictionary.' -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Typewriter Poems / Finch, Peter, editor ; Claire P ; Clark TA ; Cobbing B ; Gibbs M ; Houedard DS ; Mayer P ; McCarthy C ; Morgan E ; Riddell A ; Sharkey JJ ; Verey C ; Zurbrugg N ; Parfitt W ; Lloyd A ; Ward J ; Bielski A ; Jenkins P ; Patton M ; pederson lg ; Gilbert J ; Stephens M., 1972
This American edition was copyrighted by Something Else Press and most of the run was destroyed by Dick Higgins because he had not been informed that the anthology was entirely British. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Typewriter Poems / Finch, Peter, editor ; Claire P ; Clark TA ; Cobbing B ; Gibbs M ; Houedard DS ; Mayer P ; McCarthy C ; Morgan E ; Riddell A ; Sharkey JJ ; Verey C ; Zurbrugg N ; Parfitt W ; Lloyd A ; Ward J ; Bielski A ; Patton M ; pederson lg ; Jenkins P ; Gilbert J ; Stephens M., 1972
This U.K. edition was copyrighted by Second Aeon Publications. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
typewriter poems / Green, Theo., 2015
Typewriter: Rune 2: 26 Voices/January Interlude. No.10 / Karl Kempton., 1980
The cover was designed by Karl Kempton. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Typewriter Town / Smith, William Jay., 1960
Typewritings Eat [GE89] / Evason, Greg., 2002
Typewritings QID [GE11] / Evason, Greg., 2002
Typewritings unt - c version 2 [GE91] / Evason, Greg., 2002
Typo / Mayer, Hansjorg., 2015
Typo-Strukturen: A / Buchwalder, Ernst., 1969
The letter A is repeated alternately right side up and upside down in eleven rows. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Typo-Strukturen: E / Buchwalder, Ernst., 1969
The letter E is repeated in clusters of four creating a cross-like image in five rows. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Typoaktionen / Mayer, Hansjorg ; Dohl R., 1967
A limited edition portfolio consisting of prints of the the subject matter in this book designated "Typoaktionen 2" (1976) is also held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Typoems / Mayer, Hansjorg ; Bense M ; DeCampos H ; Goeritz M ; Dohl R ; Maser S., 1965
Typogramme 1 / Gosewitz, Ludwig., 1962
Each print depicts a typewriter poem formed by a square grid of punctuation signs, parentheses and carats designed in a complex arrangement. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.